[SPECIAL] High Intensity Training for Weight Loss

Exercises against cellulite: squats (squats) with kick

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3 x 20 min. per week and first results after 14 days - Information about HIT and my self-test

You want fast slimming, but do not invest too much time?

High intensity training for weight loss is ideal for you. With this training method you lose weight quickly in the abdomen, legs and buttocks and at the same time build Muscles on.

So perfect to lose a few more kilos and get fit!

What is High Intensity Training (HIT)?

As the name High Intensity Training suggests, this method is characterized by short Very intense Training intervals off.

This is followed by slow phases in which you recover. This combination of load and recovery provides a rapid dismantling from Body fat.

It's very strenuous, but it pays off: Your stomach, legs and butt will thank you!

Scientific studies have already put HIT under the microscope: after only a short training session, the test subjects had already lost a large proportion of their abdominal fat.

Why HIT is worthwhile

You know this for sure, you sinned at Christmas time, then it was carnival. That you couldn't resist sweets there either, you now notice on your belly, on your legs and especially on your butt.

Your desire and motivation to lose weight are huge. Suddenly - two to three weeks after the first workout - time is too short, the weather is too bad or the workout shirt is in the wash.

In short, you make excuses and let your inner bastard win.

The working day was stressful, exhausting and long and now another hour of sport? No, thanks! When you work, it's often difficult to fit exercise into your daily routine.

Four to five one-hour training sessions per week are not enough. Above all, training alone is not enough. Getting changed, warming up, showering and doing your hair afterwards really takes a lot of time.

These excuses are now a thing of the past! High Intensity Training is suitable for losing weight fast. HIT is the ideal training method!

What speaks for HIT

  • Only three times a week 20 minutes
  • First results after only two weeks
  • Weather independent
  • Location-independent

HIT takes really little time compared to other workouts. Already after short time you see first results. Excess kilos in the problem areas of the abdomen, legs and buttocks are lost, you build muscle and head towards your dream figure.

HIT is also ideal because you don't have to go to a gym after work. You can do the workout in your apartment when the weather is bad or outdoors when the weather is nice.

In short: HIT refuted what has always been preached: To burn fat with sports, you have to do at least 60 minutes of endurance training, because fat burning only starts after 30 minutes.

Only 20 minutes three times a week

A workout consists of only 20 to 30 minutes . Initially, three times HIT per week is ideal.

Already after two weeks, only train six times, you will first results see and feel on the abdomen, legs and buttocks. And all without endurance training like running.

Compared to 60-minute aerobic exercises, you'll achieve with HIT the double fat burningeven though you only train half the time. So it doesn't get any better than that!

However, HIT has other positive effects in addition to rapidly building muscle and reducing body fat on the abdomen, legs and buttocks.

It increases your Basal metabolic rate clearly. This is the amount of energy you consume while sitting, lying on the sofa or in the land of dreams. So the sooner we get our bodies used to regular HIT, the more energy we will use. Consume energy we at rest.

Video: Beginners training HIT principle

Of course, you can't expect your body to be fully fit after the first or second workout.

It is normalthat you get out of breath, sweat and quickly exhausted are. You can chalk up the soreness the day after as a success. You did the exercises correctly and your muscles are building up.

Initially you should do not exaggerate. Pick from this Video six exercises, or start with these less strenuous exercises. Butt exercises until you feel ready.

You will quickly notice results and then simply increase the duration of the workout.

We have a good example video workout for HIT for you here:

My conclusion

In the beginning, HIT was exhausting. Sore muscles in the abdomen, legs and buttocks guaranteed - a good sign that it is acts. Two weeks later I already first results I've noticed that my butt is now crisper and my stomach firmer. Now HIT is on my training schedule every Monday, Thursday and Saturday. If I'm short on time, I do 20 minutes; if I have more time, I do 30 minutes.

Our tip

If you're just starting out with HIT, it's important that you stick it out! It's very strenuous, but your abs, legs and butt will thank you for it in no time! Don't start with a 20 minute workout, start with ten minutes and slowly increase the workout duration. High intensity training is perfect for losing weight. But it's important to listen to your body and not overdo it.

We wish you lots of fun and success with HIT - tell us if you like it and what progress you make!

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