What to do in bad weather? 9 tips for gray days

What can you do bad weather

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What can you do in bad weather? Apart from looking out of the window in despair? And making plans to emigrate? We have 9 great tips for rainy summer days.

That's typical again. The first heat wave of the year really knocks us for a loop. We've barely gotten used to the sun and heat before all the fun is over again.

Hello rain, hello gray sky. And yes, I wear today Zwiebellook. Top, cardigan and my rain jacket. Note rubber boots and a new umbrella as summer must-haves. And am quite frustrated.

Nothing with beach bars, brown legs and open airs. In the sidewalk cafés, people wrap themselves in wool blankets and move closer together under the umbrella. And yet it drips incessantly down the back of your neck.

It's enough to drive you crazy! To stay at home! To emigrate and never come back. At least almost. Because we have a way out of the summer melancholy.

9 tips for rainy summer days

It's raining? Wonderful! Then loosen up and be ready for a big dose of relaxation, fun and coolness.

1. have breakfast in bed when it rains

Outside the rain is pelting against the window? And you have time off? Perfect! So there is no sensible reason to get up. Take your breakfast to bed and make yourself comfortable.

Light some candles, open the window and snuggle up in your bed. Add fragrant coffee, a delicious breakfast and relaxing lounge music. That's how the day can start after all. :)

2. a relaxed workout in wet weather

You were also hoping for beach volleyball and got continuous rain? Don't worry, to move your tired muscles a little, there are also great workouts for at home. All you need is a little space and a sports mat.

If you like it relaxed, you should definitely try our Yin Yoga Flow. This will loosen your muscles and pleasantly stretch your body: With a simple Yin Yoga Flow to more relaxation.

If you want to work a little more intensively on the bikinifiur, take a look here: Get bikinifit fast with these 7 abdominal legs butt exercises. We wish a lot of fun and happy sweating! :)

3. make plans for sunny days

You miss the summer mood? Then just make plans for sunny days and balmy evenings. Plan a trip to the seaside or a barbecue with the girls. The anticipation alone will bring back the summer mood. :)

4. perfect in rainy weather: read a good book

It doesn't always have to be pure beach reading. Together with a hot cup of tea, every book actually fits well on the sofa! We recommend you beautiful novels, which get along without schmaltzy kitsch and totally enchant.

Too little sleep

One of our favorites: "The Day We Spun the Earth" by Valérie Tong Coung. Or the original books "Bridget Jones Diary" and "The Edge of Reason" by Helen Fielding. What are your summer favorites?

Tip: I have provided you with a link to the books. So you can order them right away at Amazon.

5. take advantage of bad weather to clean out the apartment.

What can you do in bad weather? The things you never do! For example, clean out and declutter. Your closet can hardly be closed? In the closet are still canned ravioli from the last millennium?

Then it's the right moment to get rid of superfluous stuff with the blue trash bag. Have no mercy and dispose of everything you no longer need. It's so liberating, you'll see!

successful year

By the way, if you have things that are perfectly fine, you should not throw them away. In every city there is the possibility to donate old clothes. And there are certainly many people who are still happy about your old things. :)

6. be a real kid again

You used to spend hours making, crafting or doing puzzles? Perfect! Get the dusty utensils out of the basement and get started. With stories from the three question marks? Why not? :D

7. cold and wet? A long bath helps

If the jump into the lake is denied to you, then just hop into the bathtub. Sit back and enjoy the warm foam on your ears. Listen to a great audio book or simply listen to relaxing music.

cream-after-workout, make your own bath balls,single-on-valentine's-day

If you like, you can even make your own bath additive. You want to know how to do it? We have great instructions and recipes for bath oils and Co: Make bath additive yourself: Bath beads & bath salts.

Tip: Amazon has a great bath set for pampering. 

8. take a walk in the rain

What can you do in bad weather? Get outside! In fact, it's not true that rain or cold wind makes you sick. In fact, if you take a long walk in unsettled weather, you're more likely to strengthen your defenses.

So grab your dog (or your old neighbor's) and off you go through the puddles. The muddier and wetter, the more fun it is. Just leave the vanity at home and have fun!

By the way, petting animals and playing with them reduces stress very effectively and has been proven to have a positive effect on well-being. Animal shelters are also very happy if you take care of a protégé there.

9. what to do in bad weather? Watch Netflix!

Of course, the classic answer to the bad-weather question can't be missing either! Sit back with your favorite series or exciting documentaries. In addition, a delicious tea or a fruity ice cream. And already the rain frustration is forgotten. :)

Our conclusion:

Rainy summer days are the best invitation to really unwind. Just enjoy the time out in your 4 walls or in nature. And look forward to the next rays of sunshine :)

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