Jogging in winter: The best tips for a cool winter run

Jogging in winter, strengthen immune system

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Finally space on the running track! Jogging in winter has many advantages. Don't let the cold weather scare you away. Winter is a great season for running. We'll tell you the best tips for your winter run.

Have you started running this year or even run a half marathon? Great! Then be sure to keep at it. Use the cold season to further improve your basic condition while jogging in winter. Motto: Slower, but a little longer!

But also for running beginners the cool time is not an obstacle, but a chance. If you start now you will be fit in spring.

Want a little motivation? If you jog regularly, you can snack more :)

But of course, running in winter is very different from a leisurely summer run. Here are the answers to the most common questions.

Does the cold make me slower when jogging in winter?

No, the opposite is actually the case. The cooler it gets, the easier it is for our body to move forward. We even run faster than in the oppressive summer heat.

Running coach Werner Sturm confirms this: "At low temperatures, the body is not put under as much strain." But this effect is lost when the degrees drop below 5 Celsius. Then it's a matter of dressing more and smarter.

Winter jogging

As a result, the time spent running suffers. But that doesn't matter. Winter jogging isn't about setting new records, it's about keeping up.

Even if you are not as thirsty as after a summer run: Drink enough! Because even now you get into a sweat.

Tip: A hearty vegetable soup will provide you with electrolytes, give you strength and warm you up.

How do I stay healthy in freezing temperatures?

A lot depends on your clothing here. "You definitely need breathable clothes. Wear them in an onion look. Many layers prevent you from cooling down," says running coach Werner.

By the way: If you shiver slightly in the first 5 minutes, you are dressed just right for a run through the winter landscape.

If you find it difficult to breathe, you can put a scarf over your mouth and nose.

Make sure you take plenty of vitamins and get enough sleep, otherwise jogging in winter could be very taxing on your immune system. Cap and gloves should not be missing in any case.

Tip: On-ear headphones not only provide the right sound. They also protect you from wind and cold air.

Will running in sub-zero temperatures hurt my lungs?

No. There are many physically very demanding sports such as cross-country skiing, biathlon or ski racing. Especially when it gets really chilly, these athletes perform at their best. When it's very cold, you should breathe in through your nose. This way the air is warmed up.

What is the best way to move on snow and ice?

Jogging in winter is absolutely no problem - provided you have the right equipment. If you run on icy ground, you should get shoes with cleats or spikes. A fall on icy ground can have serious consequences.

running thermometer

If you notice the running track is slippery, change your running style, Werner advises, "Shorten your stride length, plant your whole foot and use your arms to balance."

You can counter packed snow with trail shoes. They have a coarser profile - that provides grip.

If you don't want that, sidewalks are suitable for your winter run. They are usually cleared and salted.

Fresh snow is great for running, but you should move your training indoors to be on the safe side. The problem with fresh snow is that you never know if there is a sheet of ice underneath.

Tip: Switch to the treadmill. Or how about running in the stairwell? That gives muscles for butt and thighs :)

What should I pay attention to during dark winter days?

It gets light at 8 a.m. and by 5 p.m. it's pitch black again. How can you get through the darkness safely?

For running jackets and pants, make sure they have reflectors. The more colorful your outfit, the better you will be seen by drivers.

But beware! Even with neon-colored clothing, jogging in winter is not without danger. Better make sure 2 times that you can really cross the street. Especially if you listen to music, you run the risk of being distracted. So: Better stop - look 2x left and right and then jog briskly across the street.

Choose a route that is illuminated. Avoid dark parks and secluded paths.

Always take your cell phone with you! If you still feel uncomfortable, grab a running partner. It's safer in pairs and you spur each other on.

Tip: Use the weekends for running! On Fridays and Sundays, a run in daylight should work out.

What is the right clothing for my run in sub-zero temperatures?

Many novice runners dress far too warmly in winter. At the beginning it is difficult to estimate what you really need.

It is underestimated that our body can heat up properly. Because the body temperature can rise sharply after just a few minutes. Our body is a small miracle. It can increase its basal metabolic rate, which is the energy with which it maintains the core temperature, by 4 times.

Winter jogging

In the best case, you go for the onion look. The first layer consists of functional underwear. It wicks sweat away from your body and keeps your skin dry. That way you won't get cold.

The next layer is heat insulating. So a long-sleeved functional shirt. And over that you put on a functional jacket.

Winter running pants have a roughened inside and are cozy and warm. It's best to wear long running socks with them.

Never forget a head covering: "Most body heat is lost through the head. If you don't wear a cap, you feel like it's much colder," says running expert Werner.

You should definitely not do without it:

  • Headgear and gloves
  • Handkerchiefs :)
  • Your mobile
  • Reflectors on clothing
  • Matching shoes and clothes
  • In the evening: On a headlamp
  • Enough water afterwards
  • A warming shower
  • A healthy immune system: only run when you are healthy

Our conclusion

Jogging in winter is a real energy booster. With the right clothes, enough sleep and a healthy diet, even the cold temperatures won't harm you. On the contrary, they strengthen your immune system.

But listen to your body. If you don't feel fit, it's better not to run. Always recover properly before you start jogging again in the winter.

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