The best home remedies for stuffy nose in the test

Home remedy for stuffy nose

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Put an end to clogged sinuses. These are the best home remedies for stuffy nose.

Actually, I should be sitting at work right now. Instead, I'm stretching out all fours, lying on the sofa and hoping for better times.

I get it every year in January. The cold and wet ensure that the nose is closed. Without warning.

With every breath I take, I sound like a baby elephant that is trying to trumpet for the first time. But he doesn't really want to succeed.

I just try to breathe. Not easy when the sinuses are blocked. But fortunately, there are plenty of home remedies for a stuffy nose.

Because I have nothing better to do right now and Netflix already bores me (yes, that's really possible!), I decided to test the home remedies for stuffy nose myself.

Let's see what really helps with sinus congestion.

Stuffy nose home remedies - Natural remedies for colds

Home remedy for stuffy nose

I have tested all these home remedies myself, because I was really desperate :) Whether these means really help, is different from person to person. Which one helped me when my nose was closed, I'll tell you now.

1. lean back your head and hold your nose

That sounds great. You really don't need any tools for this.

  • Sit or lie down on the sofa.
  • Hold both nostrils closed and tilt the head back.
  • Now you have to hold your breath. But only as long as you still feel comfortable.
  • Sit up again and voilà: The nose is free!

Does this help with the stuffy nose?

Yes. Surprisingly, it helps me very well. But only for 3 minutes. As soon as I sit up again and wait a short while, all the mucus is back. But at least for a short time I could breathe through.

2. inhalation for clear airways

The classic home remedy for a stuffy nose is inhaling hot steam with essential oils. They are supposed to loosen the mucus and moisten the nasal mucosa.

  • Grab a pot or bowl with a pint of hot water.
  • Add about 5 drops of eucalyptus, thyme, anise or peppermint drops to the water.
  • Bend over the bowl and place a towel over your head and the bowl to prevent the steam from escaping.
  • Breathe in and out deeply through your nose. Close your eyes at the same time.
  • Do this until you feel an improvement or the water stops producing steam.

Caution: The risk of scalding is high. Proceed gently and slowly. Keep your eyes well closed so that they do not get any of the essential oils.

A wonderful alternative are steam inhalers. They are much less dangerous and easier to use.

  • Fill the inhaler with hot water with essential oil.
  • Place the inhalation attachment directly over the nose and mouth.
  • Take a deep breath and let the steam do its work.

If you are sensitive to essential oils, you can replace them with table salt. Mix 1 gram of salt with 100 ml of hot water. It is more gentle to the mucous membranes, which are already offended.

This Inhaler with built-in nasal irrigation* is specially developed for colds and helps with all diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

The inhaler is a good idea, because you can not only use it against stuffy or runny noses, but also do something for your body when sneezing and coughing. The inhaler cleanses the respiratory tract, decongests the mucous membranes and supports the healing of the cold.

And with the nasal rinse function, you can get the viruses and bacteria out of your body faster.

The device is also suitable for children and has various attachments. Read best times the over 850 reviews for the Inhaler with built-in nasal irrigation* on Amazon. They are all very positive. Incidentally, the device is currently on offer!

Does this help with a stuffy nose?

Yes, that feels really good. However, it doesn't last very long. You should not expect a miracle cure. But you can repeat the process several times a day.

Here you will learn everything about the various home remedies and their effects

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3. nasal douche as a home remedy for a stuffy nose.

The feeling is quite disgusting. Until the water fights its way through all the mucus, it can take a few seconds. But if it then runs, then it runs :) A nose shower is a very liberating feeling.

The shower is a great home remedy for stuffy nose with colds and also allergies of all kinds.

  • Fill the salt (Attention: Do not use household salt!) together with lukewarm water into the nasal douche.
  • Shake well to dissolve the salt crystals.
  • Tilt your head over the sink.
  • Open your mouth.
  • Position the opening at one nostril and let the liquid run through the sinuses. Until it comes out the other side.

Do not exert any pressure! The nasal irrigation works all by itself.

If you get yourself a snack shower, I guarantee you won't regret it.

However, you should not do this more than 3 times a day. The salt can dry out and irritate the mucous membranes.

By the way, rinsing without salt is often sufficient! Especially for stubborn and old mucus. If your cold is still very fresh, then use salt to help.

Does this help with the stuffy nose?

Yes, but again, if the cold is still very fresh, it will only help for a short time. If you want to get rid of old ballast, the water tickles even the most hidden mucus out of your sinuses. Thumbs up for the nasal douche!

4. a cold bath when the nose is closed

Such a warm bath can really work wonders. We feel much better right away. And the nose suddenly feels good again, too. But why is that actually so?

That's because when you take a cold bath, you're moistening the mucous membranes of your nose.

Sitting in the office or lying knocked out on the sofa at home can dry out your mucous membranes. Especially if you're constantly sniffling.

As a home remedy for stuffy nose help additives that decongest the mucous membranes. Eucalyptus, mint, thyme or spruce needle scent are particularly well suited, you can find all this in the cold bath from Tetesept.

  • Run yourself a warm bath. The water should be between 32 and 36 degrees.
  • Lie down in the water for about 20 minutes.
  • Mix cold additives into the water only when the tub is full. This is because they evaporate very quickly.
  • Try to relax and take very deep breaths through your nose.

But be careful if you have a fever! Then you should not take hot baths. This is much too strenuous for your body. If you have a fever, please only take a warm shower and then get right back under the covers!

Does this help with the stuffy nose?

Oh yes, very good in fact. The steam is not only good for the sinuses, but for the whole body. We can relax and that helps to get healthy.

Home remedy for stuffy nose

5. onion as a home remedy for a stuffy nose

You will definitely not kiss your partner today. At the latest after this home remedy against colds. But you shouldn't do that anyway - you could infect him.

  • Supposedly, it helps to position half an onion at head level while sleeping.
  • When you inhale, you pick up the pungent scent of onions and so the mucus dissolves.

I opted for the more radical option.

  • For this I cut an onion in half.
  • I exhale deeply and on the next breath I sniff the onion like crazy.
  • The pungent scent of onions brings tears to the eyes and loosens the mucus. The nose runs like crazy.
  • The downside: I get a sneezing attack.

Does this help with the stuffy nose?

The one with the bed didn't do anything for me. But variant two has - felt - my whole brain freigeputzt. Warning: Very sharp and not for beginners.

Unfortunately, however, even this home remedy for stuffy nose lasted only a short time. 15 minutes later, the nose was closed.

6. chest rub for cold

Cold ointments are simply wonderful. They smell good, do good and do not even have side effects.

You can find essential oils like eucalyptus or menthol in the Vicks cold balm. As the cream evaporates, inhale it.

This will make your cold heal faster and clear your nose.

  • Take about a teaspoon of cream from the jar.
  • Rub the cream in with circular motions.
  • Breathe in and out deeply through your nose.

Does this help with the stuffy nose?

Yes, such creams relax and have a decongestant effect on the sinuses. Even if you have a severe cold, you can still smell the essential oils.

7. other helpers and home remedies for stuffy nose

There are still a few little helpers that don't directly affect the sinuses, but can help you get back on your feet faster.

Humidifier when the nose is closed

If the air is too dry, you irritate your mucous membranes. Therefore, you should ensure constant humidification. How about a humidifierthat you fill with water and essential oils?

Drink a lot with colds

Your body now needs an extra load of water. This ensures that the mucus liquefies and can drain more easily. Alternate constantly between tea, soup and water. That way it won't get boring.

By the way, the menthol in peppermint tea has an expectorant effect.

Vitamins against the mucous nose

What you perceive as extremely annoying mucus, your body has quite a bit to gnaw on. It takes a lot of energy and effort to keep the cold at bay.

You can support it with a healthy diet. Of course, vitamin pills are not a mistake. But he is much more happy about fresh food like peppers, apples, oranges, cucumbers and co.

Nasal spray against the stuffy nose

One spray and you feel light as a feather. Why bother with home remedies when your nose is closed? It can be so simple.

Caution. Nasal sprays have a decongestant effect and relieve the cold temporarily. However, you must not use them for more than a week.

Home remedy for stuffy nose

You get used to it and can no longer do without it. Your nasal mucosa swells up again after each spray. You have the feeling that your nose is blocked. It's a vicious circle!

Personally, I think very little of nasal sprays. And leave the fingers of it. Home remedies for stuffy nose are not miracle cures, but they are completely natural helpers that have no side effects.

What is the cause of a stuffy nose?

Most of the time, they are classic cold viruses. They surprise us when our immune system is not on top. That means in winter and fall, when it's cold and damp.

They are lurking everywhere. The only thing we can do is to live a healthy diet, wash food well before eating and wash our hands regularly.

But allergies to dust mites or animal hair can also cause a stuffy nose. This is an allergic rhinitis, which is usually accompanied by watery eyes.

If you have a cold, the mucous membranes swell. No more air can get through. By the way, they swell because they fight off the infection.

Our conclusion

Now that I've been through all the home remedies for stuffy nose and my sinuses are still closed, I'm going to give myself a rest. Many remedies can help and support you. Nevertheless, a cold now lasts as long as it lasts.

If the mucus is still very fresh, the fewest tips will help. If, on the other hand, the mucus is a bit older and (sorry!) greenish yellow, then you can use home remedies to combat the stuffy nose.

Give your body the time it needs. Avoid nasal sprays and drink plenty of fluids. I'm going back to sleep!

Get well soon!

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