Make blackhead mask yourself - It's so easy!

How to make blackhead mask yourself

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Treat your skin to a little wellness and mix a face mask. We show you how you can make a blackhead mask yourself.

Are you plagued by small black spots on your face? The kind that clog your pores and sometimes get infected?

Then you should make a blackhead mask yourself.

In the DIY face mask end up a lot of ingredients that clean your skin and help against blackheads, inflammation and impurities.

By the way, blackheads form when the pores are clogged by sebum or creams that contain too much oil. Normally, the sebum flows off. If it does not, then white small blackheads form.

If the sebum reacts with oxygen, the top layer oxidizes - the blackhead turns black and is then also called "bleackhead".

Face mask blackheads

There are a number of ways to combat blemished skin. But in any case, it must be a solution that helps to open the pores and rid the skin of the existing blackheads.

In addition, the solution should also prevent new blackheads by cleaning pores that are not yet affected.

Personally, a blackhead remover always helps me very well. With the help of a light vacuum, the blackheads are sucked out of the skin. And it's completely painless. But small tip on the side: Do not do this one day before an important appointment. :)

The skin will be slightly red immediately afterwards. Especially in the places where you had a clogged pore.

Fortunately, the redness goes away very quickly. I recommend a blackhead remover, which I use myself. Here you can choose from 5 suction strengths and several attachments and simply suck away blackheads.

Blackhead Remover
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In addition, you should regularly take good care of your skin. A blackhead mask with anti-inflammatory and pore-opening ingredients is particularly suitable for this.

With the mask you prevent the black dots and free clogged pores from them.

Tip: In the book, The Glow - Naturkosmetik selber machen, you will find many great instructions for DIY cosmetic projects. From creams, shampoos, scrubs, oils, you will find many step by step instructions with photos.

When I started to deal with the topic, I stumbled across the book. It offers a lot of great instructions for beginners and also advanced. And for every skin and hair type. I can highly recommend it to you and regularly prepare natural cosmetics with the book.

The Glow - make natural cosmetics yourself
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Important products that you need for this tutorial, you can order at Amazon

The ultimate blackhead face mask

This face mask against blemished skin fights pimples and co.
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Du benötigst

  • 4 Charcoal tablets
  • 2 EL Water
  • 4 EL Healing earth
  • 2 EL Jojoba oil Alternative: almond oil
  • 1 EL coarse brown sugar Alternative: sea salt
  • 2 EL Oatmeal


  • Mix the charcoal tablets with the water. Stir well so that the tablets dissolve.
  • Now add healing clay and jojoba oil. Let the mixture infuse for about 5 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, you can chop the oatmeal. Chop them very small but do not puree them. They are supposed to have an exfoliating effect. Mix them with the sugar, which is also intended as an exfoliant.
  • Add the oatmeal-sugar mixture to the remaining ingredients.
  • The mask should now be creamy and not too liquid. If it is too solid, then take a little more water.
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This mask has simultaneously an exfoliating (twitch around oatmeal) and sebum-absorbing effect (Activated carbon* and Healing earth*). On top of that, the Jojoba oil* ensures that the skin is moisturized and does not dry out.

You can either use the mask immediately or put it in a screw-top jar.

It lasts about 4 days in the refrigerator. But it may happen that the sugar dissolves and oatmeal strongly suck.

So stir in new sugar and new rolled oats.

How to use the anti blackhead face mask correctly

Now you are ready to make your own blackhead mask. The face mask is ready in front of you. But what happens next?

  1. No matter what masks you put on, it's important to clean your face thoroughly before applying them.
  2. Use a mild cleansing lotion or foam for this purpose.
  3. Tie your hair back and apply the mask either with your fingers or a brush.
  4. Leave the mask on for about 15 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
  5. Then gently pat the face dry.
  6. Apply a moisturizer. Important: Very thin!

Attention: It is better not to put on your favorite shirt. Some ingredients can cause really blatant stains.

After you have washed the skin, it is eagerly waiting for care. It now needs moisture so that it does not become oily again quickly.

Because I have blemished skin myself, I know how you feel. I have not found a cream that meets my expectations 100%ig. Every time clog the pores anew.

I recently started using a tonic spray instead of a cream. It absorbs quickly and is much lighter than creams. I currently have this Face spray against impure skin in use and am very satisfied with it. Give it a try, it's not expensive and definitely worth a try!

Face spray against impure skin
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Make blackhead mask yourself

Apply the face masks once a week. Observe how your skin copes with it. Sometimes it may get worse for a short time. But after about 3 applications it should get noticeably better.

What ingredients you need to make your own blackhead mask

The anti blackhead face mask becomes what it is only through the ingredients. Carefully selected ingredients cleanse your skin deep into the pores, remove blackheads and excess sebum from the skin.

Then your skin can finally breathe easy again.

Here comes a whole list of ingredients that do well in the mask. You can combine them according to your mood.

Baking powder

A real secret weapon against pimples, blackheads and inflammation is Baking powder*. It works wonderfully against large pores and oily skin.

Baking powder* brings the pH value of the skin back into balance.

But be careful: Do not bring into the eyes! Best to avoid the eye area large!


Yes, Cinnamon* not only ends up in cookies and muesli, but also in face masks. Cinnamon* is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. It ensures that fungi and bacteria cannot spread.

It also helps the skin pores to contract. This makes your skin look more even.

Healing earth

Excess fat is removed from Healing earth* bound very quickly. It simply absorbs it. At the same time, it cleanses the skin deep into the pores and softens the face.

It is mostly used against pimples and can be found only in a few instructions for making blackhead masks yourself. Nevertheless, it helps against blackheads and prevents new ones.


For blackheads to grow well, they need clogged pores. This happens on the one hand due to too much sebum and on the other hand due to dead skin cells that do not come off.

This is where oatmeal comes in. When you finely chop them, they act as an exfoliant. When you apply the mask and wash your face, you simply rub off the skin cells.

Dairy products

If you want to make a blackhead mask yourself, you've probably already come across a whole range of recipes with yogurt or cottage cheese, right?

Yogurt, quark and co are used especially for inflammations. The lactic acid bacteria soothe our skin and inflammation.

Activated carbon

Make blackhead mask yourself

Activated carbon* has the property of strongly binding other substances to itself. In the case of the face mask, these are sebum and other impurities on the skin.

Especially if you're prone to oily skin, it's a good idea to use Activated carbon* good.


Can it be a little yellow? Kukuma powder is very good for the fight against blackheads.

It acts against inflammation, bacteria and antiseptic. Turmeric supports the healing of pimples and on top of that also works against blackheads.

But be careful: please wear a T-shirt that you do not care about. Once you have turmeric in textiles, it will be hard to get rid of the color.


Egg yolk helps against pimples and inflammations. It simply dries out the impurities. For this, you just need to whip the egg yolk and apply it on the face.

Egg white is also used again and again in the fight against pimples. You apply the whipped egg white directly and wash it off your face after 20 minutes. This is said to make blackheads disappear quickly.


Fresh lemon juice is said to shrink pores.

But be careful with very sensitive skin or with existing inflammations. If you are prone to this, then simply dilute the lemon juice with water.


With yeast is not only bake bread, but now also make your own blackhead mask. Yeast is very healthy and contains a whole range of vitamins. It is also a miracle cure for hard-to-heal pimple marks or itching.

Yeast in face masks is usually mixed with warm milk.


It should not be missing in any household. Honey is a miracle weapon for many aches and pains and also for blemished skin. It works especially well against oily skin and blackheads.

Unlike other home remedies, however, it does not dry out the skin in the process, but provides it with natural moisture.

After applying honey you will notice that your pores have tightened and your skin looks much clearer.

Essential oils

Tea tree oil*, Lavender oil* or Rose oil* You can also mix them into the mask. They have a disinfectant and soothing effect. They also add a little fragrance to the face mask :)

Why you should make a blackhead mask yourself

Do it yourself? Can you also buy? There's quite cheap at Amazon. Freshly delivered from Asia.

Not a good idea.

In it there are a lot of questionable ingredients. They can harm the skin and all the more cause blemishes.

With homemade cosmetics you are on the right side, because neither preservatives, fragrances nor dyes end up in the mask.

You can test what your skin reacts well to and make yourself a blackhead mask next time.

You can buy the ingredients in large quantities and save a lot of money. For a mask you need just 2-4 tablespoons of one ingredient.

And you're also doing the environment a favor. If you make it yourself, you save a lot more packaging waste.

If you have no idea what to give a dear friend, then you are guaranteed with DIY cosmetics always right.

Our conclusion

If you want to make a blackhead mask yourself, you only need to look around at home. A lot of ingredients are guaranteed to be in your kitchen cupboard or bathroom.

Good luck and have fun trying it out!

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