Coffbucha: The trendy drink made from coffee and kombucha

Coffbucha recipe

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Nothing works without coffee. If you fancy a little variety, try a delicious Coffbucha recipe.

You love coffee more than anything? Then you're probably ready to experiment a little. What sounds a bit strange at first, turns out to be a true coffee specialty. Coffbucha is the name of the 2021 coffee trend that will accompany us through the summer.

You can get ready for the hot summer days right now with a glass of Coffbucha.

Although it may sound like it's only for the experimental, fermented coffee is a delicious pick-me-up.

Coffbucha is where coffee meets kombucha. The trendy drink combines the many benefits of both beverages. Coffee for the caffeine kick to wake up and Kombucha for a stimulated metabolism and an activated immune system.

While the coffee was still served frothy whipped in the previous year and in delicious Dalgona Kaffeee recipes transformed was, this year it will be tart and tangy.

What you should know about the preparation of Coffbucha

Kombucha is a probiotic food. Therefore, it is mega healthy for our intestines, it stimulates the metabolism and is even said to strengthen the immune system. For this to work, the kombucha mushroom must have time to ferment the drink.

This process takes about 10 days. So Coffbucha is a drink that requires a little patience. But the wait is worth it.

You need a kombucha mushroom for this. You have to buy it, but you can use it again and again. It grows again.

So the investment is worth it. I got the starter set from Firment because it has so many good reviews.

Fairment Kombucha Starter Set
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Alternatively, you can also get the mushroom in some health food stores.

If you look at the recipe for Coffbucha, you'll notice that it takes quite a bit of sugar. That shouldn't scare you off. I eat a very low sugar diet myself - if that's the case for you, I know your thoughts. The fungus needs the sugar, it feeds on it and thus makes the coffee ferment.

So if you make a coffbucha without sugar, the fungus will die and the coffeee will not ferment. The drink ends up tasting not like sugar water, but slightly sour. The trendy drink gets this taste from the fermentation process.


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How to prepare a Coffbucha

For those who have little time and have prepared coffee trends more often, there is a short version of the recipe at the end of the post. Here, at this point you will find the longer step-by-step instructions.

Ingredients for one bottle

  • 500 ml coffee
  • 50 g sugar
  • 1/2 kombucha mushroom
  • 100 ml kombucha

You'll also need a glass bottle or large jar and a strainer.

Use a glass bottle with a large opening. Or a conventional screw-top jar that is large enough. It must be possible to pour in the ingredients and especially the mushroom and take them out of the jar later.

Coffbucha preparation

Since your mushroom is a living organism, you must work very cleanly. Contamination can lead to the mushroom not thriving and then you can not produce Coffbucha.

Therefore, you must first sterilize the glass bottle. Rinse it with hot water and wash it with detergent. After you wash it a second time, put it in the microwave for 2 minutes. The microwave step is not mandatory, but I like to play it safe.

Boil half a liter of coffee. I use coffee from the French press, because it is particularly digestible. But you can use any coffee you like.

Stir the sugar into the coffee while it is still warm. The sugar should dissolve as a whole and there should be no residue left in the bottle.

Let the coffee cool down. The mushroom must never come into contact with hot liquid, it is very sensitive to temperature changes.

Add the kombucha mushroom and 100 ml of purchased kombucha to the coffee. Attention: Do not stir again.

Put a lid on the bottle, but do not twist it airtight, otherwise the bottle will explode!

Let the Coffbucha work for 5-7 days. For this, the fermentation vessel must be in a dark place and not get any sun. A pantry or a storage closet are perfectly suitable.

Do not move the bottle for the next few days.

Do a little tasting. Is the amount of fizz and acidity enough for you? Then pour the coffee through a sieve.

Chill the Coffbucha and serve with ice cubes.


By the way: You can use the mushroom again right now. Rinse it carefully with a little water and the process starts again.

What you should know about Coffbucha

Fermented beverages are totally in vogue. At the latest since last year everything is fermented - from tea to juices to sauerkraut. The biggest growth, however, has been in soft drinks.

And now the new trend is in the house. Fermented tea meets coffee. A dream for any coffee junkie looking for a change.

When roasting coffee beans, all probiotics are lost. However, by adding the kombucha mushroom and sugar to the coffee, we get wonderful. Bacteria and yeasts ensure that the drink is fermented. The mixture of probiotics promotes a healthy intestine, which has a very positive effect on our well-being.

So we grab the caffeine as a pick-me-up and combine it with digestive properties of kombucha.

By the way, fermenting is nothing more than a fermentation process by which food is to be made durable. You know this certainly from purchased or homemade sauerkraut. The carbohydrates (in this form sugar) are converted into lactic acid, which has a preservative property.

The pH value of the coffee decreases - acid is formed. Now the taste and nutritional values of the food change. This is ensured by bacteria and fungi that we add to the coffee. During the fermentation process, vitamins and minerals are formed. The lactic acid bacteria from the Coffbucha are a boon for the intestinal flora.

Caution is advised only if you have a very sensitive stomach that reacts to yeast. In such a case, you should not drink Kombucha or Coffbucha.


Coffbucha recipe

Are you looking for a delicious Coffbucha recipe with a guarantee of success? With these instructions it will definitely work!
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Vorbereitung:15 minutes
Ruhezeit:5 days
Servings:2 People


  • 500 ml Coffee
  • 50 g Sugar
  • ½ Kombucha PIlz
  • 100 ml Kombucha


  • 1 glass with large opening
  • 1 sieve


  • Sterilize the bottle.
  • Boil half a liter of coffee and stir in the sugar. Let the coffee cool.
  • Fill the coffee into the glass bottle.
  • Add the mushroom to the bottle with the kombucha.
  • Let the mixture ferment for 5-7 days with the lid open.
  • Pour off the mushroom and refrigerate the drink.
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Our conclusion

Preparing Coffbucha takes time. But it is worth it. The slightly sour taste with small bubbles of carbon dioxide comes across very refreshing, especially on hot days. You can let the coffee ferment with kombucha for 5 to 14 days, depending on how bubbly and sour you want it to be.

Personally, 5 days is enough for me. My personal tip to you: The caffeine is not broken down in this drink, so rather not use mega strong coffee.

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