These are the side effects of ginger tea!

Ginger tea side effects

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Ginger has long been considered the miracle root against colds and flu-like infections. But it should not be too much of a good thing. Because did you know that ginger tea can cause side effects if you drink too much of it?

Ginger is a remedy and spice in one, providing many valuable antioxidants and vitamins and giving dishes a pleasant, exotic, spicy flavor.

But especially in the cold season, nothing beats a freshly brewed ginger tea with lemon and honey.

This way, colds don't stand a chance.

But as many positive effects of the tuber are said, caution is advised when consuming it.

Because if you take too much ginger and especially ginger tea, you risk nasty side effects.

What happens if you drink ginger tea every day?

Although ginger has a stimulating effect, enhances blood circulation and stimulates digestion, the consumption of ginger tea can result in unpleasant side effects.

Gastrointestinal complaints

Although ginger improves digestion and supports the intestinal flora, the positive effect can also quickly turn negative.

If you have a very sensitive stomach, the essential oils of ginger can irritate your stomach lining. Stomach pain, diarrhea and flatulence may occur.

In addition, the gingerol contained in ginger can promote heartburn.

The spice increases the formation of gastric acid. This then manifests itself in heartburn, increased belching and stomach pain.

During pregnancy

Eating ginger can increase menstrual cramps and promote labor during pregnancy.

Ginger has a blood circulation stimulating effect. So eating ginger stimulates the muscles of the uterus, which can trigger premature labor.

Ginger can be used without any problems as a labor-promoting agent if the calculated date of birth has already passed and the child is still waiting.

Ginger tea side effects with medicines

Very many do not know that ginger is incredibly healthy, but also thins the blood.

So if you are taking blood-thinning medication or are about to have surgery, you should definitely avoid ginger tea.

Blood thinners are not discontinued before operations for nothing. Otherwise, complications can arise.

Problems with the gallbladder get worse

If you suffer from gallstones or have a gallbladder problem, you should not drink ginger tea.

This is because ginger increases the flow of bile. This can aggravate the symptoms or cause a bile obstruction due to migrating gallstones.

Bile pain is also not uncommon as a side effect of ginger tea.

Mucous membranes become irritated

Are you very sensitive to spiciness? Then you should keep your hands off ginger.

If your mucous membranes in the mouth and throat are already irritated due to a cold, dental treatment or general sensitivity, you should avoid ginger tea and highly concentrated Ginger shots waive

The high vitamin C content and natural spiciness of ginger can result in irritation, irritation, redness, swelling or even a painful sore sensation.

Ginger tea side effects: Hypertension gets worse

Ginger tea for high blood pressure: yes or no?

There are no universal recommendations because there is not enough research on whether ginger can harm high blood pressure.

However, physicians have observed that blood pressure rises briefly when ginger tea is consumed. It is best to consult your doctor about this.

Ginger tea doesn't have to be equally bad for everyone with high blood pressure.

Ginger tea effect

How many cups of ginger tea can you drink a day?

To avoid side effects of ginger tea, you should not exceed the recommended daily amount of about 50 grams of fresh ginger and 5 grams of ginger powder.

As long as you don't take more ginger, nothing can happen. So don't be put off by the side effects of the popular tuber. Because ginger is very healthy in spite of everything!

When should you not drink ginger tea?

As mentioned above, you should not drink ginger tea if you:

  • have a sensitive stomach,
  • you are taking blood-thinning medication,
  • you are about to have an operation,
  • have problems with the gallbladder,
  • you suffer from menstrual cramps,
  • pregnant,
  • have irritated mucous membranes.

What are the positive effects of ginger tea?

Ginger is full of vitamin C, trace elements, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus, as well as antioxidants.

All these ingredients are particularly beneficial to health and have a positive effect on the aging process of cells and the whole organism.

The tuber provides more vitality, a radiant complexion and prevents wrinkles. A true superfood.

But that was by no means all!

Ginger stimulates digestion, metabolic processes and fat burning. In addition, ginger tea can relieve acute stomach ailments, such as nausea while traveling.

Ginger tea has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, blood circulation, cleansing and is one of the of the best home remedies for colds or flu infections.

Ginger tea

What should I pay attention to when preparing ginger tea?

To make sure ginger tea doesn't cause any side effects, there are a few things you should keep in mind when preparing it.

Do not cut the ginger too early

The essential oils of ginger disappear relatively quickly when crushed.

Therefore, it is important to always process the ginger immediately. So cut it only shortly before preparation.

Do not cut the ginger too thick

When cutting ginger, make sure that you do not cut slices that are too thick. Because the more cut surface is, the more flavor can develop the ginger.

Whether you peel the ginger or not makes no difference.

Let the tea brew properly

Many like to make the mistake of giving the ginger too little time to infuse after brewing.

For the ginger tea to develop its full effect, it should steep in hot water for at least 5 minutes.

The longer you let it steep, the sharper it will be. Then cover it with a small plate. If it is too cold after 15 minutes, you can reheat it.

Our conclusion

Overall, the benefits of the yellow tuber outweigh the risks. Nevertheless, you should keep in mind the effects and side effects of ginger tea. Especially if one of the above points applies to you.

All the best for you!

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