This is really behind Kinesio Tape colors

Tape colors

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Have you ever wondered what is behind the kinesiology tapes and what the different tape colors mean? We have the answers!

Colorful kinesiology tapes have now moved from professional sports to amateur athletes.

Whether on the mountain, in the climbing hall, on the soccer field or on the tennis court: the kinesiology tapes accompany and support many recreational athletes.

Different colored adhesive strips on the knee, arm, shoulder or ankle - the tapes are used in many ways all over the body.

What the different colors of the kinesiology tapes mean and how the tapes work, you can find out here.

Kinesiology Tape Colors

Tip: In use with us - the Kinesiotapes from Truetape. They are particularly elastic and do not restrict movement. With me they have held on the back for 5 days and that despite hiking vacation. You can either buy pre-cut tapes or cut them yourself. Learn about Truetapes here!

What is a kinesiology tape and how it works

Kinesiology tapes are special elastic and breathable adhesive tapes used to support healing processes. Kinesiology tapes are used especially for sports injuries or overuse reactions.

The kinesiology tape has versatile effects. Thus, the tapes relieve pain, blood circulation is promoted and nerve activity in the affected area is activated. The metabolism is also stimulated by the kinesiology tape!

A special bonding technique even stimulates the flow of lymph. Accumulated fluid from operations or injuries flows away and movement restrictions become less.

In addition, relieving postures dissolve more quickly, the balance between muscle tension and muscle relaxation is restored.

Basically, the advantage of taping is that movement is not restricted, rather the functionality of the affected body part is supported and the healing process is stimulated.

What the kinesiology tape is used for

The areas of action in kinesiology tape are many and varied. These include:

  • Muscle injuries
  • Muscle tension
  • Joint complaints
  • General and non-specific pain of the musculoskeletal system
  • Tendon insertion irritation
  • Ligament injuries
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sports injuries
  • Back pain
  • Malpositions and postural weaknesses
  • Lymphedema
  • Bruises
  • Stabilization and injury prevention
  • Scar treatment

Typical clinical pictures for which taping is often used

  • Bruises
  • Post-treatment of muscle strains or muscle fiber tears
  • Runner's Knee
  • General knee pain
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Neck tension
  • Hallux valgus
  • Swellings
  • Menstrual cramps

Why there are different tape colors

If you have seen the kinesiology tapes on professional athletes like Felix Neureuther or Bastian Schweinsteiger, you will definitely have noticed that they go different colors.

We will now explain the meaning of the different colors and their effect when used in treatment.

All tapes are made of the same material, namely mostly cotton in combination with an acrylic coating. So the material is not responsible for the different effect of the tapes. But what then?

That different colors cause different effects, this assumption is based on color therapy. Sounds funny?

Tape colors

In color therapy it is assumed that colors have effects on the human organism and on the human psyche. Colors trigger reactions and these reactions let the tapes benefit.

That the colors of the tapes have effects on the body, that is controversial. Some are of the opinion that the colors are exclusively a matter of taste and patients should choose the color not by effect, but by personal liking.

The important thing is that you feel comfortable with the tape! If the color plays an important role for you, then you are welcome to orient yourself on it.

What the tape colors stand for

Basically, it can be said that dark colors absorb more light and therefore a warming effect is attributed to them.

Bright colors, on the other hand, reflect light, giving bright tapes a cooling effect.

Red tape

Red tapes stimulate the circulation, have a warming and stabilizing effect. Red tapes are mainly used to increase blood circulation, for example after muscular overexertion.

Red tape

Warming tapes are also used for chronic diseases.

Blue tape

Blue tape is mainly used for cooling, therefore they are often used for heated processes in the body. Bruises, swellings and certain inflammations as well as acute ailments are also treated with blue tape.

Blue has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

Blue tape

Yellow tape

Tapes with the color yellow have a stimulating, invigorating and nervine effect. They stimulate the metabolism and represent the movement of fluids. Therefore, they are used for edema or lymphatic congestion.

They also have a positive effect on the stomach and liver and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Green tape

Green tapes have a calming, strengthening and regenerative effect. They stand for natural healing. Green tapes are therefore often used for joint and tendon inflammation.

They are also used for organ areas or for tissue congestion.

Green tape

Purple tape

Purple tapes have a cooling and regenerating effect, just like blue tapes. In addition, violet tapes are said to forget pain, because violet has a liberating and balancing effect.

Black tape

Black tapes represent strength and willpower. They strengthen the effect of other tapes, so they are often pasted over blue or red tapes.

Black tapes are popularly used for athletes.

Beige tape

Beige tapes have a neutral effect and are often used when patients do not know how the tapes affect the body. Beige tapes are gentle on nerve injuries and are used in places where the tape should not be directly noticeable.

If tapes are allowed for pregnant women after clarification with the doctor, beige tapes are applied.

White tape

White tapes have the same neutral effect and are applied in the same way as beige tapes when you are not sure how you will react to the tapes. They are often pasted on the intervertebral discs.

Orange tape

Similar to the red tape, the tape in the color orange is said to have a warming effect. In addition, orange tapes are said to have a strong influence on the internal energy flow.

Orange tape

Along the spine orange tapes are also a good choice.

Pink tape

Pink tapes also have an activating, warming, energizing effect. They stimulate the metabolism. Pink tapes are often used instead of red tapes.

Our conclusion

The colors of the tapes can certainly help to support the effect, if you believe in it. If you prefer to intuitively pick any color of tape, that's just as well.

The effect is neither proven nor disproven. After all, what counts is that the tape does you good and you feel good!

Good luck with your taping!

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