How to apply the kinesiology tape to the ankle!

Kinesiology tape ankle

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Your ankle hurts with every step and you do not know what to do about it? Maybe taping will help you! We show you a simple tutorial for the kinesiology tape on the ankle!

The ankle joint is under particular strain every day. With every step, the joint is loaded with five times its weight.

So it's no wonder when the ankle hurts. In most cases, this is due to acute injuries or simply overloading.

You still don't have to put up with the pain, because you can do something about it. Try it with kinesiology tapes!

The elastic adhesive tapes can truly work wonders! They soothe in case of overexertion and stabilize muscles and ligaments.

We'll show you a simple tutorial on how to tap your ankle with kinesiology tape!

Ankle joint taping

What the kinesiology tape is and how it works

Kinesiology tapes are special elastic and breathable adhesive tapes used to support healing processes. Kinesiology tapes are used especially for sports injuries or overuse reactions.

The kinesiology tape has versatile effects. Thus, the tapes relieve pain, blood circulation is promoted and nerve activity in the affected area is activated. The metabolism is also stimulated by the kinesiology tape!

A special bonding technique even stimulates the flow of lymph. Accumulated fluid from operations or injuries flows away and movement restrictions are reduced. In addition, relieving postures dissolve more quickly, the balance between muscle tension and muscle relaxation is restored.

Basically, the advantage of taping is that movement is not restricted, rather the functionality of the affected body part is supported and the healing process is stimulated.

What the kinesiology tape is used for

The areas of action in kinesiology tape are many and varied. These include:

  • Muscle injuries
  • Muscle tension
  • Joint complaints
  • General and non-specific pain of the musculoskeletal system
  • Tendon insertion irritation
  • Ligament injuries
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sports injuries
  • Back pain
  • Malpositions and postural weaknesses
  • Lymphedema
  • Bruises
  • Stabilization and injury prevention
  • Scar treatment

Typical clinical pictures for which taping is often used

  • Bruises
  • Post-treatment of muscle strains or muscle fiber tears
  • Runner's Knee
  • General knee pain
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Neck tension
  • Hallux valgus
  • Swellings
  • Menstrual cramps

Tip: In use with us - the Kinesiology tapes from Truetape*. They are particularly elastic and do not restrict movement. In my case, they lasted for 5 days on my back, despite a hiking vacation. You can either buy pre-cut tapes or cut them to size yourself. Find out more about truetapes here!

Step by step instructions - Kinesiology tape on the ankle joint

To apply the kinesiology tape on the ankle, take two tapes with a length of 20 cm each and one tape with a length of 40 cm. Round the corners, so that the tape comes off less quickly from your skin later.

Make sure your skin is dry, oil-free and, if possible, hairless.

First take the long tape strip and tear the protective film in the middle. Now stick the tape under the sole of the foot while pulling and then upwards over the ankle on the left and right. Let the ends run out above the ankles without pulling.

Ankle joint taping

Then take one of the shorter tapes and tear the protective foil in the middle. Tape the center of the tape to the outer ankle under tension and run the tape around the ankle. Let the ends run out again without pulling.

Then take the second short tape and tear the protective foil in the middle. Tape the middle of the tape to the inner ankle under tension and guide the tape around the ankle towards the outer ankle. Let the ends run out without pulling.

Ankle joint taping

Stroke all tapes firmly to activate the adhesive.

Keep moving, loosen your ankle and try to drink enough.

How quickly the tape works

When improvement occurs varies from person to person. In some cases, patients feel a positive change immediately after application, while in others it takes around three days.

With kinesiology tape on the ankle, many already quickly feel the relief!

It is important that you give the adhesive tape time, if you can tolerate it. Until it comes off on its own, you can leave it on without hesitation.

You can always repeat the taping after the first application. Sometimes a single taping is enough, sometimes a second or third pass is helpful.

What tape color you should use on the ankle joint

We have already reported that the effect of colors in kinesiology tape are not confirmed. So there is no right or wrong color in ankle taping.

But if you like to believe in the effect of colors, then you have several options.

Basically, listen to your body again: do you feel like heat with your ankle pain or would you rather cool the area?

You can apply the red tape if your ankle pain results from overexertion that you want to treat with heat.

You can apply the blue tape if it is an acute condition and you feel you want to cool the ankle.

Green tape is popular for joints and tendons, so you can use that in this case too!

The black tape is used to intensify and reinforce other tapes. So you can also use the black tape on the ankle by sticking it across the other tapes.

As mentioned, however, you have all the options when it comes to color selection. The important thing is that you have a good feeling and feel comfortable with the color!

When not to use kinesiology tape for the ankle joint

There are certain cases, so-called contraindications, where you should refrain from treatment with a kinesiology tape:

  • open or inflamed wounds
  • Scars that have not yet healed
  • in case of allergy to adhesives
  • for skin diseases
  • in pregnancy: better to be clarified by the gynecologist!

Attention: Taping will no longer help with severe injuries, such as torn muscles or ligaments!

Our conclusion

Finally you know what you can do against the annoying ankle pain! Now you can make the kinesiology tape for the ankle in no time with the help of our instructions.

On the taping rolls, ready, go!

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