Pollen allergy symptoms you should not ignore!

Pollen allergy symptoms

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Your nose is running, your eyes are itching and watering and you can hardly breathe? You should not ignore these pollen allergy symptoms and this is what you can do against them.

The sun is shining after the long winter, the birds are chirping and you are enjoying the first iced coffee outside.

It could all be so beautiful, if only there were not this constant sneezing and sniffling. Do you already have the first pollen allergy symptoms?

Then you probably suffer from burning eyes, sore throat or even shortness of breath. This year, the hazel draws attention to itself very early.

As a sufferer, I know many pollen allergy symptoms very well. But there is a whole series that is probably still unknown to you. I will tell you the typical signs of an early blossom and grass allergy. So you can recognize at first glance whether you have an allergy or just a cold.

This article is only intended to give you a starting point. You should definitely have your complaints clarified by an ear, nose and throat specialist. If you ignore pollen allergy symptoms, you may develop asthma!

Pollen allergy can be triggered by grasses or trees. An allergic reaction to pollen manifests itself mainly in the respiratory tract.

How do I know that I have a pollen allergy?

Pollen allergy symptoms can vary greatly. Most sufferers report sneezing, runny nose, itching, conjunctivitis, itching and tingling of the eyes and nose, heavy breathing.

Plants spread pollen through the air. We breathe in this air and pick up lots of plant pollen in the process. This is also the reason why hay fever usually manifests itself with problems in the nose, throat, larynx or bronchial tubes.

However, a pollen allergy also makes you feel tired and totally knocked out. You are less efficient and feel groggy all the time.

If the pollen gets onto the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, the immune system triggers a reaction in allergy sufferers, which we experience as pollen allergy symptoms.

The most common symptoms of pollen allergy are:

  • Watery, itchy and red eyes
  • Sneezing
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa, a stuffy or runny nose
  • Rashes
  • Neck scratching
  • Cough
  • Headaches, sleep disorders, concentration problems

These symptoms can be divided into different categories and can vary in severity depending on the severity of the allergy.

Typical symptoms of the upper respiratory tract

  • Itchy nose
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Blocked nose
  • Runny nose, runny nose
  • Sneezing fits and attacks
  • Chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses
  • Frequent nosebleeds
  • Swelling of the tongue or lip
  • Poor sense of smell and taste
  • Hoarseness
  • Dry throat
  • Swallowing problems
  • Sore throat
  • Throat infections
  • Itching in the mouth
  • Mucous airways
  • Shortness of breath
  • Bronchitis
  • Irritation of the cough and dry cough

When pollen is really on a roll, home remedies like cold water or Peppermint oil* can help, at least for a short time. But in such moments I prefer to use a Allergy nasal spray against hay fever*.

It frees nose and you can breathe easier again. At the same time it also works against a runny nose, itching and sneezing. I always have a whole load of it at home and a pack in the handbag.

Pollen allergy symptoms of the eyes

As if the throat and nose were not enough, an allergic reaction usually also affects the eyes. The conjunctiva of the eyes are very sensitive and react to pollen.

If your respiratory tract is affected by pollen, you 70 % also have problems with your eyes.

The spectrum ranges from dry to constantly running eyes. This is how a pollen allergy can make itself felt:

  • Red eyes
  • Puffy eyelids
  • Constantly watering eyes
  • Itchy eyes
  • Burning eyes
  • Light sensitivity
  • Dry eyes

Did you know that pollen from birch trees can fly 500 km?

Climate change is making things very difficult for allergy sufferers. Mild temperatures mean that hazel blossoms as early as February and grass pollen is in the air until September. The period during which pollen allergy symptoms occur is therefore becoming longer and longer.

In the past, hazel did not start until March/April and by August at the latest, the grass pollen was gone.

Pollen allergy symptoms

Pollen allergy or cold?

Now I can only speak from my experience. An allergy affects everyone differently. Everyone has different pollen allergy symptoms in different strengths and manifestations.

With me, it's mainly the nose that gets to me. It runs without a break. That could just be a normal cold, right?

Not in my case. Because the nose runs through for days and completely without a cold. After airing or during a walk is the worst.

Pollen allergy

  • The nasal secretion is clear and liquid
  • Sneezing attacks occur in fits and starts, especially when you are outdoors
  • Duration longer than two weeks
  • Improves during long periods of rain


  • The secretion is liquid at first, after a few days it becomes yellowish
  • Sneezing attacks occur selectively and irrespective of location
  • Wears off after two weeks at the latest
  • Does not improve during long periods of rain

How the doctor tests pollen allergy symptoms

I can tell you exactly because I have just had the prick test. It is half as bad :)

Before the doctor does a test, you will first have a conversation. You have to fill out a questionnaire and indicate how you assess your symptoms yourself.

The doctor will ask you when the symptoms occur and to what extent. He can then already estimate what you are reacting to.

Then it's on to the prick test

For this, you need to sit down and allow a little time. The physician assistant drips allergen solutions onto the forearm. One small dot per allergen is enough.

Then she pricks the skin with a needle. But don't worry: only into the surface. It doesn't hurt at all. Just a short prick that is quickly over.

Now you have to wait. Your body reacts to the allergens or it does not.

With me it was pretty clear. Just a few seconds after the test, the spots started to turn red and itch terribly.

The bad thing: You can't move and you have to keep your arm still. You can watch as the forearm gets redder and redder. With a pitying look, the doctor's assistant comes to me and tells me that I have to wait at least another 5 minutes. The itching is a horror.

But after that, at least it is clear: hazel, birch, beech and ash. And my dear friends - the dust mites. After all, I am not allergic to cats :)

I have interpreted the pollen allergy symptoms correctly. But I did not expect that it would be 4 allergens at once.

Pollen allergy symptoms

What helps against hay fever and allergies?

If you know your allergy triggers, you can best control the symptoms by avoiding the triggers. This works relatively well with cats or food.

With pollen it becomes a little more difficult. It is almost impossible. Unless you pack your bags and go on vacation to the North Pole for months. I bought an air purifier for my home, which significantly alleviates the symptoms. It filters the pollen out of the air in no time and gives me relief. Have a look here: "These air filters clean allergens from the air!

So you have two options left: You can suppress the symptoms or you can treat them.

They are suppressed with small pills that you must take every day. The antihistamines prevent your body from overreacting and relieve the symptoms.

This works wonderfully for me. One pill works for about 24 hours. I always take it in the evening and have no more problems with pollen.

However, one can also do hyposensitization against pollen. The goal is that the immune system gets used to the allergy triggers. Once it has done so, the body no longer reacts so strongly to them. There are two ways to do this. One is with injections and the other is with drops.

Of course, I opted for the drops. I now have to take these every day for three years. Will it really help? I hope so very much. I am now in the second year and do not notice any difference yet.

What can I do about pollen symptoms?

  • Find out about the pollen forecast. There are great, free apps that inform you about the current load.
  • Educate yourself about which pollens you are allergic to
  • Find out about cross-allergies. Those who suffer from hazel pollen allergy often react to apples, cherries and peaches and should avoid these fruits.
  • Go on vacation when the load is highest. In the high mountains and by the sea, the load is usually lower. In Nordic countries the pollen flies later.
  • Do not dry your laundry outdoors.
  • Keep the lawn short - if you are allergic to grasses.
  • Use a pollen filter in the car.
  • Take a shower at the end of the day. Wash your hair especially thoroughly.
  • Install a pollen screen in front of the window.

Why the immune system reacts with allergy symptoms

But why does our immune system actually do that? Quite simply: It wants to protect us!

When we breathe in air, our body checks whether it contains pathogens. If this is the case, the body initiates a defense reaction. This is a good thing in itself.

But sometimes the immune system cannot distinguish between harmful and harmless.

The body suddenly defends itself against harmless substances such as pollen, nuts or animal hair. By the way, pollen allergy symptoms do not occur immediately upon first contact with the allergen.

Pollen allergy develops over time. Only, unfortunately, we notice it only when the allergy is already in full swing.

Pollen allergy symptoms

Our conclusion

Pollen allergy symptoms should never be ignored! They can lead to you getting asthma. Don't ignore sinus congestion, runny noses, constant sniffles and runny eyes! Go to the doctor and get tested, then you will know for sure and you can take action against the allergic reaction to pollen!

All the best! :)

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