Vacation over? How to get back to work after the vacations

Vacation over back in everyday life

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"It was nice". You think to yourself in front of your desk while you notice how your recovery is shrinking again. But with the right tips, it's not so bad when the vacation is over and you're back to the serious side of life.

Dreading the first day of work after vacation? Yes, the vacation season has a big catch. At some point it will be over.

Then it's back to work again. If you haven't prepared properly for this, it can be quite stressful.

You're suddenly sitting on a mountain of unanswered emails. You may have missed a lot. A fresh breeze in your hair and fresh coconuts are no longer available. Life is hard.

But it's not that bad when the vacation is over. After all, you can't always have a vacation. With the right tactics, you can keep your rest as long as possible.

Vacation over

Before the vacation is over

Even before the actual vacation, you can make sure that you won't have any problems getting back to work afterwards. There are some very simple tips and tricks that can make the first day at work after the vacations more pleasant.

The preparation for the start of the vacations

Even the way you start your vacation is important. Do all the important tasks before you start your vacation and also look into the future. For important projects right after your days off you should already do some preparations, so that the time after the vacation is not too stressful.

Everything should also fit at home. No one wants to clean the apartment right after their time away. It's much nicer to return to a tidy home.

Enjoy the time of anticipation, it is not said for nothing anticipation is the best joy. Before the vacation you are happiest.

The timing for the vacation

If it's anything that's important, it's timing. It's best to build in some buffer days. If you can, schedule a day or two at home before you leave and at least two days off after the vacation is over. This way you can reduce your stress level before the trip and have enough time to get back home.

If you put your first day of work on a Thursday, you have a very short work week. Then you can get back into the swing of things much more easily.

During the days off

Sounds stupid, but use the vacation as what it is. For relaxation. More and more people can't/won't/don't want to switch off on vacation. You take the work phone, the small handy laptop to check e-mail and wonder why the relaxation does not want to come.

The vacation is there to switch off. And the company will continue to exist even if you are not there for a week.

In addition, a depressive mood usually sets in during the last few days. It's best not to get involved, but to enjoy every day of your time off. Especially the last ones, which often shape you the most.

Tip: Enjoy your well-deserved time off, get to know new cultures and forget about work for a while.

Vacation over, Taste the time off

Vacation over: Off to work

As soon as the vacation is over, a lot of work is waiting for you. Everyday life has us back and often hits us with full force. But if you're smart about it, it's half as bad.

The return after the vacation

If you took the tip above to heart, you've now been home for a few days to acclimate. You might even start on a Thursday to have a short work week. Also, once you arrive at work, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

1. a to-do list saves a lot of stress

Most of the time, after the vacation is over, one thing is missing. Overview. That's why it's a good idea to create a to-do list so you know what you have to do.

It is best to write the three most urgent tasks at the top. Everything else goes underneath. Once the most important ones are checked off, you can take care of the rest.

2. take the vacation to the office

While it's not a good idea to take the office with you on vacation, the reverse is different. The transition from the beach to the desk is easier if you keep a piece of your vacation. For example, a new desktop wallpaper or a small souvenir at work.

Vacation over, memories remain
Such a nice background picture of the dream vacation relaxes but really good

3. gossiping saves a lot of time (this time)

Use the lunch or coffee break to exchange ideas with your colleagues. This way you can easily find out everything you missed.

And the latest gossip can't hurt either.

4. use the new perspective

You have been away from work for a while. This may have given you new impetus for problem solving. Perhaps you can also think of ways to optimize your work. Take advantage of this new perspective when the vacation is over.

5. draw new rituals from the vacation

Maybe you used your time off to start personal projects. Maybe you've been more athletic than normal, or you've let off steam artistically. Try to keep these positive influences as much as possible.

The beautiful new rituals can prolong the vacation feeling.

6. cook dishes from vacation

Your vacation is over? Never mind. Prolonging the vacations with culinary delights can keep you relaxed. Try new recipes from your vacation destination or go out to eat.

In addition, this enlarges the culinary horizon sustainably :)


The vacation is over quickly. However, if you do it right, you still have something of it for a long time. My tip: divide your vacation into several small (Unless you want to discover something far away). If you make short vacations you are on average more relaxed and see more of the world.

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