How you can best propagate aloe vera

Aloe vera plant propagate

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You can never have enough Aloe Vera plants. This is how easy you can propagate your Aloe Vera!

Sunburn, insect bites or dry skin? That's where aloe vera helps! It can be used for pretty much any skin problem.

Because mosquito bites, sunburn and Co are certainly already waiting for you, you should propagate an aloe vera. It's best to start soon, because it will take some time before you can use the new plant for skin care.

If you check in with us from time to time, then you've probably noticed that in many DIY cosmetics tutorials we've included Aloe vera gel* use.

You don't need to buy this gel, you can get it from the plant. And because we make quite a lot of cosmetic recipes, of course, we need a lot of aloe vera.

Therefore, it's time for aloe vera propagation.

There are so many ways to use aloe vera. The positive effects of the medicinal plant are widespread.

And this since ancient times. Even then, people appreciated the healing juice of the plant.

Aloe vera plant propagate

What conditions need the desert plant

In order for your plant to take root well and propagate successfully, you need to create the right conditions. And that from the very beginning.

Aloe vera is very easy to care for. It hardly needs any water and as long as it gets a little light, it will grow beautifully. Desert lily is accustomed to heat and cool temperatures.

1. the right soil to propagate aloe vera

If you want to soon enjoy small plantlets, then you should use the right soil. Aloe vera needs sandy soil.

Normal potting soil it does not like so much. In normal potting soil desert lily does not form roots. In its native habitat, it grows in humus-free soil.

Propagation works best if you grow on a mix of cactus soil with lava granules and sand.

If you want to be completely scientific about it, you can mix up the perfect soil for your plant.

3 parts cactus soil, 1 part lava granules, 0.5 parts quartz sand are optimal.

But it also works in normal cactus soil.

Tip: I take the mix of cactus soil and substrate from Green24. So you do not need to mix anything together. The advantage is also that you can order the soil from Amazon in small quantities.

I mix in granules because they provide good aeration of the soil and retain moisture well.

2. the location

Basically, aloe vera plants are very easy to care for. They have no special requirements for the location. However, as small seedlings, they are still a bit sensitive.

Aloe vera plant propagate

Once you have put the cutting in the ground, find a location that is rather dark. Here the plant can fully concentrate on rooting.

If you want it to root faster, you can put it in a small greenhouse. Or put a thin, transparent plastic bag over it. In a warm and humid microclimate it will grow a little faster.

Important: If you decide to use the plastic bag, you must air it for at least 30 minutes every day to prevent mold from forming.

Tip: You can order a small greenhouse with vents from Amazon!

If you have succeeded in propagating Aloe vera, place the plant in a bright and sunny place.

Aloes are not hardy! In summer you can put them on the balcony or in the garden. From less than 10 ° they need to go indoors.

3. watering correctly

Until your plant takes root, do not water it. Aloe vera propagation is best done without water. It takes root in dry soil. The leaves contain enough moisture and strength to form roots.

If you water the little plant, it becomes rotten.

Once the aloe plant has started rooting, it gets water for the first time. This is about 7 days after it was moved to its own pot.

But please water only a little! Aloe vera is a desert plant and prefers it dry. The fresher and smaller your aloes are, the less water they can store.

It does not tolerate waterlogging at all. It prefers to stand dry rather than wet. In its leaves it can store liquid wonderfully and thus survive even longer dry periods well.

Tip: Do you know the cactus soil from Undergreen? It is particularly rich and in the 2.5 liter bag perfect for all hobby gardeners. You can order organic soil from Amazon.

By the way, the desert lily does not like lime water at all. It loves water that is low in lime. Water aloe vera plants best with rainwater or decalcified tap water.

How you can propagate the aloe vera

What is wonderful about propagating aloe vera is that it is really little effort. The small cuttings are just as easy to care for as the adult plants.

Rapid multiplication of aloe vera requires very little effort.

Propagate aloe vera

Tip: For whom it does not work at all. You can also order aloe vera plants at Amazon.

Basically, you have three options for propagating aloe vera: Via runners, sowing or cuttings.

Aloe vera propagate via root runners

At the age of two to three years, the plant begins to form root runners. The easiest way to propagate aloe vera is through these stolons, also known as childlets or side shoots.

The small plantlets already have their own root systems. When the roots are visible and the plantlets are about 5 cm tall, it is the perfect time for propagation. This usually happens in the spring, when the plant gets a growth spurt.

Here's how

  • Take the entire plant out of the pot.
  • Separate the runners from the mother plant very carefully. The easiest way to do this is with your fingers.
  • The mother plant goes back into the pot.
  • Let the root sprouts dry for a day. Freshen them not in water!
  • Now, to propagate aloe vera, you need to pot it in sandy soil. And follow the tips above.

Aloe vera propagate via cuttings

If you have an older large plant, you can propagate the aloe vera via cuttings.

You can propagate cuttings all year round. The best time is in the spring. Here the plant has the most power.

Aloe plant double

Cuttings contain a lot of liquid. Therefore, they are at high risk of rotting.

Here's how

  • Cut a well-formed side shoot from the plant. Set the cut so that it is close to the main shoot.
  • Use a sharp and clean knife for this.
  • Set the leaf aside and let it drain a bit. I then dab it with a paper towel so that the cut surface is dry.
  • Leave the interface to dry for 2-3 days.
  • Only then the cutting is placed in the ground.
  • Insert the leaf about one to two centimeters into the cactus soil.
  • If the leaf falls over, it is best to support it with chopsticks.
  • Wait with proper watering until you notice that the plant begins to take root. However, it deserves a little sip after planting.

Aloe vera propagate with sowing

The most laborious method is sowing aloe vera. For this you need a very good location and patience. In return, you can watch the plants grow from a young age.

The best time for sowing is late March to April. For successful aloe vera propagation you need mild temperatures and good light conditions. Aloes are light germinators.

Here's how

  • Fill small pots with growing soil. Moisten the soil with a shower.
  • Scatter the seeds.
  • On top of it comes a very thin layer of earth. One centimeter is more than enough - please, no more. Otherwise you will make it too hard for your seeds.
  • Place the flower pots in a bright and warm place. The best place is the window sill. Keep the soil moist. Aloe seeds do not tolerate direct sunlight all day! They will not germinate.
  • When you can grasp the plants with two fingers, you need to prick them. That is, transplant them into individual pots.
  • Each aloe vera gets its own pot. Plant them in cactus soil and water them only moderately.

What aloe vera is used for

Aloe Vera is one of the best medicinal plants in the world. It is best known for its cooling and soothing effect on sunburns. But there is, of course, much more.

Aloe vera plant propagate

With this medicinal plant you can treat many symptoms and problems naturally. That is why Aloe Vera is worth propagating!

Aloe Vera:

  • helps when you burn easily. It prevents blistering and redness
  • helps against sunburn. It cools the skin and provides it with moisture
  • acts on itching after insect bites
  • helps if you have tartar or gingivitis. It also fights bacteria in the mouth
  • can soften facial wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin
  • helps against heartburn
  • reduces age spots

If you think that's all there is, you're wrong. Because these are only the external applications.

You can also take aloe vera. But you should proceed carefully. Too much of the gel can have a strong laxative effect.

Internally helps Aloe vera gel*

  • digestion and for constipation
  • lower the blood sugar level
  • strengthen the heart muscle
  • cleanse the liver and
  • lower the cholesterol level.

Our conclusion

Aloes are great for tackling skin problems naturally. From itching to burns to dry skin, the desert lily is unbeatable and better than creams from the pharmacy or drugstore.

If you want to propagate your aloe vera, you can do it in three ways. The easiest way is through cuttings.

Good luck with breeding :)

multiply aloe vera

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