Fit through current impulses: EMS training in a self-experiment

EMS Training Experience

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If you want to build muscle and be fit, you have to keep exposing your body to new stimuli. Time for something completely new and my first EMS training experience.

Everywhere you hear advertising slogans like "2×20 minutes of EMS = slim, muscular and fit" or "Power on, fat off".

So fitness for the lazy? Sounds almost too good to be true.

Or is that true after all? Can this work? I've checked with EMS expert Stefan Ebner.

Right away: Such advertising slogans are total nonsense!

Since EMS training also trains the deep muscles, this training method is much more suitable for weakened muscles. Muscles at strong.

For weight loss, EMS training is rather a good supplement or the first gentle introduction to strength training.

EMS experience

What is EMS training anyway?

During the EMS workout, you slip into a tight suit that has electrodes built into it.

You need none further Training equipment. All exercises you can easily perform with your body weight.

In EMS training, the electronic muscle stimulation works with stimulation current.

This is supposed to make the workout much more effective. A trainer regulates the electrical impulses of the suit and shows you the exercises.

With the program you can create any Muscle group single and set the intensity to different levels.

What benefits EMS training brings

There are many studies that confirm the effect of electrostimulation training. Well trained athletes can target about 70 % of all muscle fibers.

EMS training can activate up to 90% of muscle fibers.

EMS is used especially for Back pain and injuries are used.

This is good news for all those who sit too much. Because Tension are dissolved with the impulses.

After an injury it can help again painless to be. That's what Stefan, who himself suffered from a shoulder injury, tells me.

By training with EMS, he was even able to avoid surgery. Physiotherapists have been using the small current pulses for over 50 years.

During each fitness and strength exercise, an additional electrical impulse is triggered.

As a result, during and also after the workout, many Calories burned.

EMS Training Experience

Does EMS training really help against cellulite?

Yes, because during exercise the removal of slag is stimulated.

Well trained muscles then act like a makeup that makes the skin look firmer.

However, anyone who believes that the small electric shocks simply make orange peel skin disappear is mistaken.

EMS training against cellulite is a great SupplementHowever, it is hardly possible without an additional workout.

For whom EMS training is suitable

Basically yes. Because you need no previous knowledge.

Condition, weight and age do not matter.

The intensity is adjusted differently for everyone. It is not recommended for pregnant women.

Even if you have a pacemaker, you should refrain from exercising under electricity.

With the new wireless suits you can even go running or other sports outdoors drive.

The only important thing is that you always have your iPhone with you. Because your suit needs an upright Bluetooth connection for the small power pulses.

How to make your EMS experience at home

Don't feel like going to the studio? In the long run, it can be very time-consuming and expensive. There are more and more companies that offer EMS equipment for rent.

At Stimawell you can rent all the equipment for 3 months for a very reasonable price. The package includes suit, controller, remote control, manual.

On top of that, there's a free app. In the virtual training room, you can watch videos and train directly.

The operation is very simple and suitable even for beginners.

If you're curious, you can get more information on the Stimawell website make smart.

EMS experience test

With the set you can easily get fit in your living room. You can exercise when and how often you want.

My EMS Training Experience

I could not imagine much about it before the first attempt. All I should bring are training shoes. The suit is available on site.

After a conversation in which Stefan asks me questions about my health and tells me about the training, we start.

Into the smurf-blue skin-tight suit. Sounds easier than it is.

I squeeze in and try to pull the electrodes into the right places.

Stefan helps me a little and shows me how to attach the battery. Because with the new suits you train wirelessly.

EMS Training Experience Report

15 minutes workout under power waiting for me

About the iPad before me, each muscle group can be stimulated individually.

"Are you still okay?" Stefan asks me, increasing the dose. I have to think about that. The feeling is so unfamiliar that I can't tell at once.

But when I then have the feeling that my stomach is growling and breathing is a little harder, my Limit reached. :D

But it is really very exciting how the Muscle groups related.

Because the "stomach growling" and "hard to breathe" is my diaphragm. These two feelings are caused by the electrodes. We turn down the intensity.

But the tingling is not enough. Now comes the strenuous part - the EMS training. We start with a simple Warm-up program.

Lunges and squats with a nice dose of electricity. All doable.

Now it's time for the actual EMS training. We set the program on the iPad to Workout and suddenly the Tingling quite different.

Instead of a pause between current surges, the electrodes now send a slight Knock to my body. Everything tingles.

EMS Training Experience

Stefan throws me a small ball, which I have to thread alternately through my left and right leg and pass over my head with outstretched arms.

At his signal, I start running as fast as I can on the spot. I'm getting hot. Really hot. Thanks to the current pulses and the exercises.

We do a few more exercises with rubber bands and squats.

"Lean a little further back", "Stand up straighter" - Stefan, sees everything. So cheating is not possible.

How EMS Training Feels

The first EMS training experience was very unfamiliar. Before the start and the first impulse, I was a little nervous. And suddenly I feel something on my thighs.

Whenever there is a current pulse, I am supposed to use my muscles to tense. It's a crazy feeling. You feel the current running through your muscles.

You can imagine it like a slight tingling sensation. It doesn't hurt, although electricity is passed through your body. You notice that the jolts stimulate your muscles. move in together.

It's a tingling sensation that reminds you a bit of fingers falling asleep. Although the electrode is on your upper arm, you feel the tingling all the way down to the Fingertips. It's not unpleasant, just unfamiliar.

EMS Training Experience

But if you go to the training several times, it settles down a little. The body gets used to it. But you always feel the tingling. And that's the way it is. This is because your muscles are stimulated.

My conclusion

EMS workouts are very strenuous. You will get hot and feel muscles you haven't noticed yet. :)

My first EMS training experience was very positive. I'll be sure to stop by again. But next time with more muscles all over the body. Because then the training under electricity really makes sense.

By the way, I trained with Stefan Ebner, VEEV Personal EMS Fitness Training. Just have a look. You can find his studios in Mödling, Innsbruck and Klagenfurt.

Small addendum the day after: Surprisingly, the muscle soreness is limited. The day after I feel a slight pulling in the whole body, but the extreme muscle soreness that I was afraid of, is fortunately absent. At least that was my opinion the day after.

In the evening and the next three days I am convinced of the opposite. The full body muscle soreness shows that my muscles were properly challenged :)

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