12 low-maintenance houseplants that are indestructible

Easy care houseplants

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You don't have a green thumb but would still have a bit of green in your living room? Here come low-maintenance houseplants that are (hardly) to kill.

Plants add a special charm to any room.

But not only that.

They purify the air and thereby improve air quality. They also have a calming effect, and with a little skill, care for them is even fun.

Especially if you choose low-maintenance houseplants.

To make sure your plants don't end up in the trash again, we've collected some beautiful and sturdy little plants here.

Houseplants little light

How often you should water low-maintenance houseplants

Most of the time it fails because the plants are watered too much or too little. Either they drown in water or crumble to dust from drought.

You can prevent that.

Low-maintenance houseplants get by with little water. Water them 1x per week. If the pot has a diameter of 30-40 centimeters, then 200 milliliters is enough.

Better to water too little than too much is the motto.

If the tips of the plant's leaves turn brown or the leaves droop, then you can always add water.

But once you have soaked the soil, it will be very difficult to get rid of the excess water.

Too much water will cause low-maintenance houseplants to develop rotten roots.

Why the location is so important for the plants

For each plant there is the perfect location. Some like it sunny. The others only bright without direct sun. And still others feel comfortable only in the shade. And drafts are also an issue.

Sensitive plants do not tolerate drafts and large temperature differences. But, fortunately, low-maintenance houseplants are very unpretentious.

In the list you will find plants that can cope with pretty much any location. For each plant, however, it is written exactly how much light and water it really needs.

Then nothing can go wrong :)

The good thing is that most plants have instructions for use. Either there is a sticker attached to the pot or they have a label that is inside the pot. Don't throw it away and use it as a guide.

12 low-maintenance houseplants that are (almost) indestructible

Well, let's get started right away. So nothing stands in the way of your little living room jungle.

The bow hemp (Sansevieria) forgives everything

Easy care houseplants bow hemp

The absolute number 1 if you are looking for low maintenance houseplants. The Sansevieria needs very very little care. Every 14 days a load of water is quite enough.

It is also not sensitive to the location. The bow hemp stands well both in the dark and light. Sun also does not bother him much.

You will never have bugs with this living room plant either. The leaves are simply too stiff. Thus, the bow hemp aphids and other sucking insects can not harm.

  • Location: The bow hemp is absolutely insensitive.
  • Care: a little water every 14 days is enough.

The dragon tree (Dracaena) is robust

Dragon tree robust plant

An easy-to-care-for houseplant that starts out small but can quickly grow very large later on is the dragon tree.

As the name suggests, it can grow into a real tree. Up to 18 meters are possible. In the pot it makes it up to 2.50 meters in suitable conditions.

This plant needs little light and little water.

If you tend to water very little, then the dragon tree will not be angry with you.

  • Habitat: Part shade to light. No direct sun.
  • Care: In summer watering 2x a week. In the winter dormancy is enough 1x per week or less.

Yucca palms (palm lily) are easy to care for houseplants

Palm easy to maintain living room

The name is a little misleading. Because, in fact, the yucca palm is not a palm tree at all. It is closely related to the asparagus.

However, like a palm tree, it can grow very very large, provided the conditions are right.

If you never prune it and take good care of it, up to 5 meters is possible. With a little water and a light to semi-dark location, you'll make this plant happy.

Its origin is in Central and North America.

  • Location: Yuccas grow in sunny and semi-shady locations
  • Care: The easy-care houseplant loves calcareous water. Water it 1x per week. Waterlogging tolerates this plant very poorly

The clive is a flowering houseplant

Low maintenance plant that blooms

If you like to bring a little more color into your home, then a clive is a good choice. It is a low-maintenance houseplant with beautiful orange flowers.

Attention: The leaves are poisonous and not a toy for children or pets

  • Location: Does not matter. Both full sun and shade possible.
  • Care: Watering every 14 days is quite enough.

Orchids are easy to care for houseplants

Low maintenance houseplants that bloom

It is one of the most popular houseplants in Europe. And with good reason. This easy-care houseplant blooms in beautiful colors.

From classic white to purple, pink, yellow to dark red and blue, there is something for everyone. Up to twice a year we can enjoy the flowers.

  • Habitat: Bright to sunny.
  • Care: Watering every 14 days is quite enough.

Orchids love it when you put them in a bowl of low-lime water with the pot. Let each pot sit in the water for about 10 minutes. The roots and substrate will soak up. And that's it.

By the way, she loves to be sprayed with a spray bottle in between.

Too frequent watering and enormously calcareous water do not like the jungle plants.

The green lily is a hardy plant

Plant light green leaves living room

If you want to not only green up your space, but also clean the air, grab a green lily.

It is a real air freshener and absolutely easy to clean.

Green lilies are not angry with you if you forget them. However, as soon as she lets the leaves droop, you should help her back on her feet with a sip of water.

Fortunately, however, she recovers very quickly.

The long light green, mostly white striped, leaves are very beautiful to look at and refresh any living room.

  • Location: From light to dark everything is possible.
  • Care: Watering every 14 days is quite enough.

Aloe vera easy care & useful helper

Easy care houseplants

A low-maintenance houseplant that really makes a lot of sense. Aloe vera is good for the skin.

The juice of the plant helps with insect bites, sunburn and when your skin is very dry.

It is also perfect for those who like to forget about watering.

  • Location: Aloe Vera is best placed in a bright location. The plant does not like direct sun. Too much shade leads to water shoots.
  • Care: A little water every 14 days is quite enough. Avoid waterlogging.

If it stands a little darker, like ours in the office, then it forms rather small and long leaves. But it should not be too dark. Aloe vera loves brightness.

By the way, you can make a whole range of natural cosmetics yourself from aloe vera. From face creams to shampoo and body lotions.

The window leaf (Monstera) is a hardy plant

Low maintenance plant little light

Window leaf is one of the most popular plants for home and office. As a jungle plant, it forgives pretty much any sin. Especially when it gets too little water.

This low-maintenance houseplant is happiest when it doesn't get direct sunlight.

By the way, the leaves and the plant itself can become huge. In 2018, the monstera was the trend plant par excellence.

The heart-shaped leaves look good in any apartment. Important: The plant grows quickly, think about where you put it.

  • Habitat: The window leaf stands in light to partial shade. The plant does not like direct sun.
  • Care: water 1x per week and spray with a spray bottle in between.

Ivy plants are easy to care for houseplants

Climbing plants for apartment

She an eye-catcher in any apartment. Ivy has beautiful large green leaves. Some varieties are light green, yellow or white spotted. Others have pure dark green leaves.

Regardless of the color of the leaves, this plant forms long shoots that can grow up to 10 meters.

She doesn't care much about the location. Only direct sun it does not like. By the way, one ivy should have everyone at home.

It is one of the best air purifiers. With its leaves it collects pollutants, improving the quality of indoor air.

  • Habitat: The window leaf stands in light to partial shade. The plant does not like direct sun.
  • Care: water 1x per week and spray with a spray bottle in between.

The Zamioculcas is indestructible

Plant for dark rooms

If you have a dark apartment, then you should get a Zamioculcas. This plant really deserves the name "low-maintenance houseplant".

It needs very little light and hardly any water. And thrives in any location simply magnificent.

The only thing you must not do to this hardy plant is waterlogging.

  • Habitat: dark to partial shade.
  • Care: A little watering every 14 days is enough.

Ray aralia are perfect houseplants

Rays aralia living room plant

This low-maintenance houseplant is a wonderful air purifier. Through its seven leaves, it absorbs bad air and releases purified air into the room.

As long as you don't put it in the blazing sun, it will do just about anything. She won't be mad at you if you forget to water her.

The ray aralia can grow quite tall if you don't cut it back regularly. If you want more of this plant, just cut it off and put the shoot in water until it takes root. Plant it and you're done.

  • Location: Bright location without direct sun.
  • Care: 1x per week a little water.


Indoor plant for beginners

As a desert plant, the cactus is well acquainted with very harsh conditions. From mega sunny during the day to low temperatures at night, it easily copes with everything.

No water for 1 month? Also no problem, cacti survive this without problems.

In the living room, these plants usually die because we water them too much instead of too little. Then the roots begin to rot.

Properly water a cactus, if you penetratingly wet the substrate. But beware of waterlogging. The next water the cactus gets when the substrate is completely dry.

This can gladly last up to a month. About a bright location cacti so happy that they even begin to bloom.

  • Location: Bright location, preferably direct sun
  • Care: 1x per week a little water.

Our conclusion

If you're looking for low-maintenance houseplants, you're sure to find what you're looking for in our list. Don't decide how much you like a plant, but look for the right location first.

If your living room is very dark, then choose an ivy, a zamioculcas or a bow hemp. An orchid or an aloe vera would never forgive you for that.

Happy gardening!

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