How to release tension with the acupressure mat

Acupressure mat application

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You want to buy a nail mat but are still unsure about the application of acupressure mats? Then you are right here. This is what you need to know about it and how to use the mat!

You are just a few steps away from doing something good for your body. An acupressure mat is a purchase you will definitely not regret.

But of course I understand if you are still unsure. Today I'll show you how to use the mat correctly and what is important.

Are you ready? Let's get started!

No matter for which body region you use the mat: A daily acupressure mat application loosens tense muscles and the fascia. And that with lasting effect.

It takes a little time to integrate the routine into your daily life, but you'll get there easily.

I turn on relaxing music, lie down on the mat and close my eyes. While you lie very quietly on it, you can completely relax and come to rest.

By the way, it works best for me in the evening before bedtime. Only recently I have Acupressure mat subjected to a detailed test and tells you what you need to watch out for.

Acupressure mat application and use - how to do it correctly

There are a few little things you need to know before you get on the nail mat for the first time. Not for everyone the first experience on the mat same off.

Some are already on fire after the first application of the acupressure mat. The tensions feel better immediately and they have a new body feeling.

For the others, it takes a little longer. But what is the same for all of them: If you use the nail mat regularly, you can enjoy many advantages.

Don't be rushed, your body may just take a little longer to with the acupressure mat application to cope.

Then you too will soon be lying very relaxed on the mat.

These are the basics you need to keep in mind:

  • Always lie down slowly on the mat so that you do not hurt yourself
  • The needle mat always lies on a hard surface so that the weight is evenly distributed
  • If it feels too painful, wear clothing or place a sheet on the tips

From experience I can tell you that at first you feel very strange on the mat. The tips hurt or feel very uncomfortable. But the body gets used to it quickly, you just have to give it time.

#DoYourFitness Acupressure Mat
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How often should you use the nail mat?

You can use it as often as you like. It doesn't matter how short a time you spend on it. Any minute is better than none.

However, a lying time of between 5 and 40 minutes is always recommended. The duration is so different because it depends on the body region. Of course, we do not last as long on sensitive areas as on hardened ones.

Beginners also manage fewer minutes than advanced users.

However, it is not so much the duration that matters, but the regularity of acupressure mat application. The more regular, the better it is for the body.

Let's take a look right now at what the nail mat is best used for.

  • Back
  • Neck
  • Feet and legs
  • Poor
  • Belly and chest

I'll now tell you what to look for in each body region.

The nail mat for the back

Most people put a mat with tips because they are tense. The pain in the neck or lower back can become unbearable. I know that all too well. Sometimes you feel like you have a knife stuck in your back.

Nothing can be seen on the outside. Inside, however, the body has to fight hard. If you use the mat correctly, you can get rid of such tensions and even better: you can even prevent them.

Application time: 20 minutes or longer

Proper use of the needle mat in the back

Place the mat on the floor. Do not use a surface such as an exercise mat or similar.

  • Sit on the end of the mat and let your upper body roll slowly, vertebra by vertebra, until you are lying down.
  • Do you feel the tingling sensation and how your back suddenly feels warm?
  • Now your blood circulation starts to improve.
  • Take a quick look at your watch. If you can hold out for 5 minutes, the worst is over. Because now the body starts to produce happiness hormones.
  • The nails of the mat now feel less painful and you can drop.

To intensify the feeling, you can also lie on the mat torso-free.

If you want, you can use the cushion of the mat for the lumbar. To do this, place the cushion at the level of the lower back. Angle the legs and stretch the arms through to the back.

Acupressure mat application for the neck

Immediately after the back suffer most from tension in the neck. You know this all too well, don't you? When a day is spent sitting for many hours, it can hurt quite a bit in the evening.

The tension can radiate to the shoulders and even cause you to get a headache. Many people are often not even aware of this. They take medication for migraines, even though they actually have nasty tension.

If you use the pincushion on the neck and shoulders, you will benefit from these advantages:

  • Quick relief for neck tension and shoulder pain
  • Quick help for headaches and migraines
  • Better blood circulation and a pleasant feeling of warmth
  • Release of happy hormones, which are a great remedy for headaches.

A pillow is used so that the tips of the mat can provide better blood circulation to the neck and shoulders. You rest your head on it. The rest of the body rests on the acupressure mat.

90 % of all mats purchased come with a cushion. If this is not the case for you, then you can also roll up a towel and place it under the mat.

Application time: 10 minutes

In the neck area, the acupressure pillow feels very uncomfortable. Your body needs to get used to it slowly.

Proper use of the nail mat in the neck

  • Lay the mat on the floor and place the pillow at the top of the mat.
  • Sit on the mat and let the body slowly roll backwards.
  • The pillow should now be right in your neck.
  • Let the nails work on your body for the first 5 minutes without doing anything.
  • After these 5 minutes, very slowly start to turn your head to the left and right.

When you regularly suffer from headaches the acupressure mat should be used. And this for two reasons. First, the symptoms are relieved thanks to the endorphins. Secondly, improved blood circulation leads to less tension and therefore less pain.

Acupressure mat application neck

Use the needle mat on the feet and legs

As someone who very much enjoys and runs barefoot and knows how healthy it isI don't mind going over the acupressure mat.

But if your feet are very tender and pampered, then you may find it very uncomfortable and even painful. But do not worry, the body also gets used to it very quickly.

Standing on the mat without socks has many advantages. Among other things, your nervous system is stimulated. This makes you more alert and attentive. So if you have times a classic midday lowThen just unpack the mat and stand on it.

If you can't get going in the morning, you can try it while combing your hair or brushing your teeth. Tired feet quickly wake up and blood circulation improves in no time.

This is the cheap variant to perform a foot reflexology massage.

Who walks over the acupressure mat, the

  • Has the feeling of having just received a stimulating foot massage
  • promotes blood circulation in legs and feet
  • gets more strength and energy for the day
  • treats himself to a foot reflexology massage

Does it feel too painful for you? Then start very slowly. Just wear socks for the first few times. With each application of the acupressure mat, the socks will become thinner until you are finally barefoot.

Application time: 5 minutes

Correct use of the acupressure mat on the legs and feet

  • Stand with both legs on the mat.
  • Your stance is about hip-width.
  • Distribute the weight evenly and find your center. To do this, you can alternate the weight a little forward and a little backward.
  • Those who are advanced can also walk across the mat. But here, too, go slowly and carefully.

If you want to use the mat for your legs, it is best to place the acupressure mat on a thicker pillow. Sit on the floor - your legs are now elevated. This will prevent your bottom from getting all the needles.

#DoYourFitness Acupressure Mat
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Needle mat use feet

Acupressure mat application for the arms

You can also do something good for your arms with the nail mat. And you should too. They get their money's worth far too seldom. While we regularly have our feet and back massaged, this is rather unusual for most people when it comes to their arms.

But we should focus on them, especially when we have an office job. Our hands can get tired and feel heavy from sitting all day.

After very intensive work, they may even feel numb or tingle. If you want to use the acupressure mat for arms and hands, then you can look forward to a feeling full of lightness.

What can also help, are regular office gymnastics exercises, which loosen up the whole body.

What is the benefit of acupressure mat application of the hands/arms?

  • Light hands, forearms and fingers
  • Relaxation after an intense day at work
  • Prevention of heavy and numb arms/hands

Application time: 10 minutes

Application acupressure mat for arms and hands

  • Place the mat or pillow in front of you.
  • Those who are not so agile can also place the mat on a table and sit on an armchair. The only important thing is that the arms rest completely on the mat.
  • Try it with your hands at first and then slowly feel your way forward.
  • Rotate the arms so that you massage them from all sides.

Nail mat use hands

Acupressure mat for abdomen and chest

Most used the needle mat for the neck and back. But it also benefits your front. It is said to improve indigestion and ease the feeling of tightness in the chest area.

If you only want to work the abdomen, lie on the mat so that the chest is normally on the floor.

If you want to go a little further, you can also put your chest on the nail mat. Admittedly, it feels anything but pleasant on the chest. Women should definitely wear a lined sports bra when doing this.

To begin, place a thin sheet between the mat and the upper body. Because it is precisely in these places that we are all very sensitive.

Application time: 10 minutes

Application nail mat abdomen and chest

  • Lay the mat on the floor. Cover it with a thin cloth.
  • Place yourself very slowly and carefully on the acupressure mat.
  • Once you have found a comfortable position, stay in it.
  • It is best to fold your arms in front of your body to rest your head on.
  • Breathe slowly and evenly.

Our conclusion

If you have tension, then you should learn about acupressure mat application. The needle mat helps you loosen fascia and fight muscle pain. If you use it regularly, you can even prevent the pain. Take the time to do it, it is really worth it!

All the best for you!

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