17 tips to get you through the holidays without extra pounds

Do not increase in the holidays

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Is it possible to celebrate Christmas without having excess Christmas pounds afterwards? We've found 17 ways to help you get through the festive season without extra pounds.

Every year it's the same: cinnamon cookies, chocolate, punch and other sweet nibbles everywhere. No wonder hip fat and a life preserver are not long in coming. But there is another way!

Unfortunately, however, this is not very easy. Because even if you have the strongest willpower in the world - the upcoming holidays and the pre-Christmas period are for every a challenge. Do not believe anyone who says otherwise ;)

The temptations are great. Very big, in fact. But unfortunately, we also know that the excess pounds can not be packed away with the decoration. And absolutely no one wants to start the new year with too many kilos.

You don't have to. Check out our 17 tips to get you through the holidays without extra pounds. With our tricks you can sin and still have the same dress size next year :)

The top 17 tips against waist fat after the holidays:

  1. Weigh yourself 2x per week

    2x per week is ideal to see how your weight is developing. It is best to always weigh yourself at the same time - in the morning after getting up, when you have not yet eaten or drunk anything.

  2. Dare to say no

    Willpower is like a muscle: work on it and it will get stronger. When you're not hungry, don't eat.
    You can compare that with the feeling of having to honk the horn when driving a car at rush hour. That also requires a lot of willpower ;) Stay strong!

  3. Avoid the "morning after meal"

    Do you know this: You invited friends, you had a lot of fun and the next morning you are alone with masses of brought cake, sauces and other goodies?
    It would be a shame to throw it all away now. The best thing to do now is to run to the nearest supermarket and get lots of Tupperware. Each of your friends will get a box in the evening - or the next morning - depending on how long your party was. So you have everything nicely divided and do not have to eat it alone :)

  4. Stay away from soda and mineral water

    Carbonated drinks can cause a bloated belly. Stick to still water, which our body also tolerates much better.

  5. Eat your H20

    When things get stressful, it's often difficult to drink enough. How about a big green salad with a good dressing and a few slices of avocado? These water-rich foods will help you stay hydrated.

  6. Drink, drink and drink some more

    If you drink a lot of still water, you will have less appetite. Try to keep this up during the holidays. Tips with which it works: "Drink more water: 15 tips you don't know yet"

  7. Chew slowly

    Yes, we all know it: When the to-list seems endless, we eat quickly and on the side. As a result, we often don't chew properly. Eating fast is one of the main reasons why your favorite jeans don't fit you anymore.

  8. Drink a lot of peppermint tea

    Swap cocoa for tea. Studies show that peppermint can help relax muscles and keep your belly from bloating. Not a fan of peppermint? Try chamomile, it has similar effects.

  9. Work on your willpower

    Your work colleague has you under her spell with her homemade cookies? Before you give in to the craving, try this simple trick: Place the thumb and fingers of your right hand one inch from your forehead.
    Now touch your forehead one finger at a time. Start with the thumb and say to yourself: "Stay strong".
    Do not increase in the holidays
    Now wait 15-20 minutes - just continue your work normally. The desire for the cookies will pass. At least that's what a study from Tufts University in Boston says.

  10. Start your day with a workout

    Yes, that's right. Get out of bed :) If you already train in the morning, you are much more disciplined and also start the day with a big portion of happiness.
    Here you come to the contribution: "Early morning exercise: how to become a fan of working out in the morning."

  11. Be very picky

    Analyze the buffet before you start loading your plate. That way you only load up on food you really want. Choose the food you feel like eating. But of course always everything in moderate quantities.

  12. Keep cravings at bay

    Make sure you eat normally on the day of the Christmas party. Not eating all day will lead to cravings and unnecessary calories in the evening. Cravings: "Avoiding binge eating: How to say goodbye to cravings"

  13. Fruits, vegetables and healthy

    Yes, the cookie looks tempting and the hot chocolate is smiling at you too. Stay strong! Eat enough fruits and vegetables during the holidays. That way you won't have as much of an appetite for sweets.

  14. Do not give up dessert

    You can snack. But try to stick to this little rule: Enjoy the first bite to the fullest. The second bite is for the soul and the third is already the conclusion. So take three small bites of the cookie and don't eat 5 or 6 pieces at once.

  15. Keep calm

    Already stressed out thinking about the holidays? Take a deep breath. This is especially true before you eat. Studies have shown that women who use stress reduction techniques gain less weight.
    Close your eyes, listen to your body, and think carefully about how much and what you're eating.

  16. Trick yourself

    Cookies that are always within reach, of course, increase the likelihood that you'll overindulge. Put the box with the cookies somewhere where you can't see them. This always works :)

  17. Eat consciously

    Avoid quick snacks in between meals. Take time to eat even when you're stressed. Stick to your meal times during and between the holidays.

Our conclusion:

Restraint is everything. This includes holidays. Learn to be disciplined and not want to have something sweet on hand all the time. But if you only work out for 15 minutes every morning, feel free to indulge in a few cookies. Hang in there! Soon it will be January again and at least the cookies will disappear by themselves.

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