What really helps against sore muscles?

What helps against sore muscles

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You've had a perfect workout, but the soreness is almost unbearable? You ask yourself: What helps against sore muscles? We tell you how to get rid of the muscle pain!

You want to really hit the ground running, but the Muscle pain the day after tug at your motivation to continue?

You ask yourself: What helps against sore muscles? There are a few little things that you should pay attention to during and after training, they help against Muscle soreness.

Being regularly active and having fun with it - it could be so easy if it weren't for the muscle pain the next day.

Absolutely everyone knows it, the notorious muscle soreness the day after.

Muscle soreness help

What helps against sore muscles

Muscle soreness after a workout can be pretty nasty. The only thing you probably want to know right now is, "What helps sore muscles and how do I get rid of them fast?"

We have good news for you: there are a number of home remedies that help with sore muscles.

You can counteract the muscle pain already during the training. Simply by not overdoing it and by training in a balanced way that suits the strength of your muscles.

But you don't always notice during training that your muscles will hurt later. Then it's a matter of gritting your teeth and persevering.

But you can also speed up the healing process and get fit again faster!

So let's address the question: What helps with sore muscles?"

1. water helps against sore muscles

Enough drink - this tip is a miracle weapon against sore muscles. Especially if you are active in sports, you get around Water not around.

However, how much you should take depends on many factors. Like body size, job, type of sport, etc.

Why do I have a bloated belly

Everything about drinking water, you can read here: "15 Reasons Why You Should Drink More Water."

Trials before, during and to to drink during the workout. This applies to very strenuous workouts. If you're doing 15 minutes of abs, legs, butt, of course, it's not necessary.

Caution: don't drink too much before your workout or you'll get a gurgling water belly.

Who has enough of water and also wants to bring a little flavor into the glass, can Detox water itself manufacture.

2. well, meal: food against sore muscles

That Nutrition plays a major role in training success is really no longer a secret. But there are also foods that help against sore muscles.

In addition to magnesium, zinc and vitamins, the body now needs protein above all.

Because every single cell in your muscles is a small power plant that is fueled by protein. That's why you should make sure that your diet contains a lot of it.

If you eat a lot of eggs and meat, the soreness will go away a little faster. In addition, you should drink a lot of cherry juice, because it contains many antioxidants. These are substances that act in the body in a similar way to painkillers.

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Why do nuts help against sore muscles?

Quite simply, nuts are rich in vitamin E. This vitamin is responsible for the regeneration of your muscles. You'll also find healthy fats and protein in them. Nice side effect: The protein ensures that your muscles are built up faster.

Make peanut butter yourself

Foods that make you fit again

  • Nuts (vitamin E, healthy fats)
  • Berries (antioxidants - anti-inflammatory, cancer preventive; the darker the better!)
  • Cherries (dark red fruits contain anthocyanins - vasoprotective and anti-inflammatory).
  • Salmon and other fatty fish (omega-3 fatty acids, protein)
  • Eggs (amino acids, vitamin D)
  • Oatmeal and Co (Recharge the glycogen store)

Tip: Foodspring Recovery Aminos

By the way, a whole range of nutrients can support you during regeneration. L-glutamine and BCAAs are the best example. They help your body to get fit again faster.

For faster recovery after a workout, Foodspring has developed Recovery Amino Drinks. You simply mix the powder with water and drink it after the workout.

The drink contains everything the muscles need now. In the Recovery Aminos from Foodspring contains only natural ingredients.

Foodspring Recovery Aminos
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And the shakes are also delicious in taste. You can choose from 3 different flavors. My favorite is wild berry :)

3. off to bed: sleep against sore muscles

Sleep is a Wonder weapon. While you close your eyes and are in the land of dreams, your body fights against the muscle pain. There is no other method by which your body can faster recover and you get fit again.

What to do when your muscles are sore? Quite simple: rest.

What helps against sore muscles

Did you know that the body in deep sleep Somatotropin and thus even builds muscle and burns fat - exciting, isn't it?

In between, but especially when you have muscle pain from training, you can and should take an example from cats: Without a guilty conscience, they lie down, close their eyes and relax. :)

Take a short break until the symptoms are better. You don't have to just sleep and lie on the sofa. But just take it down a notch.

4. the fascia roller for regeneration

Such a Massage can be quite relaxing. You should treat yourself to them in between. No matter whether you exercise a lot or not.

If this is too expensive for you in the long run, a fascia roller will also help against sore muscles. A small, cylindrical, black Wonder Thing against sore muscles.

What helps against sore muscles

You can use it to combat sore muscles, hardening and stuck fasciae.

5. warm up and do not overdo it

Before the workout, the time-honored warm-up helps. With Stretching exercises for warm up you can do something against sore muscles even before the workout.

No matter how motivated you are, your body can only build muscle slowly. If you go full throttle at the beginning, muscle pain is inevitable.

Challenges that start with 100 squats a day do absolutely nothing.

6. take a full bath against sore muscles

A bathtub full of hot water helps muscles relax. The warm water is especially soothing for the stressed muscles.

Make your own bath salts with lavender against sore muscles

Bath additives with lavender or rosemary also relax the soul thanks to the great scent. There are Bath additives, which specifically against tension and sore muscles act.

Thanks to the warmth of the water and the ingredients of relaxing baths, the muscles relax and the pain subsides at least as long as you are in the tub.

The warmth of the water promotes the healing process of the strained muscles.

7. go to the sauna

Heat works wonders. A sauna session works even better than a full bath. Heat helps us relax and is clearly one of the pleasant tips against sore muscles.

The high temperatures boost your circulation and help your body activate self-healing powers.

In addition, the heat ensures that your tense muscles relax again. This also helps enormously against the pain. If you like, you can also swim a few laps in the pool. The light exercise will also have a positive effect on the healing process.

8. ointment and balm work against sore muscles

There are a variety of sore muscle ointments. By the way, you don't even have to buy them yourself. You can with DIY chili ointment very good for muscle pain and tension.

The ointment loosens the muscles and relaxes them. If you know that a big workout is coming, you can already a day before and also an hour before the workout cream the stressed muscles. Because the balm works to prevent sore muscles.

Homemade chili cream against muscle tension

If you've been hit really badly and you're in so much pain that you're asking yourself, "What's the best thing to do for sore muscles?" then light painkillers are permitted in exceptional cases.

Both ointments and painkillers do not solve the actual problem. They do, however, relieve excruciating pain.

9. do very light sports for muscle pain

Yes, you read correctly. Sports are able to relieve your pain in the muscle fibers.

It's an old wives' tale that you can simply train away muscle pain. So don't overdo it now.

In this case, a lot may do a lot of harm. But a light load will do you good now.

Go for a walk. Your muscles will move, but they will not be overstressed in any way. The light load helps the muscle fibers regenerate faster - and you will immediately feel some relief.

Above all, a walk is balm for your soul and brightens your mood. This can also reduce the pain.

If that's too boring for you, you can go for a swim or a jog. But please always do it very slowly and no jerky movements!

10. take magnesium and zinc

Both minerals have a very positive influence on your muscles. Both magnesium and zinc are important for the formation of new cells. And that is enormously important now.

What helps against sore muscles

After all, the pain is triggered by microtears in the muscle fibers, i.e. small injuries.

If you give your body additional magnesium and zinc, it will be able to close the cracks faster. Also the inflammations will heal faster. You will see, in a few days you will feel like new again.

It is best to take the minerals before training. Then they work best.

11. rub yourself with peppermint oil

Peppermint oil* is a real insider tip against sore muscles. This is because it is an essential oil that is able to relieve cramps and has a relaxing effect.

In addition, the oil has a cooling effect and stimulates blood circulation. This in turn supports your muscles in their regeneration.

You should actually start applying the oil when you're worried that you've overdone it in your workout.

Put a few drops of it on a cloth or cotton pad and rub it on the affected areas. By the way, it helps even when the pain is already there.

What is muscle soreness and how pain develops after exercise

Especially when you've had a break for a long time, you might think it's just part of the sport. Just like the sun to the summer. Depending on the type, you get the muscle soreness either only a few hours after the workout or the next day.

Most people fight sore muscles the day after a workout. The stretching pain in the muscles is anything but pleasant. Very sneaky, but it can also sometimes only 2 days after the workout so properly unfold.

Muscle pain is not that harmless. For a long time it was not clear where the pain comes from and what helps against sore muscles. There were countless theories from doctors and athletes. They puzzled for a long time what exactly triggers the muscle soreness.

Probably you have a sore muscle because the muscle strands have small injuries and because they can not withstand the excessive load.

The microtears in the muscle fibers are the result of excessive stress or unaccustomed movements.

These muscle fibers are divided into small functional units that are interconnected by the so-called Z-disks.

And the mini-cracks occur at these connecting pieces due to overloading. Your body responds to the drudgery with an inflammation, so to speak. This is because pathogens penetrate the muscles through the cracks. The result: they swell, hurt and become hard.

To make sure you're really sure that you've contracted a sore muscle, here are the symptoms in detail once again:

  • Muscle pain
  • slight swelling
  • powerless, hard muscles
  • the muscles are sensitive to pressure
  • the movements are severely restricted

The symptoms of muscle soreness can always vary in severity. If you overdo it very much, you will suffer quite a bit.

If you have exercised moderately, you will only feel a slight tugging.

How long does muscle soreness

Micro-tears in the muscle fibers are to blame for the pain, we had already addressed that.

But actually, you would think that it would then hurt right away. But that is not the case.

This is because the typical symptoms are actually the result of inflammation in the muscles.

These occur because bacteria can penetrate through the small cracks. The inflammations cause your muscles to stiffen and also hurt.

This process takes a while. That's why in the first hours after the workout you will only feel a slight tugging.

It will probably only get really bad the next morning. If you overdo it a lot, you might even barely get out of bed.

As a rule, however, the symptoms should disappear within a few days. What helps against muscle soreness - no matter with which tricks and tips you want to help. It's always a waiting game. Wait and see and drink tea :)

The good news is that the pain should subside significantly just one day later. If you have only experienced mild symptoms, everything may even be fine again overnight.

Unfortunately, this is not the case with severe muscle soreness. The symptoms can plague you for up to a week.

At what point you should go to the doctor with sore muscles

At this point, first of all, good news: in general, sore muscles are not dangerous.

The thing with the cracks sounds a bit worrying. But don't panic, it's a normal reaction of your body to overload - and it copes quite well.

Ultimately, these microtears are even the basis for the growth of your muscles. Because the cell production in your body is stimulated - and the muscles thicken. So you are well prepared for the next workout.

But even if the muscles are constantly growing: Even an experienced athlete can get a sore muscle. Namely, when he overexerts himself at a competition, for example. But the better your muscles are trained, the better they can cope.

However, the matter can also become dangerous. Sometimes the typical sore muscle symptoms hide a dangerous injury.

That's why you should go to the doctor if the symptoms last longer than a week. There doesn't have to be a bad thing behind it, but a doctor should still take a look. This way you get definite security and can soon get going again.

How you can prevent the misery

But the best thing is to prevent the muscle pain from occurring in the first place. Prevention is not difficult at all. The most important thing is to take it slow. Especially if you have had a longer break, you should not start right away. Increase the load gently.

Also, don't overestimate yourself when training. Tailor your workout to your muscle strength. You should always feel comfortable.

In addition, you should warm up for at least five minutes before the workout and not stop abruptly. The so-called cool-down phase is at least as important as the warm-up.

Finally, a very pleasant tip: If you are often active in sports, you should also often go to the sauna. In the heat your muscles can regenerate very well and the blood circulation is promoted. This in turn helps your muscles to grow faster.

Our conclusion

Sore muscles don't have to be. If you follow a few simple tips, you can prevent it. Above all, don't overexert yourself. But when the time comes, there are a number of things you can do to relieve your symptoms.

So, take a break and enjoy yourself. Then you'll feel like new again after just a few days. But if the pain lasts longer than a week, you should see a doctor. He can clarify whether there is a serious illness behind it.

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