Gray hair at 30 - help! What to do?

gray hair at 30

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You have discovered the first white hair and wonder what is the reason for gray hair at 30? There are a few causes that promote the graying of the hair. We tell you what the cause is!

You're just out of your twenties, feeling anything but old. But when you look in the mirror, you start to shudder. The first gray hairs are starting to show.

Omg, is it going steeply downhill now? Are age spots and deep wrinkles coming soon?

Rest assured. Gray hair at 30 is not uncommon, you are not alone with this phenomenon.

But why do some of us get graying hair earlier, while others still have their beautiful brunette mane at 50?

Nobody likes getting older. At least no one who is an adult. While as teenagers we look forward to finally turning 18, the joy turns at the latest when we turn 25.

This is common to all women and men of all ages. One of the first signs of this is gray hair from 30.

At the same time, the first white hairs are perfectly normal. They can appear at any time. Some get gray hair in their mid-20s, others not until their 40s. In the Medical News Today recently stood that the human body has millions of hair follicles. They are responsible for making us grow hair and for supplying our hair with melanin. The melanin ensures that we have red, black, brown or blond hair.

If our body lacks the amino acid tyrosine, it produces less melanin. After time, we lose pigment cells and that ends for us in gray hair at 30, 20 or 40. But there are more reasons for the first white strands. We took a close look and tell you why you get gray hair at 30.

At first, only individual hairs turn gray or white, later they become more and more.

Why gray hair at 30 has nothing to do with premature aging

When you get right down to it, gray hair over 30 is not considered premature graying. In medicine, we speak of premature aging when someone has gray hair before the age of 20.

Statistically, the first white hairs appear between the ages of 30 and 50. Therefore, gray hair at 30 is nothing unusual.

In everyday life, however, hardly anyone talks about the first gray hairs, which is why it seems to you as if you are turning gray prematurely, although this does not happen at all rarely.

Your mane now needs something above all else: natural care without artificial additives. Moisturize your hair regularly to prevent it from becoming shaggy and straw-like.

What causes white hair at 30

The reasons for the graying of the hair could not be more different. Nevertheless, you will find a few clues here, which will certainly help you in your search for the cause.

The genes affect our hair color

Let's look at it soberly: Our hair is nothing more than horny threads made of creatine. They get their natural colorant from melanin.

When our body shuts down production is genetically determined. For some, gray hair appears at 30, for others not until 50. If your parents graying early, there is a high probability that you will feel the same way.

For this reason, there are also some lucky people who, at the age of 50, still have virtually no gray hair on their heads.

As is well known, little can be done about genes.

Vitamins have influence on white hair

A look at Medical News Today shows that our diet can also have an influence on the graying of hair. Thus, a deficiency of vitamin B6, B12, vitamin D or vitamin E can promote gray hair from 30.

By the way, your hair becomes really strong with biotin. This is a water-soluble vitamin - also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H. You can find it in many foods such as beef liver, egg yolk, yeast or oatmeal.

gray hair at 30

But there is a tasty alternative, and that is. Biotin gummy bears* :) So you can snack and do something good for your mane.

Also in the Biotin gummy bears* you will find zinc, folic acid, vitamins A, C and E. In other words, a full load of hair power. The light orange bears taste like wild berries and are delicious. I can highly recommend them. If you're not satisfied, there's a 30-day money-back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose.

Biotin gummy bears
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Because they are high doses, you only need to eat one gummy bear per day. Sounds good, doesn't it? :)

How oxidative stress turns us gray

In our body there should always be a balance between oxidants and antioxidants. If this balance gets out of control, then we speak of oxidative stress. It is triggered by "free radicals".

Our body can protect itself from free radicals if we provide it with the right nutrients. Many free radical scavengers can be found in fresh fruits and vegetables and high-quality vegetable oils. Vitamin C, E, zinc, selenium, manganese and copper can protect our cells from oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress can cause our skin to age faster and our hair to turn gray. It damages the collagen structures of the cells.

How stress in everyday life can cause gray hair at 30

Do you have a lot of stress in your life? This could also affect your hair. Not only that they turn gray faster, but also that they become thinner and break off faster.

A study from New York University suggests that the cells responsible for hair color simply can't produce color when they are under too much stress. Other studies, on the other hand, say that stress plays only a minor role in our being annoyed by gray hair at 30.

What can now be said with a fair degree of certainty is that prolonged stress promotes hair loss. If the stress subsides, the hair recovers relatively quickly.

However: too much stress harms our entire body. Whether the hair turns white from it, is not yet clearly confirmed.

Gray hair with 30 cause

Smokers get white hair earlier

This is reported by a Italian study from 2010. In the study, scientists conclude that smokers have a 2.5x higher probability of turning gray before the age of 30. If you want, you are welcome to read this study.

How home remedies can keep first gray hairs at bay

Have you ever heard of black tea, curry or onion against gray hair? I haven't tried it myself, but some people swear by it.

Black tea for white hair

You probably know that black tea is healthy and tastes delicious. But your hair also benefits from a cup of tea. It prevents the hair from drying out and breaking quickly. Black tea gives hair a natural shine and colors it darker.

You need

  • 2 tablespoons black tea powder
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 cup water

Bring the ingredients to a boil together. Let the hair conditioner cool and pour off the tea powder. Massage the dark hair color into your hair and do not wash it out.

It is best to do this one day after washing your hair. Then your hair will absorb it best. It is recommended to repeat the process 2-3 times a week.

Curry can cover gray hair

Curry leaves contain a lot of vitamin B. This makes them a secret weapon for gray hair at 30. This makes them a secret weapon for gray hair at 30. With regular use, your hair will become darker and the gray hairs will simply be covered. The Coconut oil* protects the hair and gives it shine and moisture.

You need

Melt the oil in a saucepan. Place the curry leaves in the pot. Make sure the oil is warm throughout, but not too hot. After 6-8 minutes, the curry leaves will have released dye.

Fish the leaves out of the oil and let the Coconut oil* become firm. Massage it into your scalp and wash it out after an hour with a mild shampoo.

get gray hair

Onion with first white hairs

As a home remedy for earaches and colds onions have long been used. But it can do even more: namely, to protect the hair from graying.

The onion juice promotes the combination of hydrogen peroxide and the antioxidant catalase. These two are said to be to blame for premature graying of the hair, among other things.

You need

  • 1 onion
  • 1 gauze cloth
  • 2 tsp lemon juice

Chop the onion and squeeze it with a muslin cloth. Mix 3 tsp of onion juice and 2 tsp of lemon juice together. Massage this mixture onto the scalp.

Leave the mix on for an hour and then wash the hair with a mild shampoo. Repeat this 4-5 times a week.

Tip: It is best to wear gloves when massaging, otherwise it is difficult to get the scent of the onion off your hands.

What you can do if you get gray hair at 30

I'll put it bluntly: there's little or nothing you can do about it. There are a few ways and means, but ultimately your body decides all by itself what it feels like.

Of course, you should make sure that you eat healthy and don't stress too much. An overall healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet can be supportive if you want to keep your hair color even longer.

You thereby support the regeneration of the cells in the body, whereby they can produce better and more melanin.

However, we are unfortunately at the mercy of genetic graying in particular.

My mother always says: If you pluck out one gray hair, two new ones will follow. That's nonsense, of course. But where she is right is that it unfortunately makes perfect sense to pluck out hair just because you don't like the color.

gray hair cause

Once the first gray hairs are there, they stay. You can tint them, color them or just standing there. Vogue editor Sarah Harris, among others, has a lot of self-confidence when it comes to her gray mane. She got her first white hair when she was just 16 and at 36 she is completely gray, but it looks really wonderful on her.

If you decide to let your gray hair grow and not dye it, then you should make sure that it shines. Gray hair looks beautiful when it shines silvery in the light. There are mild silver shampoos that are optimal for your mane now.

Our conclusion

If you get gray hair at 30, let me tell you: you are not alone! Many women and men feel the same way. Try to eat healthy, have less stress and take care of enough vitamins, unfortunately you can not reverse the process. But you can strengthen your hair with it.

All the best for you!

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