Ingrown hair in the genital area? This is how you get rid of it!

ingrown hair in the intimate area

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There are things that people don't like to talk about. The best example of this is an ingrown hair in the genital area. But don't worry, I'll tell you what you can do about it!

Everyone knows ingrown hairs. They look unsightly and can also become painfully inflamed. A red bump, sometimes even filled with pus, is the thanks.

They are most annoying in the intimate zone. Here the skin is particularly sensitive and thin. So much in advance: You are not alone with this problem.

Everyone who shaves, epilates or waxes down below knows this phenomenon.

An ingrown hair in the genital area is not the end of the world. I'll tell you now what you can do about it and how to prevent it in the future.

Why do ingrown hairs occur in the intimate area?

You know those painful red pimples in the bikini line? When they appear in large quantities, it looks anything but pretty.

Therefore, most often hides an ingrown hair that has become inflamed. Until the redness disappears, it may take days.

Once the redness is gone, you can often see the hair growing across the skin. If you run your finger over the spot, you won't feel the hair at all, no wonder, it has found a place for itself under the skin.

Shaving pimples in the genital area and ingrown hairs are not the same thing, by the way!

Every time you shave, your skin gets irritated and damaged. If you often struggle with this problem, then you should not shave too often and give the skin a breather.

The cause of ingrown hairs

Whether an ingrown hair occurs in the intimate area, armpits or legs - is all the same. The cause is always the same.

Especially affected are all those who very often resort to razors and epilators. Most often, the inflammation occurs directly after hair removal.

The problem can be summarized quite simply: The plucked hairs grow back. Often, however, they do not grow directly upwards, but laterally into the skin. These diagonally growing hairs very often do not make it to the skin surface and bore into the top layer of skin.

If you're prone to dry skin, you've probably been annoyed by it many times. Dry skin occurs when the top layer of skin consists of dead skin cells. If you do not remove them, they remain on the skin like a thin white film.

The hair is often very difficult to push through and grow straight up. And already we have the salad.

ingrown hairs in the intimate area

Why hair grows in the bikini area

Ingrown hairs are especially unpleasant when they occur in the intimate area. And this is not a rarity.

In the intimate zone, another factor comes into play that favors the ingrowth of hairs. In most people, the pubic hair is curled.

Even if it has reached the surface, it may drive the tip back into the skin.

Unfortunately, ingrown hairs in the intimate area are particularly painful. They are more than 5 times more likely to become infected than in other parts of the body.

If you have a hair on the way, you should avoid pressing on the pimple like crazy. Bacteria can spread and you can even get a hair follicle inflammation. This can further develop into a boil or carbuncle, which is very painful.

A boil is a purulent pustule in the intimate area. The redness and pain radiate far. It can grow to the size of a walnut in severe cases and must be opened by a doctor.

Also very painful turn out carbuncles. These are several inflamed hair ounces that fuse together and form a knot.

If you very often have hair that grows in, then you should think about permanent hair removal. For this purpose, there are so-called IPL laser devices that kill the hair root. The hair simply falls out and no longer grows back. Here you can read more about it:

Braun IPL hair remover Silk-Expert Pro
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How can I recognize an ingrown hair?

Is it just a normal pimple, a redness or is there a hair in the pimple after all? Often it is not so easy to determine. But that is not so important now, it is crucial that you deal with the problem correctly.

As soon as you notice redness and swelling, it is an inflammation. What is forbidden now: squeezing, scratching and pressing around.

This is guaranteed to make it much worse. If it goes really bad, even a scar or skin discoloration remains.

Get rid of ingrown hairs

How can I remove an ingrown hair in the genital area?

A good news in between: Ingrown hairs are harmless. The inflammation usually subsides after a few days. However, the inflamed hair root may hurt.

Then you should remove the ingrown hair yourself to speed up the healing process.

An ingrown hair in the intimate area can be removed in 3 steps. But at the very beginning there is something that many people forget: Wash your hands thoroughly with soap!

#1 Open the pore

The easiest way to remove an inflamed hair is after bathing or showering. The warm water opens the pores by itself and the skin becomes more permeable.

If you do not have time for a bath, you can use a washcloth dipped in warm water. Put it on the affected area and wait at least 5 minutes.

Now you should be able to see the culprit. If not, the next tip will help you.

#2 Remove dander

Sometimes ingrown hairs sit deep under the skin. Even a long full bath won't help. We have to bring out the big guns to get to the hair.

Use a mild exfoliating scrub - which you can make yourself in a minute.

There are scrubs that are specifically for ingrown hairs. They usually contain a soothing lotion, which ensures that the stressed skin calms down and heals faster. Peelings work especially well with Tea tree oil*, like this one.

Australian Bodycare Intimate Shaving Set Against Ingrown Hair
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#3 Remove the ingrown hair

At this point at the latest, you should have eye contact with the hair. Now use tweezers or needle - please disinfect both well.

Carefully open the pimple and try to get the tip of the hair to the surface. Grab it with the tweezers and pluck it out.

What can I do if the hair cannot be removed?

Okay, that sounds like a good plan. But what if the hair just doesn't want to come out?

Then please don't pick at your skin any longer. Wait a day and let it rest. Tomorrow you start the process all over again. Often the hair comes to the surface overnight. When the skin has calmed down, it will take care of this particular challenge by itself.

You can treat mild inflammation with my traction or zinc ointment. Apply a little to the ingrown hair and tape it off with a plaster.

If the hair is in the bikini area and is always rubbed up by the underwear, then just leave the panties off. The skin can recover so much faster.

If all efforts are forgiven, then you should see a dermatologist.

Inflamed hair roots in the genital area are very common. You don't have to be ashamed of it!

How you can prevent ingrown hairs

Even better than having to remove an ingrown hair in your intimate area is making sure it doesn't happen at all. With a few tricks, you can greatly reduce the likelihood of ingrown hairs.

If you suffer from this problem frequently, then it's a clear sign that you should rethink a skin care routine. Try these tips:

Do not wear tight pants

Have you just had a hair infection or do you want to avoid future ones? Then you should wear comfortable and loose clothing. Especially right after shaving, tight panties, shorts or pantyhose are a no-go.

It's best to shave in the evening and then slip into loose and comfortable pants.

Change the razor blades often

Better once too often than once too rarely. One of the most common causes of redness after intimate shaving are old razor blades. They are full of bacteria and sometimes even slightly rusty.

Blunt blades injure the skin and cause irritation. When the blade no longer glides smoothly over the skin, discard it and use a new one.

If you have a hard time with classic razor blades, I can give you a shaving razor to the heart. Thus, skin irritation occurs much less often - the sharp blade is very gentle to the skin.

If you are interested in this topic, check out the WLDOHO razor plane* an. I use the razor myself and am very happy with it because razor bumps and itchy armpits occur much less frequently.

What I also like is that for every model sold, a tree is planted. WLDOHO is committed to protecting the environment and wants to help avoid the plastic that always comes with a conventional razor.

prevent ingrown hairs

A weekly peeling

Ingrown hairs often arise because they cannot reach the surface. We have already briefly touched on this topic. To prevent this from happening, you should regularly remove dead skin cells.

If you do without it, then the pores clog and the hair grows into the skin. A good scrub with its abrasive particles ensures that the dandruff, excess skin oil and dirt disappear and the skin can breathe.

Never shave dry

When things have to go fast, we've all dry shaved. But that's not a good idea. If you shave without shaving cream or gel, then the razor can not glide.

With every move you make scratches and take off a lot of skin. It gets really bad when razor burn occurs, which can be quite painful. So please always use shaving cream - he by the way is very easy to make yourself.

Use care products for the intimate zone

Hair grows back healthier and more evenly when the skin has enough moisture available. Then old skin flakes also occur less frequently. Quite suitable are products that are made specifically for the intimate area.

They often contain soothing and anti-inflammatory ingredients such as. Tea tree oil* or aloe vera.

Our conclusion

An ingrown hair in the intimate area is very unpleasant and can cause terrible pain. But it is not the end of the world. Avoid picking at it and open the pore very carefully.

If you regularly exfoliate and moisturize the skin, ingrown hairs will occur much less frequently. All the best to you and good luck in the fight against the hairs in the intimate zone!

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