How fast does hair actually grow?

How quickly grow hair

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Especially if you finally want to wear your hair long again, you have certainly asked yourself: How fast does hair actually grow? We tell you and give you tips on how your hair can grow faster.

A long, full and healthy mane is for many THE hair-goal! On average, we have about 10,000 hairs on the head and a whole five million on the whole body. Incredibly many!

After I had to leave quite a lot of hair at the hairdresser, I really wanted to know: How fast does hair grow? And how can I accelerate the natural hair growth?

Because I also want to finally have my long hair back in as short a time as possible.

A little patience is necessary, because depending on the predisposition hair grows slower or faster. However, there are some tips and tricks that accelerate the growth and care for the hair in parallel.

Long mane - we are coming. And the best part? We also declare war on annoying split ends at the same time!

Here come the answers to your questions.

How does hair grow?

Hair is not only beautiful, but also a rather complex part of our body (technically called skin appendages, by the way).

Hairs are horny filaments that consist mainly of keratin (fiber-scarred protein). But how does hair grow fast now?

Growth is stimulated in the hair root, which is located in the dermis. In its core, the hair papilla, nutrients are collected. These make our hair grow and thrive quickly.

However, the hair does not always grow when supplied with nutrients.

There are three different phases:

  • Anagen phase: growth (lasts about two to six years, your hair grows in the phase)
  • Catagen phase: transition (lasts about two weeks, then growth stops and the hair detaches from the root).
  • Telogen phase: rejection (lasts about two to four months, then the hair does not receive nutrients, falls off and after about four weeks a new hair begins to grow)

These cycles ensure that there is always enough hair (on the head) and grow.

While a new hair grows in one place, it rests in another or already falls out in another. On average, around 15 percent of the total hair is always in the catagen phase.

Your so-called hair cycle regulates various influences such as hormones, genes, nutrient influence, time of day. and much more.

So how fast your hair grows depends on genes and hormones, among other things, and also on the valuable nutrients that reach the hair root. And there are other aspects that determine how fast the hair grows.

How many hairs fall out?

Normally, hair falls out after two to six years and about 50 to 100 hairs are shed every day. However, when more than 100 head hairs fall out per day, it is called hair loss.

The most common types of hair loss are hereditary hair loss, also known as androgenetic alopecia, which is caused by hormones and genetics, and diffuse hair loss, which depends on individual life circumstances.

It doesn't matter how thick or long your hair is - hair loss occurs in the hair follicles at the roots in the scalp. These are responsible for hair growth.

So, remember: hair loss is a natural process in which hair falls out and new ones grow back. However, if you notice excessive hair loss, it is advisable to consult an expert to determine the cause and take appropriate measures.

How fast does hair grow?

So here's the thing: each of us has our own hair growth rate. On average, hair grows about one centimeter per month. Doesn't sound like much, does it? But keep in mind that over the course of a year, that's a whole 12 centimeters!

There are a few factors that can influence hair growth. Genetics plays a big role - some people naturally have faster hair growth than others. But our lifestyle, diet and overall health can also play a role.

Here's the deal: Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure that will instantly accelerate hair growth. But we can do our best to keep our hair healthy so it reaches its full potential. A balanced diet, adequate water and proper care are key.

Here are some factors that affect the speed:

  • Genetics
  • Nutrition and health
  • Care
  • Hormones
  • Hair type
  • Age


Genetics plays a big role when it comes to your hair growth. This means that your parents and ancestors have an influence on how fast your hair grows.

Some of us are lucky enough to be blessed with great hair genetics - they naturally have thick and fast-growing hair. But don't worry if you're not one of those lucky ones! There are so many other factors you can control to keep your hair healthy and beautiful.

You have your own unique hair genetics, and that's what makes you special. Focus on taking the best care of your hair and loving it, regardless of how fast it grows. And remember that how your hair feels and looks is more important than how fast it grows.

Nutrition and health

A balanced diet is the key. Try to include foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. Think green leafy vegetables, nuts, fish and eggs - they're great for your hair!

Also, don't forget to drink enough water. This is important to keep your hair and scalp healthy. Stay hydrated!

And here's another tip: avoid crash diets and extremely unbalanced diets. Your body needs a variety of nutrients to function properly, and this also affects your hair.


Proper care is super important to keep your hair healthy and strong. Let's chat about it sometime!

First, be gentle on your hair. Avoid too much heat from styling tools and try not to overuse them all the time. Also, give your hair a break from tight styles so it can recover.

Remember that hair is thirsty sometimes! Moisture is key. Use a good moisturizer or hair mask to keep your hair hydrated and supple.

And here's another tip: use hair care products that suit your hair type. Every hair is unique, so find out which products work best for you. And remember that sometimes less is more - don't over-condition your hair!


So, we women know that hormones can sometimes go crazy, right? During puberty, pregnancy or menopause, hormonal changes can occur and affect our hair. Sometimes hair loss or slowed growth can occur - pretty frustrating, right?

This is often temporary. Hormones will settle down and your hair will start to come back. It may take a while, but be patient.

If you think your hormones are going crazy and affecting your hair growth, you could also talk to a health care professional. They can help you better understand the situation and possibly offer solutions.

Hair type

There are different hair types out there, like straight, curly, wavy or frizzy hair. Each hair type has its own special characteristics and challenges.

It's important to know your hair type so you can choose the right care and products. Straight hair may need less moisture, while curly hair needs extra moisture and definition.

Accept and appreciate your own hair as it is. Don't constantly compare yourself to others and don't try to change your hair type. Be proud of your unique mane and find the care routine that works best for you.

So, find out what hair type you are and take loving care of your hair. Use the right products and find out which styling techniques and hairstyles suit your hair type best.


It is quite normal that our hair changes with age. As we get older, the hair may become thinner or lose elasticity. However, this does not mean that it stops growing!

The rate of hair growth can slow down over time. This is completely normal and part of the natural aging process. But hey, don't panic - the hair still grows!

It is important to take good care of the hair even at an advanced age. Make sure you eat a balanced diet, drink enough water and use nourishing products that are specially designed for the needs of mature hair.

10 simple tricks that will improve your hair growth

Basically, hair growth is genetically determined. For better and especially healthier hair growth, it is important that you take proper care of your mane. And you need to make sure that they do not break prematurely or fall out!

So you get a healthy and full head of hair:

1. the right care

If you want to be beautiful, you have to care! Especially if you want to have healthy, long and shiny hair.

Feel free to take some time to care for and pamper your hair and scalp.

This way you can make sure that there is less hair breakage and thus even less hair falls out.

How fast the hair grows, depends decisively on the correct care routine.

2. use special shampoo

There are some shampoo varieties that stimulate hair growth. How fast the hair grows is also influenced by your shampoo.

Caffeine in shampoos stimulates the scalp, coenzyme Q 10 achieves a similar effect.

If you use shampoos with caffeine or coenzyme Q 10 regularly, for example every second hair wash, your hair will probably grow much faster.

3. use hair masks

Hair masks are really important for your hair. You should regularly Make hair masks yourself.

Whether with Argan oil* or aloe vera, they are good for your hair. They protect the existing hair and ensure that it breaks or falls out less. This also counteracts split ends.

4. rinse with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is the holy hair graal. It perfectly nourishes the hair, making them shiny and soft.

It also nourishes your scalp and makes it easier to comb your hair. So especially for stubborn hair you should try an apple cider vinegar conditioner. One apple cider vinegar rinse you can easily mix yourself.

5. apply (hair) oils

I have yes olive oil recently discovered for me. My hair was soooo dry that I wanted to try a whole new care. And believe me: olive oil is the hit.

Olive oil helps super well against hair loss and makes the hair totally soft. I love it.

But you can also Coconut oil* or castor oil. You can check how quickly hair grows with Coconut oil* very well. It penetrates directly into the hair and provides it with nutrients and moisture.
Castor oil is full of omega-3 fatty acids. These are also good if you want to stimulate hair growth.

You should apply the oils directly to the hair, gladly massaging them in.

Then let it soak in and work overnight. It's best to wrap your hair in a towel or an old shirt then, otherwise your pillow will get dirty.

Some oils, such as castor oil, are really difficult to wash out. Then simply do a second wash afterwards.

6. balanced diet

We know it from advertising and it's true: you are what you eat.

The successful hair beauty really comes from within. When you healthy and balanced diet, your hair will grow faster and they become healthier.

Trace elements, protein and vitamins are extremely important for growth.

A deficiency can quickly lead to hair loss.

How fast your hair grows depends largely on your diet. Always make sure to eat enough iron and protein.

You can also give your hair a helping hand with various supplements such as silica or biotin.

Vitamin B should also not be missing from your diet. It supports the absorption of minerals and other vitamins.

The following foods are especially valuable if you want to stimulate your hair growth:

  • Proteins: pumpkin seeds, lentils, almonds
  • Trace elements: Oats, nettle, millet
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: salmon, Chia* Seeds
  • Vitamins: Olive oil, walnuts, sunflower seeds

Bon appétit!

7. the hormone balance in equilibrium

A balanced hormone level is not only beneficial for your hair. In general, it's good for your well-being if your hormones don't go crazy.

Most of the time, if you have problems with your hormones, it's better to see your doctor.

The pill can have pretty harsh effects. Your gynecologist will be able to give you important information about this.

So you should eat healthy, take care of your hair and your hair still doesn't grow? Then it's definitely your hormones.

Have your hormone balance checked out! :)

8. it depends on the pillow

Sleep and stimulate hair growth at the same time? It's possible! A silk or satin pillowcase can actually help.

Such a cover is super soft and comfortable. Thus, it protects your hair from split ends. Pillows in satin or silk cover are extremely gentle to your hair.

The smooth surface avoids harmful friction and does not stress your hair.

So you should bed your hair well if you want to grow it fast.

9. cutting tips

You must have heard this before, right? If you want to have healthy and full hair, you need to cut your ends regularly.

So you can avoid hair breakage and Avoid split ends.

The rule of thumb: Every ten weeks your tips should be cut. That is, at least two centimeters should come off.

Hair growth month

10. wellness program for the head

I always love it when my hairdresser massages my head while washing my hair. I can totally switch off in the process. And he virtually massages a long mane on my head.

Because head massages stimulate blood circulation, which allows the hair to be better supplied with nutrients.

Since we can't be on the mat at our hairdressers all the time, here's a little guide to an effective head massage:

Apply gentle pressure to the scalp with your fingers. Move your fingers in circular motions.

If you have too long fingernails, you can use a super good head massager for that.

By the way, brushing your hair has almost the same effect. If you brush your hair regularly and extensively, you can soon answer the question "how fast does hair grow?" with "very fast!

How to reduce hair growth

Of course, there are also influences that prevent your hair from growing fast.

Unfortunately, much of what you and I find beautiful can be rather bad for growth.

If you want to know how fast your hair can grow, you should not do the following things from now on.


  • the heat from the curling iron or straightener
  • aggressive hair dyes
  • tight braids or tight braided hairstyles
  • very strong UV radiation
  • Baths in chlorinated water
  • dry heating air in winter.

Our conclusion

How fast does hair grow? Hopefully we could answer the question in detail.

No more worries at the next visit to the hairdresser and that even if a centimeter more downmuss. With our effective tricks you can positively influence your hair growth.

So you have a healthy, full and especially long mane of hair in no time. Hair goal achieved!

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