Tutorial: This is the only way to do the deep squat correctly!

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Let's train legs and butt! Incorporate this effective exercise into your workout plan and you'll quickly see progress. Here's how to do the deep squat correctly, and here's what it's all about.

The squat is the queen of fitness exercises. And rightly so. There is hardly any exercise that activates so many individual muscles at the same time as the squat.

There are many different variations. But if you want to train your legs and buttocks even more effectively, you can't avoid the deep squat.

The exercise is ideal for the living room. You only need a little space. You can adapt the exercise to your fitness level by varying the weight and you can also control the number of repetitions.

How to perform the deep squat correctly

If you fancy a bit of a change of pace and Train legs and buttocks even more intensively then you'll love this squat variation.

The deep squat is considered the ultimate butt formula. Here, the buttocks and legs are particularly challenged.

In comparison to the classic squat you'll need a little more agility. But don't worry, it gets better every time.

The deep squat is suitable for beginners and advanced users. You control the intensity of the exercise through the number of repetitions or take a weight to hand.

  • Equipment needed: no
  • Difficulty: medium
  • Suitable for beginners: yes
  • Terms: Deep squat, deep squat, deep squat,
  • Muscle groups used: Thighs and buttocks

Deep squat instruction for beginners

Depth squat

  • Start in an upright position.
  • The feet are shoulder-width apart and the gaze is directed forward.
  • You can cross your arms in front of your body.
  • Push the buttocks backwards and lower them.
  • Inhale and go down until the hip joint is slightly lower than the knee joint.
  • The back remains straight and does not form a hollow back.
  • The feet remain on the ground throughout. The main weight is between the heels and midfoot.
  • On the exhale, lift the buttocks again and return to the starting position. Use the strength of the thigh muscles for this.
  • Forcefully push yourself back to the starting position.

As a beginner, do 8 reps and 3 passes.

Deep squat instruction for advanced

Is the exercise too easy for you because you are already so well trained? Then you can of course make the exercise more difficult. For this you need a dumbbell, kettlebell or barbell.

The sequence of the exercise remains the same. Except that you hold a dumbbell or kettlebell in front of your body. You should only use a barbell if you are very well trained.

If you're not a fan of weights, you can just do more reps. After 15 reps, you'll definitely feel a decent pull in your thighs and butt.

What you need to pay attention to during execution

There are a few things you should keep in mind when doing a deep squat. Only if you perform the exercise cleanly will it be effective. Regardless of whether you use your weight or not.

Go deep enough

Maximum range of motion is the name of the game when doing the deep squat. The hips should be the lowest point. Only then it is really effective and trains buttocks, legs and back.

The back

If abdominal tension is lacking, a hollow back usually results. Push through the back so that it is straight during the entire execution. Even when you squat down. Lean forward slightly and tighten your abdomen.

Both in the starting position and during the execution you should take the shoulders back. Do not let them sink in front.

Especially in the beginning, you should pay close attention to these two things. Later, you will automatically get it right.

The legs

Depending on how agile you are, the legs are open shoulder width or even a little more than shoulder width. Find the right stance for you. The tips of your toes point slightly outward.

When you squat down, make sure your knees don't fall inward. Push them outward so that they point in the same direction as the tips of your toes.

This mistake happens very often, especially to beginners.

In addition, the knees should not point above the tips of the toes. If you are unsure, watch the execution in a mirror.

What muscles the deep squat trains

That the buttocks and legs are trained, that much is already clear. But if you want to know exactly, then you can read it here now.

Deep squats target the same muscles as traditional squats. Only these muscles are used much more. Especially the gluteal muscles.

In addition, the core is also required. Abdominal and back muscles are required so that you don't lose your balance.

The primary muscles used in the deep squat are

  • Quadriceps
  • Gluteal muscles
  • Back of thigh

Besides, however, more muscles are in use. These include the back extensor, abdominal muscles and calf muscles.

They help you keep your balance and push you up. If your core muscles, i.e. the abdominal and back muscles, are too weak, you will most likely fall into a hollow back.

Why the deep squat should not be missing in your training plan

Squats you can in different ways.

With or without weight, with a shoulder-width or very wide stance, with both legs or with one leg - there are countless ways to add some variety to your workout and train even more effectively.

However, if you specifically want to shape your butt, you should incorporate the deep squat into your workout plan. In fact, a deeper position can already help to work the gluteal muscles even more.

When you do the deep squat, you can also improve your mobility. Because the exercise requires a lot of mobility. A stiff hip, immobile ankles and insufficient strength in the gluteal muscle can make the exercise a real challenge.

Our conclusion

If you're bored with traditional squats, it's worth incorporating the deep squat into your training plan. This squat variation will help you build muscle even faster. But always pay attention to a clean execution. If in doubt, do the exercise in front of a mirror.

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