Hair breaking off at the roots? You can do that!

Hair breaks off at the base

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Is your hair breaking at the roots and you don't know what to do about it? We'll tell you the causes and what you can do about hair breakage.

Shiny and healthy hair to the tips - a dream of every woman. But only the fewest are blessed with it.

Frequent dyeing or incorrect styling causes hair to break off, is dry, strawy and split ends. The only thing that helps is to cut it off?

Not always.

Before you reach for the scissors right away, let's find the cause and with a few tricks you can quickly fix the problem.

I'll tell you why your hair breaks off at the roots, how you can prevent it in future and what mistakes you should never make again!

What is hair breakage anyway?

With hair breakage, the hair becomes porous and can break off at the roots, lengths or tips.

The Hair appears thinner as a result and loses its elasticity and resilience. It can hardly be styled and looks brittle and straw-like.

You can recognize brittle hair by the small white spots in the hair where it has broken off. This can be in the tips but also in the lengths.

However, you should know that hair breakage and Split ends are not the same is. Split ends only occur in the tips. This is where the hair splits into two or more parts.

However, the hair looks dry and dull even with split ends. However, it does not break off.

Hair breaks off at the base

What are the causes of brittle hair?

Your hair breaks off at the roots? There are many causes for hair breakage. Often it is small things that are decisive for brittle hair.

1. hot styling tools break your hair

Blubble hair is the name given to hair that becomes brittle from too much heat styling.

In the process, the air-filled cavities in the hair structure form small bubbles. These make the hair vulnerable and the hair breaks off.


The hair contains creatine proteins and hydrogen bonds. Hot styling tools such as straighteners or blow-drying too hot break the hydrogen bonds due to the high temperatures.

This removes natural oils and proteins from the hair, making them supple and resistant.

2. dyeing hair makes the hair break off

Not all color treatments leave hair equally damaged and brittle. A semi-permanent coloration is much more loving to your lengths than a bleached platinum blonde.

Nevertheless Dyeing your hair is not healthy in the long term. The chemical ingredients make the hair porous and more susceptible to breakage and split ends.

If you still want to dye your hair, I recommend using natural hair dyes. They are free from chemicals and do not dry out the hair. You can see for yourself here. My colleague Lydia has tested it: "I dyed my hair with vegetable dye - that's what happened!

3. hair breaks off at the roots: you are wearing the wrong hairstyle

You wear the same hairstyle all the time because it's quick and you feel comfortable with it?

Hairstyles where the hair is tied tightly upwards inevitably pull on your lengths. This weakens the hair structure and promotes split ends.

In addition, the lengths are repeatedly tied together at the same point. The permanent pressure point and mechanical friction strongly fray the structure in this area. The hair becomes rough and breaks off at the base.

4. your hair lacks nutrients

Your hair breaks off at the roots because you lack important nutrients and a balanced diet.

A healthy and balanced diet is crucial for healthy and strong hair and prevents hair loss.

Biotin, zinc, vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids and iron make your hair especially beautiful. Vitamin D is also important for your hair.

5. hair breaks off at the roots: you do not care for your hair enough

Proper care is essential for healthy hair. Lack of moisture puts your hair at risk.

Although the scalp produces oil to keep dry hair supple, coloring and styling deprives it of natural moisture in the long run.

So hardly any of the natural oil reaches the lower lengths and the ends of the hair. The hair breaks off at the roots and becomes dry and straw-like.

To prevent this you can help with a natural hair oil. Spread it in the tips and lengths.

6. you brush your hair when wet

The hair swells during washing. This ensures that the protective cuticle layer is no longer as tight to the hair shaft.

If you go to bed with wet hair or brush it while it's wet, a lot of damage can be done.

7. hair breaks off at the roots: you rub your hair dry

Scrubbing wet hair dry with hard cotton towels can cause lengths to break in seconds.

Instead, squeeze out the water while still in the sink or shower and use an extra towel for your hair. That is, one that is not already wet from drying your body when you wrap it around your head.

Also, don't rub your hair too hard, just dab gently over the lengths.

Hair breaks off at the base Tips

Hair breaks off at the roots: What you can do about it

Is your hair breaking off at the roots? Then you should definitely do something about it. We have the best tips for you!

Cut your tips regularly

To keep your hair healthy in the long term, you should have your hair cut regularly. This prevents hair breakage and makes your hair look much healthier.

Wash your hair properly

The more often you wash your hair, the more stressed it becomes. But it depends not only on the frequency of washing, but also on the temperature.

Wash hair less often and less hot ensures that your hair does not break off at the roots.

Hair breaks off at the roots: avoid heat exposure

Straightener, curling iron, hair dryer - with these styling aids you can conjure up great hairstyles. However, every heat styling is pure stress for your hair.

Your hair breaks off at the roots? Then you should do without it as often as possible. Excessive heat dries out the hair.

If you can't manage without a hairdryer and the like, let your hair air-dry first. Or set your hairdryer to cold air. It will take longer, but you can prevent it from getting worse.

The right care

Your hair needs the right careto stay healthy. Prevent it from losing moisture.

It's best to use a shampoo and conditioner without silicones. Products that contain honey or aloe vera are also good.

The ingredients Glycerin* and panthenol seal the hair with a protective layer and retain moisture. They also contain repairing molecules that anchor themselves in the hair. This strengthens your hair.

Care products with creatine are also recommended. It smoothes the surface, repairs damage and builds up a new protective layer.

Also use oils with almonds, macadamia or jojoba. However, use them only every few days. Otherwise, the hair is unnecessarily weighed down.

Do not use strict hair ties

Hair elastics can also cause hair breakage. Especially hair elastics with metal pieces break the hair!

If the hair is always tied in the same place, hair breakage will also occur.

Hair break off at the base: sleep on silk pillow

Your bedding can be the reason why your hair breaks off at the roots. While dreaming, we move our head back and forth countless times. The cover of your pillow is rough and rubs the hair.

Get a silk cover for your pillow. The surface structure of the cover already the hair and does not extract moisture from it.

It is also advisable to tie the hair overnight. For straight hair, loose braided hairstyles or a loose chignon are particularly suitable. Use a soft, wide hair tie made of fabric.

Twists are especially good for curly heads. Here you simply twist your hair on the top of your head into two chignon.

Use the right brush

Is your hair breaking off at the roots? To prevent this, you should pay attention to the right combing and brush.

Use a brush with natural fibers that are rounded. This protects the hair and does not rub them further. You should avoid using toupee combs. Toupying damages your hair even more.

Do not brush your wet hair. They are much more stretchy than when dry. You tear at the hair without realizing it.

Eat healthy

Did you know that an unbalanced diet can promote brittle hair at the roots? Like our whole body, hair also needs important nutrients.

Zinc, iron, vitamin C and Biotin strengthen hair from the inside out and can prevent hair breakage.

You can get the vitamins and nutrients through oatmeal, whole grains, nuts, dairy products, legumes, and eggs so that the hair at the roots will no longer break.

Hair break off at the base care

Why you should not let broken hair grow back

Letting broken hair grow back is not a good idea. They not only look unsightly, but can even make the problem worse. Because if the hair has lost its length due to the breakage, it often also suffers from split ends at the tips.

So the hair keeps breaking off.

Make sure that you take proper care of your hair. If this does not improve the overall appearance of your hair, the best solution is a visit to the hairdresser.

He can professionally assess the condition of your hair and also help you determine the right grooming strategy or trim your hair to a healthy length that is less prone to breakage, if needed.

Our conclusion

The hair breaks off at the roots, is brittle, dull and straw-like - everyone has certainly had to struggle with this. But with our tips you now know how you can prevent hair breakage.

All the best for you and your mane!

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