Want a flat belly? With these 41 tips it works

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You want a flat belly? We have the best 41 tips with which you can easily lose belly fat.

2x per week belly away exercises - unfortunately, it is not done with that. Of course, this does not mean that you should stop exercising.

However, sport alone usually takes quite a long time. You can support the way to a flat stomach with some additional tricks. Some of them are even really tasty :)

Here's how to get rid of excess belly fat:

  1. Breathe away stress

    Try to keep your stress level as low as possible. Stress causes your body to emit cortisol. This hormone is responsible for fat deposits around the hips and belly. To reduce your stress, try this for 5 minutes: take deep breaths and consciously listen to your body. This way you can clear your head.

  2. Do not lean back

    flat belly sit upright
    You're at the doctor's, in the car or at the office? Perfect! Imagine that gum is stuck to the back of your chair. So don't lean back - you don't want your clothes to get stuck. Keep your shoulders straight and your back straight. It's also easy to replace your chair with an exercise ball.

  3. Try the reverse crunch without hands

    Instead of doing crunches with hands, try leaving them out. This will make you tense and use your abdominal muscles much more. Lie on your back and stretch your arms parallel to your head. Stretch your legs bent in the air. Tighten your abdominal muscles, and place your butt back on the mat. Inhale as you lift your butt and exhale as you lower it.

  4. Box yourself to the flat belly

    If you want a flat and toned stomach, you can simply box it. Aerobic kickboxing is a great cardio workout and makes the belly fat fall. In addition, you train your arms and during the kicks your legs.

  5. Keep your hands off cigarettes

    Smokers tend to put on more belly fat. The unhealthy habit is also often associated with many other activities such as drinking alcohol. Supposedly, smokers also prefer to eat fat, at least that's what studies say.

  6. Sweep away the fat

    Grab a rake and turn collecting leaves that have fallen from the tree into a workout. The movements you make while doing the math are a great exercise for your arms and abs. And don't forget the shovel: tighten your abdominals as you count on the shovel.

  7. Try with olive tapenade

    Next time, smear olive tapenade on your salad, pasta or rolls. Supposedly, the Mediterranean fruits help melt belly fat.

  8. Train your back for a flat stomach

    To get a flat stomach, it won't help if you only do abdominal exercises. You also need to strengthen your back. To do this, lie on your stomach. Put your arms to the side of your buttocks and now lift your legs and upper body. Hold this position as long as you can.

  9. Snack macadamia nuts

    These nuts contain fat burning ingredients. Just use them as a garnish for your meal. Chop two teaspoons of macadamia nuts and sprinkle them over fish or chicken.

  10. Stock up on walnuts

    Full of vitamins and omega-3s, walnuts help fight love handles on the belly. Try this simple snack: Mix half a cup of pineapple in half a cup of cottage cheese. Sprinkle two teaspoons of walnuts on top. A snack for the flat belly with only 325 calories.

  11. Grab the tennis racket

    Try a few forehand and backhand strokes. You'll see: After just a few times of tennis, your abs will get harder. Tennis works especially on the oblique abdominal muscles.

  12. Sleep your belly fat away

    Researchers at the University of Chicago have found that people who sleep 7 hours or more per night lose 2x more fat. They are also less often hungry than all those who sleep less than 7 hours.

  13. Drink a lot of water

    Drinking water helps your circulation. You also have less appetite when you drink a lot. You find it hard to drink enough? Click here to read our blogpost: Tricks to help you drink more.

  14. Reach for fresh seafood

    Salmon and other fatty fish are rich in omega3 fatty acids. When buying, make sure you don't buy fish farmed.

  15. Strengthen your center while walking and standing

    Imagine a magnet pulling your belly button towards your spine. This simple abdominal muscle movement works wonders. You also automatically walk much more upright and appear more confident.

  16. Stand upright while lifting weights

    When lifting weights (whether in a workout or in everyday life) always try to stand up straight and tall. This is how your abdominal muscles help you stabilize your body. And in order for them to do that, they need to be properly trained. Breathe regularly when lifting weights.

  17. Do a workout with the exercise ball

    flat belly exercise ball
    The ultimate exercise tool for a flat stomach is an exercise ball. Researchers at California State University, Sacramento, have found that regular exercise ball exercises provide more abdominal muscles than normal workout. Here you can find the best abdominal exercises with exercise ball.

  18. Grab your golf club

    Golf helps to tone the abdomen. The movements you make while golfing strengthen your lateral abdominal muscles. For another workout while golfing, just walk and leave the golf cart.

  19. Eat sunflower seeds

    Sunflower seeds are packed with vitamins and nutrients. They play a great role in preventing excess pounds on your belly. Just sprinkle 2 teaspoons of seeds over your salad.

  20. Mach side armrest

    side arm support for flat stomach
    Lie on your right side and support your body with your elbow. The elbow is directly under your shoulder. Now lift the rest of your body off the floor. So that only your elbow and feet are touching the floor. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

  21. Paddle away your belly fat

    With the kayak you can train your abdominal muscles very intensively and effectively. Constant paddling ensures that your lateral and straight abdominal muscles are kept busy.

  22. Pack your swimsuit

    Swimming is a great way to get rid of belly fat. Try to combine different swimming styles.

  23. Keep your hands off alcohol

    That glass of wine with dinner can be a reason why your jeans don't fit you anymore. Alcohol causes your cortisol level to rise. This causes fat to accumulate faster on your belly.

  24. Stretch away the belly fat

    Lie on the floor, face down. Your elbows are just below your shoulders. Now lift your entire body off the floor and raise one leg. Tense your whole body and hold the position.

  25. Hands off mineral and soda water

    Where do the bubbles disappear from drinks that are full of bubbles and carbon dioxide? That's right! They go straight to your belly. Ban soda water from your beverage plan. Instead, reach for plain tap water. Find out how much of it you should drink in our post: 15 reasons why you should drink more water.

  26. Put avocado on your menu

    Avocado is a real miracle weapon for weight loss. Avocados are real powerhouses with a mild taste. They contain many vitamins, minerals and also unsaturated fatty acids. That lasts long instead of and makes slim.

  27. Practice the perfect posture

    What did Mom used to say? Stand up straight! She's right! If you stand up straight, you automatically look a few kilograms lighter.

  28. Swing away the body fat

    Exercise outdoors for flat belly hula hoop
    Go outside and grab a hula hoop. Exercises with the hoop will help you lose weight on your hips and stomach. Swing only your hips. Keep your upper body and legs still. The more often and longer you exercise with the hula hoop, the better. Here you can find the best hula hoop exercises.

  29. Train the fat away

    Flat belly abdominal muscle training abdominal muscleThis exercise targets your deepest abdominal muscles. Lie on your back and stand up straight. Stretch your legs straight out from you. The palms of your hands face your legs. And your upper body is tilted forward. Hold the balance for 30 seconds.

  30. Eat more eggs

    Eating eggs is an easy way to fight belly fat. Studies show that people who eat two eggs for breakfast lose weight more easily than others. Just try eating omlettes for breakfast.

  31. Grab your gardening gloves

    There are many good reasons to garden. Getting up, bending and stretching in the garden helps with a flat stomach. When your plants are ready to harvest, you're also doing something for your health. Homegrown herbs and fruits are much healthier than store-bought.

  32. Clean your apartment

    Vacuuming is a great exercise for a flat stomach. The forward and backward movements tone your abdominal muscles.

  33. Try this abdominal exercise

    Abdominal exercises flat abdominal muscle
    Lie face up on the fitness mat with arms extended. Your legs are bent. Now put them alternately 1x on the right side and 1x on the left. Raise the legs slowly to increase the effect.

  34. Be the first in the restaurant

    If you order last, you usually take more than you should. When the waiter comes, just be the first to order.

  35. Fight fat with fiber

    For every 10 grams of fiber you eat, your belly will lose up to 4 percent weight. 10 grams of fiber are in: 2 apples, 1/2 cup beans, 1 artichoke or 2 cups broccoli.

  36. Eat dark chocolate

    Dark chocolate* helps your body burn fat from your belly. It is also full of antioxidants (3x as many as in milk chocolate). Allegedly the dark chocolate* can also help with arterial blockages. Go for chocolate with more than 70 percent cocoa. It tastes particularly delicious if you dip bananas in a little dark chocolate* tunkst.

  37. Schedule time for endurance exercises

    If you want a flat stomach quickly, you should exercise regularly. And that means endurance training. Cycling, running, jogging - everything is allowed.

  38. Spoon yourself to the flat stomach

    Scientists at Pennsylvania State University say that spooning low-calorie soups before lunch and dinner, should reduce calorie intake by 20 percent.

  39. Chatting and exchanging info during a walk

    You want to know what's new with your girlfriend? Where her sister is working now and since when your mutual acquaintance is married? Exchange information during a walk together. Don't lie on your lazy skin!

  40. Start your day with grapefruit

    The acid in grapefruit stops your hunger and makes you feel faster instead. With half a grapefruit you take 64 percent of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C.

  41. Keep your hands off sweets

    Nothing puts on a belly faster than sweets. Try reaching for healthy alternatives like fruit instead of sweets. Fruit can also be sweet and satisfy your sugar cravings.

Contributed image: depositphotos.com/stokasso

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