Stretching shoulders - 7 simple exercises with which it works!

Exercise to stretch shoulders

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Are you tense and want to stretch your shoulders? We'll show you what's important and which stretching exercises are best!

Whether you want to throw a ball, scratch your back, brush your teeth or take a plate out of the cupboard - for all of this you need flexible shoulders. More specifically, for rotating, raising and lowering the arms.😊

The Shoulder is by the way the most flexible joint in our body. This is where muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones, cartilage and bursae work together.

That is why we are here particularly susceptible for tension, inflammation, incorrect strain, injuries and wear and tear.

But if you don't move enough in everyday life, this is exactly what becomes a problem. The Range of movement of your shoulders will restricted and you suddenly can't do even the simplest exercises.

To prevent this and to relieve existing tension, you need exercises that help you to relax your muscles. Stretch your shoulders can. And that's exactly what we want to introduce to you today.💪🏼😁

Because you are not alone with your problem. We all move us in everyday life too little and spend too many hours sitting down. This leads to massive problems in the neck, shoulders and lower back.

Our bodies don't have it easy. We move too little, sit tensely and put the wrong strain on our muscles.

The Muscles harden, atrophy and begin to atrophy. pain. What helps? Stretch your shoulders regularly!

Today we're looking at how to stretch your shoulders properly and tell you what you need to look out for.

How does shoulder pain develop?

Shoulder problems are widespread. About 25% of the German suffer from shoulder pain in the course of their lives, which is often encouraged by our modern lifestyle. But according to studies, most of them could be avoided.

Sitting at a computer for long periods of time, one-sided movement sequences and a lack of exercise lead to shortened muscles and tense fascia in the shoulder area.🤕

The result: limited mobility, pain and even shoulder disorders such as impingement or frozen shoulder.

But there is good news: With a little Movement and conscious body awareness we can actively promote our shoulder health and prevent shoulder problems.

What helps against acute tension in the shoulders?

Do you suffer from Acute tension pain in your shoulders, you can really only make one mistake: not to move and hope that it gets better.

For acute pain Gentle stretching exercises for the shoulders slowly. Your muscles and fascia are already under a lot of tension, you can not still additionally torment.☝🏼

I really like this video that I found on YouTube:

What helps me very well is a Ball for the Fascia - The Blackroll ball is available in various sizes.

This allows you to reach all trigger points in the neck and shoulders that could be tense 😊.

Blackroll fascia ball
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Also Heat is good for cramps. It relaxes the muscles. That's why you can use a Cherry stone cushion hang up or a warming cream apply.

Neck tension can also be relieved with a Massager with Heat function. It relaxes the muscles and loosens stiffness.☝🏼

But also a Masseur or Physiotherapist can help you to get rid of the tension in your shoulders.

What you need to bear in mind when stretching your shoulders

These exercises allow you to stretch your shoulders and release muscular tension. In addition lower you the Risk for Injuries.

Incidentally, you can also do the stretching exercises for the shoulders preventive do it. Then you'll never have to struggle with tense shoulders.💪🏼

Listen to your body and perform the exercises slow through. Depending on how tense you are and your fitness level, it can be pleasant to bounce slightly during the exercises or simply hold the tension.

You have to find out for yourself. These two types of stretching are called static and dynamic stretching.

Whichever way you decide to use, tear not on the arms. Gentle stretching and 15 to 20 seconds per exercise instead makes more sense than 3 seconds at full strength.

But what I can say for myself: It really does get better with time. When I started stretching started it was terrible heavy. I realized how immobile I am - scary! 😅

If you feel a sharp pain or the tension doesn't get better, have it checked by a specialist. Sports physician view

Maybe you have a old injury, or an existing injury that you haven't felt much about yet.

How often you should stretch your shoulders

When you're in pain, the temptation is great, Masses of exercises to make. But that won't get you there either. Because too much of a good thing is bad again.

If you struggle with shoulder pain from time to time but have no acute pain at the moment, do the stretching exercises 1-2x per week as a preventative measure 😊.

Do you feel a light pulling and already suspect that something is about to happen, then you should 2-3x per week stretch the shoulders.

Plan about 10 to 15 minutes for slow stretching. Don't have that much time? Even 5 minutes is better than nothing!

Try to incorporate the stretching exercises into your everyday life. You don't even need to slip into workout clothes. It also works great in the office!

How are the shoulder muscles structured?

The shoulder musculature is a very complex construct that consists of many muscles consists of. They are involved in the movement of the arms, shoulders, shoulder blades, upper body and head.

Even when we breathe, the shoulder muscles are in demand. When we take a deep breath, our chest, shoulders, head and collarbone lift up.

A very Complex interaction from many muscles is necessary.😊

Very roughly, the shoulder muscles can be divided into these groups

Shoulder muscles of the front of the body

  • Hooked arm muscle (M. coracobrachialis)
  • Lower shoulder blade muscle (Musculus subscapularis)

Shoulder muscles of the back of the body

  • Deltoid muscle (M. deltoideus)
  • Large round muscle (M. teres major)
  • Small round muscle (M. teres minor)
  • Lower limb muscle (infraspinatus muscle)
  • Upper spine muscle (Musculus supraspinatus)

What you will hear and read again and again in the context of shoulder stretching is the Rotor sleeve.

This is the muscle group that surrounds our shoulder joint.

Educated the rotor sleeve from these muscles: the upper latissimus, the lower latissimus, the small round muscle, the lower shoulder blade muscle and a ligament - the coracohumeral ligament.💪🏼😊

And then there are muscles that can be categorized as shoulder muscles. They have a indirect influence on our shoulder movements. These include the biceps and triceps, the large back muscle, the large rhomboid muscle, the shoulder blade lift and the chest muscles.

Many of these muscles are incorporated into our shoulder stretching exercises. It is important that you also stretch these muscle groups. Regular attention as a gift.

The exercises I'm about to introduce to you involve all of these muscles 😉.

The 7 best stretching exercises for the shoulders

Don't be surprised that there are also exercises for the triceps, upper back and so on. You can train the muscle strands not perfect separate from each other.

They always play together, so it can often feel like tension in the shoulder, even though the neck is actually affected.

So let's solve the problem several levels view and solve.👀

Hold each exercise per shoulder side for about 15 to 20 secondsbefore changing sides. If it feels very painful for you, take the tension out of the exercise by stretching less.

By the way: you don't have to all do seven exercises. For acute pain, choose 2-3 that feel good for you.

If you want to prevent this, choose 2-3 exercises and switch to other exercises the next time you train.😊

Stretch shoulders and triceps

Target: Improving mobility in the shoulders, stretching the broad back muscle

Exercise to stretch shoulders


  • Stand in a shoulder-width position.
  • Stretch the right arm upward and angle the forearm behind the head.
  • Put your left hand on the elbow of your left arm.
  • Pull the right arm slightly towards the head. You should feel the stretch in the shoulder.
  • Hold the stretch for 20 seconds before switching sides. Do 2-3 passes per arm.
Attention: Don't hang your head and tighten your stomach so that you don't fall into a hollow back!

You can do this exercise in the Sitting or Standing perform. However, you should stand for the sake of your back and neck.

Stretching the shoulder girdle

Target: Stretching the shoulder muscles and improving mobility

Exercise stretch shoulders


  • Stand upright and about shoulder width.
  • Raise your left arm until it is level with your shoulder.
  • Place your right hand on your left elbow.
  • Pull the stretched arm slightly back to the right.
  • You should feel the stretch in the left shoulder. After a few seconds you can stretch and pull the arm a little further to the right.
  • Hold the stretch for 20 seconds before switching sides.

Stretch pectoral muscle and shoulder

Target: Stretching the shoulder muscles, arms and the large chest muscle

Shoulders stretch on the wall


  • Stand sideways against a wall.
  • Angle the right arm and place the forearm and palm on the wall.
  • Important: Elbow and shoulder are at the same height.
  • Turn to the left until you feel a slight pull.
  • Hold the stretch for 20 seconds before switching sides.

You can also do this exercise with a Partner perform.

Stretch your shoulders with bent arms

Target: Stretch shoulders and improve mobility

Stretching exercises shoulder and back


  • You start in a shoulder-width stance.
  • Raise your left arm until your fingertips are level with your shoulder.
  • Place your right hand on your left elbow.
  • Angle your left arm. The palm of your left hand now rests on your right shoulder.
  • Pull the left elbow to the right as far as you can.

You can also do this shoulder stretching exercise in the Office make!

Squat shoulders and arms up

Target: Stretching the shoulders, arms and chest muscles. Relaxing the neck. For advanced practitioners!

Shoulder stretching exercises


  • Sit on your heels.
  • Fold your fingers behind your back. The palms face your back.
  • Lean forward with your upper body and pull your arms up at the same time. But please do this carefully and gently!
  • Let your head hang forward.
  • Breathe deeply into the belly. Relax the neck.
  • Hold the stretch for 15-20 seconds. Then straighten up again and shake your arms through.

You can do this shoulder exercise in the Standing or Squats make

Strengthen shoulder muscles

Target: Strengthening and loosening the shoulders. Greater mobility to the right and left of the spine.

Shoulder muscles workout


  • Lie on your stomach. Place the tops of your feet and press them against the floor.
  • Tighten the buttocks and abdomen.
  • Raise the head and shoulders off the floor. The head is the extension of the spine, the gaze is directed downward.
  • Raise your arms and stretch them forward alternately.
  • While you stretch your left arm forward, your right arm is bent next to your waist.
  • The upper body is raised throughout the exercise.
  • Can you feel the stretch in the shoulder girdle? Very good!
  • Do 10 repetitions per side to 3 passes.

Rotate shoulders

Target: Promotes blood circulation in the neck and shoulders. Loosening of the shoulder muscles.

Stretching exercise shoulders circle


  • Sit on the floor. Inhale and straighten your spine. The head is upright and the extension of the spine.
  • Let your arms hang down loosely.
  • Pull your shoulders towards your ears and slowly circle them backwards and then forwards.
  • After 10 repetitions, circle them forward. Do at least 3 repetitions.

Advanced the right shoulder can circle forwards and the left shoulder backwards.

What else can I do?

If you are tense in your shoulders, there are a few Sports, that you should take a closer look at.

All of them burden the shoulder at the same time, loosen them, however.

If you don't have stabbing pain, but the pain is the result of tension, try these sports:

  • Climbing (bouldering, via ferrata)
  • Swimming (breaststroke and crawl)
  • Tennis, badminton
  • Strength training for muscle building

What are the benefits of preventive shoulder stretching?

Depending on your job and training, it may be that your front, middle and rear shoulder muscles to varying degrees are developed.

Or completely atrophied if you move too little or not at all.☝🏼

In both scenarios, you should use the Stretch your shouldersto get rid of pain or even better: to prevent tension from arising in the first place.

Become more agile

Stretching the shoulder muscles is so important to prevent muscular to get rid of tensions. But also to prevent shortening. If your shoulder muscles are shortened, your range of movement is severely restricted.

👉Or to put it another way: If you regularly stretch your shoulders, you will also become more flexible and the lowers the Risk of injury.

Better blood circulation

Whether it's stretching your shoulders or doing back exercises - the part that you give your full attention to when stretching will be better blood circulation.

This allows more oxygen to reach the connective tissue. But proteins and carbohydrates are also sent into the cells more efficiently.

What are the benefits? Muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints regenerate better.👍🏼

At what age is shoulder stretching important?

Shoulder stretching exercises are any age important to maintain the mobility and flexibility of the shoulder joints.

Already in the Childhood stretching exercises can help to prevent tension and shortening of the muscles, which can lead to poor posture and pain.

At Adulthood shoulder stretching exercises become all the more important, as the Mobility of the joints with increasing age decreases. By stretching regularly, you can keep your shoulder joints supple and reduce the risk of injury.😊

Shoulder stretching is particularly important for people who much on Working with computers, Doing sports or other activities that put strain on the shoulders.

Even in old age, stretching exercises can help to maintain the mobility of the shoulder joints and prevent pain.

Are women or men more frequently affected by shoulder problems?

Shoulder problems are Women and men is a widespread problem. Although the exact causes can vary depending on gender, various factors play a role.

Women seem to be more frequently affected by certain shoulder problems such as impingement syndrome, rotator cuff tears and shoulder osteoarthritis.

Possible reasons for this are the Anatomy, hormonal influences and activities that put strain on the shoulders.☝🏼

Men on the other hand, suffer shoulder injuries more often due to Sports or Accidents.

When do I need to see a doctor?

If you have a acute, persistent or stabbing pain with certain movements, have this checked out by a doctor. Especially if you have recently fallen or had an accident.

The same goes for immobility, sensory disturbances or numbness. Your first point of contact is your GP, who will then refer you to a specialist.🧑🏼‍⚕️

Our conclusion

If you regularly visit the Stretch your shoulders If you do this, tension will not occur in the first place. Prevention is always much better than fighting pain later.

You should at least do these stretching exercises for the shoulders 2x per week if you sit a lot or have shortened muscles.

Good luck!💪🏼🧡

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