Top 9 air purifying plants for the office

Air purifying plants

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Office plants don't just look pretty. Air-purifying plants absorb pollutants and provide better air in enclosed spaces. These are the top 9 plants for a better indoor climate.

Many people pay little attention to them or see them more as decoration. But office and indoor plants are much more than just a nice accessory.

They clean our air and provide a good indoor climate.

Every day, people spend countless hours indoors. Be it at home in the evening while sleeping, in the living room or in the office.

The air in these rooms is usually stale and it is not uncommon to find pollutants in it.

How do houseplants clean the air?

Plants not only convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and increase the oxygen content in the air. Some of them can break down pollutants. Special enzymes in the leaves convert the toxins into harmless compounds.

You can't imagine how plants can clean the air from pollutants and convert it into oxygen? It sounds too good to be true - but even tiny plants could do it!

The pollutants are taken up by the plants through tiny stomata on the leaves. They are released through the roots into the soil, where they are metabolized and consumed by microorganisms. Plant roots have the ability to absorb pollutants directly from the air and convert them into nutrients such as glucose.

Surveys by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have shown that humans spend 90 percent of their lives indoors.

Shockingly, the air quality is five times worse than outdoors.

Responsible for this, in addition to the building material, carpeting, sofa, pillows and wall paints, are insulating materials, cleaning agents, exhaust fumes from the street or cigarette smoke.

All of this ensures that formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene and many more are present in the air we breathe. harmful substances stuck.

Trichloroethylene can be found in varnishes, adhesives, printing inks and lacquers. It is considered toxic to our liver. Formaldehyde is even carcinogenic. It is found in adhesives, insect repellent, wood and also carpeting.

And also Benzene is classified as a carcinogen. It can be found in gasoline, paints, rubber and also oils.

All of this is in the air we breathe. So it's no wonder that it can cause health problems. There is even a name for this, by the way. It's called sick-building syndrome - i.e. Building diseases.

What constitutes sick building syndrome and its symptoms

The effects of building disease can vary. Which symptom comes to bear depends on which Pollutant in which Concentration is contained in the air you breathe.

Most often, sick building syndrome, but affects our general condition. You feel tired, listless and unfocused. At the same time you can improve the indoor climateif you ventilate properly. Nevertheless, it remains unhealthy to stay here for a long time.

Especially Formaldehyde can cause many problems: Coughing, burning eyes, rashes, sore throat and sneezing. If you suffer from asthma, you react especially strongly to this pollutant.

Allergies, anemia, bone and lymphatic system diseases can also be the result. In addition, liver and kidney functions are impaired.

Unfortunately, you can rarely avoid being indoors. However, if you like to breathe fresh and pollutant-free air despite your office job, you should make room for air-purifying plants create and drink plenty of tap water.

Air purifier plants

Air-purifying plants: NASA confirms effect

A few years ago, NASA explored the Oxygen production of plants. They placed a lot of emphasis on the fact that they are air-purifying plants.

This was because the air in space was contaminated by numerous pollutants.

The astronauts should have a comfortable and healthy indoor climate in the space shuttle.

To combat harmful substances, the NASA team decided not only to improve ventilation, but also to conduct research around air-purifying plants.

The results of the research show that certain Houseplants pollutants from the air. Benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethane and CO2 are converted into oxygen.

The top 9 air purifiers

Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen that is vital for us.

This increases the oxygen content in the home or office. But some plants can additionally Pollutants break down in the air.

Air purifying plants

Are you looking for low-maintenance and air-purifying houseplants?

Then these 9 are just right for you. If you want to be on the safe side, you can also put all the plants in the office or living room.

These are the best air purifying houseplants

  • Kentia palm
  • Ivy
  • Dieffenbachia
  • Monocle
  • Dragon tree
  • Green Lily
  • Birch fig
  • Ivy
  • Bow hemp

Green indoor climate with Kentia palm tree

Air purifier Kentia Palm

This plant is probably familiar to everyone. The leaves are reminiscent of a palm tree.

This houseplant brings a breath of fresh air into the room not only through its leaves.

The constantly regrowing fronds purify the air and rid your living room of pollutants.

The Kentia palm produces an above-average amount of oxygen.

Ivy purifies the air

Air purifying plant ivy

Air-purifying plants - anyone looking for them would probably think less of ivy.

The evergreen vines will transform your space into a jungle.

But be careful: do not put too close to the wall. The roots can destroy the wall.

Ivy is one of the indoor plants with the highest air purifying effect. It is a natural air conditioner that filters the air and regulates the humidity in the room.

Benzene is best broken down by ivy. This little miracle plant manages up to 90 percent within just 24 hours. But that is not all.

Trichloroethylene also has little chance with ivy. Ivy manages 11 percent less of this pollutant in one day.

However, ivy likes it cool - especially in the winter. If you have it in a heated room, it's very susceptible to pests. Stairwells are ideal for ivy.

Dieffenbachia - the bio air filter

Air purifier Dieffenbachia

The name of this air purifier does not mean anything to you? If you see the plant, you certainly know it.

This office plant is truly unique.

The leaves have a sophisticated coloring. Dark green outside and yellowish to white inside, they are a real eye-catcher.

Often they also come in red coloration. Each leaf looks different.

Because its leaves are so large, the Dieffenbachia is particularly capable of cleaning the air and removing pollutants.

In addition, this houseplant grows very quickly and is undemanding in terms of location. Even if you forget to water it a few times, this air purifier won't hold it against you.

Good indoor climate with the monocot or leaf flag

Air purifier single leaf

The monocot looks particularly noble with its glossy leaves. The long stems of the monocot are a useful co-inhabitant.

As a completely natural air filter, the room climate becomes pleasant and fresh.

This houseplant also has relatively low requirements. In addition, you can buy the monocot in several beautiful colors. Red and white are especially popular.

New oxygen with the dragon tree

Air purifying plants for the office

Dragon tree should not be missing in any office. It is the perfect enemy of fomaldehyde.

In 24 hours, the chemical decreases by 70 percent. But benzene and trichloroethylene also fear the little low-maintenance tree.

The dragon tree is particularly robust and durable.

Ours has been on the desk for 2 years without repotting, fertilizer or direct sunlight. Watering once a week is enough to keep the dragon tree happy.

In a good location, it can grow quite tall.

Healthier indoor air thanks to the green lily

The green lily is one of the most popular indoor plants and can also be found in many offices. It manages to reduce the level of formaldehyde in a closed room by 86 percent within 24 hours.

Air purifying plant lily

In addition, it is very easy to care for and does not require much water, light or fertilizer.

The birch fig fights benzene

Air purifying plant birch fig

From 10 cm to 2 meters - you can buy the birch fig in many different sizes.

It has few requirements for location, soil and sun.

The ideal office plant. Birch fig is also called Benjamin or Ficus.

The birch fig decomposes benzene, detergents and also paint vapors.

With its dark green leaves, the Benjamin breaks down pollutants from our air. Attention: It does not like change of place.

Once it has become accustomed to a location, it likes to drop its leaves when relocating.

Ivy as a bio air filter

Ivy air purifier

Very well known and popular is also ivy.

It filters pollutants such as benzene, solvents from paints and cleaning agents from the air.

And all this for little water, hardly any fertilizer and little sunlight.

At normal room temperature ivy can form almost infinitely long tendrils.

Clean the air with the bow hemp

air purifying indoor plants

If you're looking for low-maintenance air purifiers, you'll love bow hemp.

A little water and a little fertilizer in between - that's all the bow hemp needs.

Sunlight is also not a direct concern for him. However, he does need a little light in between. A very dark corner does not make him happy in the long run.

Thanks to its large and many leaves, it is quite easy for this office plant to filter the air and remove pollutants.

Especially beautiful is the coloring of the leaves. They are alternately colored light and dark green.

Important in winter: plants that humidify the air

In other words, all plants contribute to the quality of indoor air. Indoor plants return up to 97 percent of the water with which they were soaked to the natural environment - free of germs. Optimal humidifiers! Exceptions are succulents and cacti, because they store the water in depots.

3-6 larger houseplants are enough in a 30 square meter room to maintain an ideal humidity of 45-55 percent. They also cool the temperature in summer - natural air conditioners.

Plants with a high water requirement, a large leaf volume (i.e. either large leaves or many small leaves) and delicate foliage are particularly good humidifiers.

Another advantage of plants that humidify the air: Dust is more likely to accumulate in dry air. Pathogens often attach themselves to dust particles and float around the room waiting to infect someone. As humidity rises around a plant, dust particles become heavier due to water saturation and fall to the floor, as do germs, pollen, other allergens and pollutants. You can then simply suck them up with a vacuum cleaner.

Important: Dust the leaves of the plants regularly so that they can filter pollutants!

Our conclusion

Plants in the office not only look beautiful, but are also important for the indoor climate. They neutralize pollutants and most are also very easy to care for. It's best to choose a mixture of 3-4 different houseplants.

If you want to know more about the NASA study, you can read up here: "Interior Landscape Plants for Indoor Air Pollution Abatement."

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