Your weight is stagnating? These are the 7 most common reasons!

Weight stagnant

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You've tried everything, but your weight is stagnating? These are the reasons why you can't keep losing weight and here's what you can do about it!

You managed to get rid of a few kilos? Congratulations! Very well done. When you see the first pounds tumble on the scale, it's an incredibly liberating feeling.

We could embrace the whole world. At last we have succeeded.

But a little is still possible. Because a few more pounds should come off before you feel like a million bucks. But the weight is stagnating. It just won't come off, no matter what you try.

Do you feel the same way? Then you've come to the right place! We'll tell you why your weight is stagnating. There are a number of reasons why you can't keep losing weight.

You'll also learn what you can do to finally overcome this weight loss plateau.

Actually, the principle of losing weight is quite simple: You eat fewer calories and the kilos fall. So much for the theory. In practice, it's a little more complicated: because it often happens that you can't lose weight despite a calorie deficit.

The weight loss plateau is the point at which you do not continue to lose weight despite adjusted diet and exercise. Often this is due to metabolism. But let's look at this in detail.

Weight standstill

How losing weight stagnates when you take in too many calories

Very often the reason you can't lose weight is that you eat too many calories. Many people underestimate the number of calories in food. Pay attention to the information on the package. Very low calorie foods are vegetables, some fruits or salads.

When you lose weight, your body becomes smaller. The circumference of your abdomen, thighs and the like becomes smaller because you have lost fat. This now leads to the fact that your body also burns less energy at the same time.

Small example:

Lena has lost weight. Her initial weight was 85 kg at a height of 160 cm.

Before losing weight, she had a caloric requirement of 2265 calories and a basal metabolic rate of 1618 calories. Assuming she wanted to maintain her weight. But because she didn't want to, she lost 20 kg.

After losing weight, Lena has a caloric need of 1990 calories and a basal metabolic rate of 1426 calories.

If she were to eat the same way after losing weight, the kilos would quickly be back on her hips.

How to take in fewer calories

The lower energy consumption means that she also needs fewer calories. There are a number of apps you can use to keep track of your calorie intake. However, it is not recommended that you always count your calories. This can lead to huge eating disorders.

It always helps me if I make a meal plan for the whole week and only go shopping once. Then it is less likely that you spontaneously go overboard. The plan is always made when you are just full.

Avoid particularly sweet or fatty foods and go for fruits and vegetables instead. Foods rich in vitamin C such as peppers, citrus fruits and kiwi boost the metabolism.

Thereby our We Go Fit Nutrition Plan support. We know from our own experience that it is often very difficult to eat right.

Especially when it comes to recipes, you can quickly reach the limits of your creativity. That's why it's worth making a cooking plan. It's best to plan what you're going to eat for a week in advance.

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

So that you can succeed, you can take part in our We Go Fit Program Create your personal nutrition plan. You choose either the category of Slimming or Clean Eating and specify your favorite foods.

We'll put together a nutrition plan that fits your needs and that's 100% for you. It's very easy. Give it a try :)

What influence water retention has when the weight stagnates

It is also possible that you have not reached a weight loss plateau at all, but continue to lose weight diligently and it does not show on the scale. How does that work?

Well, the cause of this can be water retention.

Our body stores water. To the eye, this often looks like body fat at first glance, and the scale is also fooled by it.

For us women, the cycle often throws a spanner in the works. Therefore, you should weigh yourself at least 1x per week to catch different phases of the cycle. Just before the period, water retention in the body is at its highest.

Often this is accompanied by tense breasts, back pain or a lousy mood. Hopeless, isn't it? No, not quite.

Less salt is healthier

Because you can adapt your diet to it. For example, a high-salt diet leads to our body storing more water. Give up salt for a week and try it out. Instead of salt, you can use lots of fresh herbs. And not everything needs to be salted like a tomato or other vegetable on bread.

What may sound a little strange now is also a good tip if your weight is stagnating: Drink lots of water!

Water ensures that you flush out toxins as well as salt. Also, a thirsty body always stores water for emergencies. If you show your body that there is no emergency ahead, it will stop saving for a rainy day.

How your metabolism plays tricks on you when you lose weight

Especially diets that promise quick success do this on a single basis: reduce calories extremely. This works wonderfully in the first week. The kilos just tumble and you are mega happy.


This becomes a problem in the long run. It is mega unhealthy if you suddenly provide your body with too few calories.

Those who drastically reduce calories

  • Suffers from fatigue
  • can not concentrate
  • freezes all the time
  • can damage its organs
  • Feels weak
  • can get a vitamin and mineral deficiency
  • and even upset his cycle

You tell your body with such diets: Attention, we have nothing to eat, now it's a matter of survival. The body does nothing other than shut down the metabolism so far that it is just enough to survive.

Weight stagnates - reasons

Your metabolism becomes slow and sluggish. In addition, the body secretes hormones that prevent the fat reserves from being attacked. It thinks that you will still need them in your fight for survival.

That's totally smart of him. Because he doesn't want you to die. And that was even crucial for survival for our ancestors. Because they didn't have enough to eat all the time. For us today, this is a great disadvantage.

That's why it's much healthier to lose weight slowly, healthily and in the long term than to go on a crash diet.

A calorie deficit of about 200 calories per day is more than enough to start with. However, this again depends on how big, heavy, old and active you are. At We Go Fit Nutrition Plan all these factors are favored. In the end, you get a plan that implements exactly what you want to achieve.

Why your weight stagnates when you lose or gain muscle

Everyone has muscles, even those who do not exercise. Because otherwise we could neither walk nor stand. Our muscles need nourishment. If you have chosen a crash diet, they may be undersupplied and therefore shrink.

Our muscles need a lot of calories to be maintained. In other words, if you've lost muscle, you need fewer calories.

If you go back to eating normally now, your weight will stagnate. To increase muscle mass, you need to incorporate sports into your daily routine. There must be a sport that you like. Especially weight training is worthwhile. Because you build muscles that burn calories like power plants.

The more muscles you have, the greater your calorie consumption. And the more you can eat.

By the way, the same is true when you build muscle. Muscles are heavier than fat tissue. On the scale, you only see that your diet weight is stagnating, while your body is just reshaping itself.

You become firmer, lose girth and build muscle. With a body fat scale you can observe this phenomenon very precisely. It shows you the composition of fat and muscle mass.

You can also have this analysis done by a sports doctor.

What influence wrong training has on your body fat

Okay, you understand that it's hard to do without exercise. Very good. But here, too, there are a few things to keep in mind. First of all, diet accounts for about 70% of your weight loss plan.

With sports you help your body to boost the metabolism and build muscle. You must always look at sports in the long term. The ultimate 3 weeks fat away workout does not exist.

Very many people forget that training should always be adapted to the goals and starting position. If you train too intensively or exercise too irregularly, then your weight may stagnate.

A training plan that suits you will help you reach the goal and exercise regularly.

I prefer to work out at home. The Gymondo fitness platform is great for that. You sign up once and can then choose from 60 programs and 570 workouts. All you need is a workout mat and a little space in your living room.

What the psyche has to do with losing weight

So much right away: very much! Anyone who wants to lose weight in the long term has a long way to go. At the beginning, most people start with full motivation. They try out everything that is possible. You stick to your diet and even do sports.

But then ...

Then the inner pig whispers to you: Oh, sports. Better leave it alone, it's windy today. Or: Ooohh, a donut, come on, you've really earned it!

And then it becomes very difficult to maintain motivation. When it comes to weight standstill, it is very often due to the psyche.

But don't let it mislead you or even stress you out. We fall back into old eating patterns very quickly. Very often it even happens unconsciously.

Now you have to stay strong. Set yourself a goal that you want to achieve. For example: lose 1 kg in 10 days. That's doable! If you have reached the goal, then reward yourself with a little something. Ideally, it's nothing to eat :). A spa day, a shopping trip or similar are better.

Make sure you get enough sleep, because you also burn a lot of calories. 6-8 hours are ideal to help the body lose weight.

What influence stress has on weight loss

why can not I lose weight

Are you someone who gets stressed out easily? Then it's no wonder that your weight stagnates. Our body releases the stress hormone cortisol when things get really busy. It slows down your weight loss plans.

And lets you additionally eat unhealthy, often snacking on a candy bar while you work. Do you recognize yourself?

Try to relax and get interested in yoga, meditation or long walks. There are many ways to reduce stress hormones and calm down, nutrition also plays a big role.

Stress hormones can also be released when you exercise too much. Because that is pure stress for our body.

Our conclusion

If the weight stagnates even though you are doing everything you can to keep it off, this can have various causes. Often two or more reasons occur at the same time and influence each other. If you find out what is to blame for the fact that you can not lose weight, then you are already a very big step closer to your goal!

All the best for you!

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