6 ultimate abs legs butt exercises for home without squats

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Squats? You can't hear that anymore either? We have 6 alternative abdominal exercises for you that you can easily do at home. Without any exercise equipment and more importantly: without squats - we promise.

For the following abdominal legs butt workout you only need yourself plus a bit of Motivation and a Wall.

It's best to repeat the following routine 3-4 times a week, but you can also just use the workout as a pick-me-up between other workouts.

But first: do not forget to warm up

To avoid strains and injuries, you should warm up sufficiently before each abdominal leg butt workout.

Here are our top five warm-up exercises for you:

  1. Warm up:
    By running on the spot for a while, you warm up your muscles slightly. This exercise is perfect to get started.
  2. Army circles:
    By making the arms circle (large and small circles, parallel and staggered) they are loosened and warmed up.
  3. Use a jump rope:
    An effective and fun way to warm up. Try it out it will be worth it.
  4. Jumping Jacks|Hampers:
    Another exercise that you surely know from your childhood. Look funny, but have it in itself.
  5. Yoga:
    Pick your favorite yoga poses, or watch a video about them. Yoga can not only relax but also warm up your body.

The exact duration of the Warm up exercises can vary, however. If you get up early and start your day with a workout right away, it will take you longer to get up to speed. "Operating Temperature" to come. It also depends on the time of year. In summer, you need to allow less time for warming up than in winter. The Rule of thumb for recreational athletes, however, is: 10-15 minutes are usually enough to prepare the body for the sport.

This is helpful

The great thing about the exercises: They are pure bodyweight exercises. That means you don't need any expensive equipment. However, we would definitely recommend a few basics, such as a training mat!

The best exercises in the living room:

Wall Bridge: Wall Bridge

Abdominal Legs Butt Exercises Without Squad Wall Bridge
Do not forget to tense the abdominal muscles

Lie on your back with your butt against the wall and arms beside you. Bend your knees and place your feet on the wall (approximately at a height of 1-1.5m). Raise your butt and lower back while keeping your shoulders on the floor. Hold this position briefly and slowly return to the start position.

Increase the difficulty level: When you put your right ankle over your left knee, only one foot is on the wall and the exercise becomes more strenuous.

"Windshield Wipers" : Windshield Wipers

Abdominal Legs Butt Exercises Without Squad Windshield Wiper
Be careful not to lower the foot too quickly

You lie on the floor again with your buttocks and feet against the wall. The soles of your feet are facing the ceiling. Then slowly lower your left foot down the wall, it looks a bit like the hands of a clock. When you are at about 10 o'clock you can move your foot back up and do the same with your right foot.

Increase the difficulty level: Grab a theraband, knot it into a loop and wrap it around your feet. This way you have to work harder to move your foot down.

Make it easier: Do not lie completely against the wall but keep a little distance.

Toe Reaches

Abdomen Legs Buttocks Toe Reacher
Go only as far to the wall as is painlessly possible

Lie on the floor, heels against the wall, feet extended. Then extend your right arm to your left foot, allowing your right shoulder to leave the floor. Repeat with the left arm.

Increase the difficulty level: Hold the tension for a few seconds longer.

Make it easier: Try not to reach the toes but the knees.


Belly legs buttocks exercises wall sit
How long can you make it?

Stand with your back against the wall and bend your knees at a 90° angle so that you are sitting as if on a chair.

Increase the difficulty level: The longer you hold out, the harder it gets. How long can you hold out?

Make it easier: If a 90° angle is still too difficult for you, you can also lean straighter against the wall.

Plank against the wall

Plank Variation Wall Plank Wall Push-Up
Not so easy to pause against the wall

Actually a normal plank, with the difference that the feet are pressed against the wall.

Increase the difficulty level: Instead of just staying in the plank, you can alternate pulling your left and right knee toward your abdomen.

Make it easier: Just do a regular plank.

Straight pushups against the wall

Push-up against the wall
Watch your body tension

Stand an arm's length away from the wall, palms pressed against the wall. Then bend your arms and do a push-up.

Increase the difficulty level: Concentrate on doing the abdominal leg butt exercise as slowly as possible.

Make it easier: If you notice that something is hurting you, you'd better stop.

Good luck trying out our top 7 abdominal leg butt exercises without Squats.

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