7 simple stretching exercises that everyone should know how to do!

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How flexible are you? I have 7 simple stretching exercises for your stomach, legs and bottom that everyone should be able to do.

Almost all workouts consist of a mix of Power and Cardio exercises. Most people do a warm-up, then a round of high-intensity training and then a few cool-downs. Sounds almost perfect - doesn't it?

But there are always three parts to physical fitness: Strength training, endurance and Mobility. You can get more flexibility with simple stretching exercises 😁

When you train, you usually work on the first two parts, most people pay a lot of attention to stretching too little attention. We are changing that today!

Why is stretching so important?

It's not just athletes who benefit from regular you Stretching - even if you sit a lot, stretching can help, Tension at solve and you fit to hold.

By stretching regularly, you can improve your Increase performance and Prevent injuries. Your muscles and joints become more flexible and stronger, so you feel better during training or in everyday life 😋.

For older people stretching is even more important. We lose mobility over the years and stretching can be a great help here. It makes everyday things, such as bending down or reaching for something, much easier.

Another point is that stretching helps, Muscular shortening at avoid. If muscles are too short, this can lead to pain and restricted movement. Regular stretching therefore keeps your muscles at a healthy length and also supports the Regeneration after sport.

So, whether you're active in sports, sitting a lot or just getting older, stretching is an important part of keeping you fit. healthy and movable to hold. 💪😉

Is stretching ideal for couch potatoes?

Stretching can also be beneficial for those who don't like sport. It's not just for athletes or fitness enthusiasts.

If you're not a fan of intense workouts or sports activities, stretching is a great way to keep your body in good shape. Flexibility and agility are important for everyoneregardless of the sporting activity.

You don't have to be a fitness fanatic to benefit from stretching. It can be integrated into your daily routine without taking up too much time or effort. You can take it at your own pace and focus on the areas that are most important to you.

The 7 best stretching exercises that everyone should be able to do

Here you will find simple stretching exerciseswhich you can do either in the morning or in the evening. You don't need any exercise equipment, just a yoga mat and a chair.

1. touching the floor with fingers

This is stretched: the posterior thigh muscle and the back of the legs.

stretching exercises legs flexibility training

Stand upright and try to touch the floor with your fingertips.

Looks easy? But it's not! Many create this stretching exercise not - I'm one of them.

If it doesn't work straight away: keep at it! If you can do the exercise regular you will notice that it gets easier and easier.💪🏼😋

Instead of straightening your legs, you can also bend your knees slightly at the beginning. If you can do this stretching exercise Correct you feel a draw in the Back of the knee.

2. lateral stretching for more mobility

This is stretched: All the muscles along the side, the quadratus lumborum (part of your core muscles) and the external oblique abdominal muscle.

stretching exercises train mobility

  • Stand with your legs closed and upright.
  • Now stretch your right hand to your right knee.
  • Reach your left hand up and bend to the right.
  • Make sure your back is stretched out!

If you are very agile, you can do it with your right hand. Fingertips until your Knees.

Make sure that your Back during this stretch exercise stretched out is!

3. stretching in a sitting position

This is stretched: The muscles around your hips.

Stretching exercise hip

  • Sit at the front of your chair or in this case table.
  • Make a right angle with your right leg.
  • Place your right foot on your left leg at the level of your ankle.
  • Press the right knee towards the floor to train your flexibility.
  • Keep an upright posture and stretch the leg slowly but with some pressure.

4. needle-and-thread stretch as a stretching exercise.

This is stretched: You will feel this stretch on your entire upper and lower back muscles as well as your shoulders. Make sure your back is fully extended.

stretching exercises needle and thread

  • Start on all fours.
  • Rest your head on the mat.
  • Take the right arm and place it stretched on the left side.
  • The left arm is stretched forward.

5. the cobra as a stretching exercise

This is stretched: The pectoral muscles, shoulders and neck.

Cobra stretching exercise back

  • Lie down on your stomach.
  • Your hands are next to your shoulders.
  • The palms are on the floor.
  • Press up and stretch your arms through. Look straight ahead and not at the floor.
  • Firmly tighten your buttocks during the cobra.

6. the half moon stretch

This is stretched: Hip Flxor. This is a muscle in the hip without which we would not be able to lift our knee and therefore walk.

stretching exercises yoga legs stretch half moon

  • Place the left knee and right foot on the floor.
  • Place your hands on your right knee.
  • Stretch your leg back and lean forward.
  • Make sure that the right knee does not protrude above the toes.
  • Hold the position and then change the leg.

Admittedly: Only half a crescent. But for legs and bottom Very effective.🍑

7. neck stretching

This is stretched: Shoulders, upper back and pectoral muscles.

stretching exercise arms and neck stretching

For this stretching exercise you need a door, a window or the corner of a wall.

  • Stand close to the wall with your legs hip-width apart.
  • Touch the wall with your left hand at shoulder level and turn away from the wall.
  • You have your right hand on your hip.
  • By twisting, you open up your chest muscles.

This exercise looks simple. But the further you stretch your arm, the more strenuous she becomes.

What you need to know about stretching exercises

Have you ever seen how Yogis stretching exercises carry out? They are so agile that they can whole body can twist. But which Advantages does this mobility bring an average person?🤔

If you focus on flexibility training and warm-up exercises, this leads to the Risk from Injuries during sport decreases. In addition, your Stamina higher and you'll get faster.

But it's really exhausting to train your flexibility. Especially if you have a desk job and sit a lot. It doesn't improve your mobility. From sitting a lot Sitting in the office job, the muscles. And, what many also know: The tiresome Back pain.🤕🩼

Fortunately, there is a solution: stretching!

Before you become a yogi yourself, you have to start with small Basics start. You can use these stretching exercises to find out your own strengths and weaknesses. On the Weaknesses you can then specifically work.

The best thing to do all seven exercisesthat train your flexibility, daily or at least after your workout as a cool-down. I've put together a mix for your abs, legs, bottom and arms.

Try each of the seven stretching exercises between 30 and 60 seconds to hold. Per side, of course. Breathe in and out calmly and deeply. All together it only takes 7 minutes.⏱️

Does stretching help you lose weight?

Stretching alone does not lead directly to weight lossas the main factors for weight loss are a balanced diet and regular physical activity. However, stretching can be beneficial in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle.

Stretching is none physical activity in the traditional sense. It is a passive form exercise that doesn't make your muscles work and burn calories.

Should you stretch in the morning or in the evening?

Stretch in the morning or in the evening? This is a question that concerns many people. Let's take a look at what the best times are and why. 😊

Stretch in the morning has its advantages. It's a great way to start your day. Imagine waking up feeling a little stiff - a gentle stretch can help you get rid of that feeling and improve your flexibility. Energy to activate. Well-stretched muscles, joints and bones also promote better blood circulation. So you start refreshed and vital into the day.

But there are also good reasons to in the evening to stretch. Experts say that proper stretching is better done in the afternoon or evening. This is because your body is warmed up and more flexible after a day of activity, which makes stretching easier. more effective can do.🌆

However, it is also important to know that it ultimately depends on your personal preferences and your daily routine. Some people find it more comfortable to stretch in the morning to get rid of tension from the night, while others prefer to stretch in the evening to wind down at the end of the day. The important thing is that you have a find a routine, that works for you. Stretching in the morning can help to establish such a routine, as we are often less distracted at this time.

So, whether you stretch in the morning or in the evening, the most important thing is that you do it regularly. Stretching keeps you movablehelps to relieve tension and can improve your general well-being. Wellbeing increase.

What are the benefits of stretching?

Stretching is a simple and effective way to keep your body in good shape and improve your health. There are some important benefits of stretching, which can be used both by Experts as well as from Athletes be emphasized:

  1. Improved performance: Stretching can help you to improve your performance at sporting activities to improve. It can improve your muscles and joints smoother and make your Increase freedom of movement.
  2. Reduced muscle tension: Stretching helps to Tension in the muscles reduce. This is particularly useful if you have a sedentary lifestyle or after physical exertion, as it can help to relieve muscle tension. 💆‍♂️
  3. Reduced risk of injury: Stretching can help to reduce the risk of injury. It can strengthen your muscles and joints warm up and relax and thus reduce the risk of muscle strains and sprains.
  4. Improved blood circulation: Stretching promotes blood circulation, which helps to increase Oxygen and Nutrients to the muscles. This can speed up recovery after training and improve Support muscle health. 💓
  5. Stress ReliefStretching can also help to reduce stress. It promotes the Relaxation and helps to improve mental health by Stress hormones reduced. 🧘‍♂️😌
  6. Better postureRegular stretching can help to improve your posture. If your Muscles more flexible it is easier to find a upright and healthy posture to be maintained. 🚶‍♀️
  7. Increasing mobilityStretching can increase the flexibility of your joints, which is particularly important in old age to maintain mobility. It allows you to carry out everyday activities without restrictions. 🏃‍♂️

Advantages of stretching

These are the benefits of daily stretching!

My conclusion

Well? Everything went well? At first it's normal that you not all the exercises right away. Just keep at it and repeat the exercises regular to become more agile.

Which exercise do you find particularly difficult? I always struggle with the exercise where I have the Touch the floor must. It just doesn't work (yet). There's no such thing as giving up.

Hold me in the Comments up to date on how the stretching is going for you!😁💪🏼

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