In 7 steps to the perfect handstand - The great beginner guide

Learn handstand

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You finally want to learn a beautiful handstand? We'll show you step by step how you can soon stand upside down without any problems.

Playfully easy this exercise looks at professionals. But it takes a lot of practice, balance, courage and muscles. At the beginning it seems quite hopeless to learn a handstand.

But most often the problem is that beginners simply do not know where to start.

That's why we show you here how to learn a handstand.

To make a handstand look elegant and easy, you need lots of time and patience.

With the right technique, you can manage to find your balance while standing upside down.

Acro Yogi Nina shows us how to learn a handstand. As a trainer, Nina has helped many people to finally achieve a handstand.

Now come the best handstand exercises and then the big step: the free standing handstand.

What the perfect handstand should look like

First of all, we need to clearly state that not all handstands are the same. Just because you can stand upside down for 3 seconds doesn't mean you can do a handstand.

Only then, when you can remain in this position for one to two minutes, you can do the exercise perfectly. Because then you will have managed to build up enough body tension.

But don't worry if you don't succeed right away. A handstand needs a lot of practice.

In addition, it is important that you perform the handstand beautifully and correctly. This means that your body forms a line. This position is especially important for balance. At the beginning, of course, it is very difficult, but with patience and time, you can do it.

As a child, we also needed time until we could walk. Exactly the same is true for the handstand :)

When practicing a headstand or handstand, a headstand stool can help you. The best reviews has the headstand stool from SIYA. It is made of wood, has ergonomic handles and is Made in Germany.

Siya headstand stool
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With the stool you learn playfully easy to get into the headstand. It provides security during practice and relieves arms and neck. But you can also do a whole range of other exercises with it. If you are interested, please inform yourself directly on the Siya website.

Even if you manage to stand on your hands, you should take a look at yourself in a mirror. Because very often, especially beginners lack the straight line.

Once you've managed to stay upside down while learning handstands, work on the next step: the straight line.

By the way, you master the straight line when

  • your hands shoulder width apart,
  • your arms stretched out,
  • your hips are positioned directly above your shoulders and
  • your back area is not arched or in a hollow back.

In the picture you can see exactly how to do it right. In the left picture, the body is sagging too much. Tense everything and move your hands a little further towards the wall. Then your handstand will look like the one on the right. That's exactly how it's done!

Learn handstand

How to keep your balance in handstand

To stay balanced, it is important that you learn to tilt your pelvis forward.

When learning to handstand, balance depends largely on body tension and the correct position of the fingertips. You can balance your body very well with your fingers.

In the beginning, this can be very difficult.

If you have well-trained legs, you can open them in a light splits in a handstand. This not only looks great. It also makes it easier to balance with your hands.

Learn handstand

Learn handstand - tips and tricks

In order to build confidence and strength, you need to slowly approach the reverse pose. Here are some tips and tricks that you should follow.

1. warm up well

Before you start learning handstand, you should master certain basic exercises. Basically, every yoga pose consists of several basic positions.

It is especially important that you do not forget to warm up. Especially for the wrists should be well warmed up. This protects you from injuries.

These are the best exercises in preparation for the handstand:

Raise palms

Learn handstand

  • Stand in a quadruped position.
  • Place your hands flat on the mat.
  • Raise the wrists off the mat. The fingers remain on the floor.
  • Repeat the exercise ten times.

Warm up wrists

Learn handstand

  • Get into the quadruped position.
  • Shift your weight forward.
  • Go back to the starting position.
  • Hands and fingers remain completely on the ground.
  • Repeat the exercise ten times.

Tip: You can also warm up your wrists well by circling them while standing.

Plank with untwist

If you want to do a handstand or headstand, you need a lot of stability in your torso!

Learn handstand

  • Go into the Plank position.
  • Stretch the arms through and tense the body.
  • Hold the position for 10 seconds and then turn to the side. Hold position for 5 seconds and change sides.
  • Do 5 repetitions per side with small breaks.

Shoulders warm up with the theraband

For this exercise, a theraband is ideal. I had just none with me and have therefore taken my scarf :)

Learn handstand

  • Hold the theraband with both hands.
  • Extend your arms and draw a figure eight in the air.

Exercise for the upper body

Learn handstand

  • Lie on your back and stretch out your arms and legs.
  • Slowly lift your arms and legs off the floor.
  • The arms should be above the head.
  • Press the lower back firmly against the mat.
  • Hold the position for at least 10 seconds before releasing. Do 5 repetitions.

Dog looking down

The dog looking down is also called Adho Mukha Svanasana.

Learn handstand

  • Here your body is arranged like an inverted V.
  • Stretch through the knees and elbows.
  • At the same time the buttocks are pressed upwards.
  • It's important to keep your feet on the ground and not just stand on your toes.
  • Hold the position for 10 seconds. Breathe deeply in and out. 5 repetitions.

2. take enough time

Learning handstand doesn't work overnight. You need a lot of patience.

The more you repeat the exercise, the more successful you will be.

Even if things don't go so well one day - never lose heart. Every day is different and no master fell from the sky.

Furthermore, the same applies to other challenging exercises such as the forearm stand, push-ups or the headstand. If it takes four weeks, it takes four weeks. That's quite normal.

3. learn handstand - shift the weight correctly

For a secure stance, it is important that you shift your weight from your palms to your wrists. Balance is controlled by your fingertips.

However, this sounds easier than it is. Especially at the beginning, most fall into a backbend.

To counteract this, it's important to tighten all of your core and abdominal muscles. Tilt your hips forward, tighten your butt and pull in your belly button. The chest is pulled in towards the spine and the shoulders are pushed towards the ears.

Make sure your arms are fully extended.

In order not to end up with a hollow back, it is also important to train your core muscles. Then you can also keep your body axis stable.

4. standing upside down with training partner

For beginners, the most difficult thing is to keep the balance. If you don't always want to practice on the wall, you can get a partner.

You first get into the handstand position without assistance.

Once you are in the final position, your training partner will embrace your hips and stabilize you.

Depending on how well you can already maintain your balance, your training partner can gradually loosen the support.

Learn handstand

If you have mastered the exercise well, then your help can also only serve as an aid in case you do fall over.

5. start with exercises on the wall

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a training partner. Therefore, it is of course also possible to learn the handstand on the wall.

Place your hands shoulder-width apart and as close to the wall as possible. Go up with momentum. The wall will catch your feet.

Learn handstand

Make sure that you are not standing upside down with a hollow back. Stretch your feet upwards. Tilt your hips forward and tighten your buttocks.

You should pull in your belly button and chest. Push up properly from the shoulders and stretch your arms through. Pull your head in so that your ears are level with your shoulders.

If you already master this exercise quite well, you can try the handstand without the help of the wall.

Important: Take breaks and loosen your wrists.

However, there will be times in the beginning when you threaten to fall over backwards.

For these cases, it is important to practice falling correctly so you don't hurt yourself. If you overturn, turn sideways in the wheel.

Learn handstand

6. learn handstand for advanced

For this exercise, of course, you need the right technique. Only when you have understood this should you dare to approach the wall upside down.

In this exercise you stand with your face to the wall. Try to find the balance with tense abdominal muscles, sufficient body tension and fingertip feeling.

Learn handstand

  • Face the wall. Place the palms of the feet on the wall.
  • Stretch one leg at a time and at the same time go crawling to the wall with your hands.
  • The ears should be at the level of the shoulders.

Attention: Always make sure that you have enough space. There should be no box, plant or pet next to or behind you.

7. increase your self-confidence if you want to learn a handstand

With a handstand workout, you'll not only get fitter, you'll just get better all over.

Of course, this exercise won't turn you into a superhero overnight. However, your motor skills will improve immensely.

Once you have mastered your first handstand, you will radiate much more self-confidence and also become more athletic. You learn to consciously tense and release certain muscle groups. This means that you get better control over your body.

What it brings to know how to do a handstand

In yoga, the handstand is called Adho Mukha Vkrsasana. This can be translated as "tree face down".

That's all well and good, but what's the point of learning handstands anyway?

You'll be amazed. This exercise is not only a cool move, but also has a positive effect on your mind and body.

1. improved body tension and coordination

To get the balance while learning handstand, it is important to tense the whole body.

Only with a good body tension it is possible to keep the balance.

With the help of this exercise you will learn to keep your whole body firmly in shape. It also improves your coordination.

2. concentration ability is increased

The upside-down posture is very unfamiliar for everyone at the beginning. After all, very few of us ever stand upside down in everyday life. Do they? :)

This forces you to concentrate on every single step.

You always have to be fully focused. There is no room for other thoughts.

However, this also increases your ability to concentrate and not only during handstand exercises.

3. get more self-confidence through handstands

Turning the world upside down, so to speak, takes a lot of courage.

After all, we are used to having both feet firmly on the ground.

In order to learn the handstand, you have to get out of your comfort zone. Over time, your self-confidence will increase and it will be easier for you to overcome other fears.

Learn handstand

4. handstand is a basic exercise for many other exercises

If you now believe that the handstand is already the highest of feelings and safely remain in the stand is your ultimate goal: Nope.

With this basic exercise you can do many more exercises.

For example, you can try the handstand one-handed or walking to build your skills.

You can play with your legs and get into Acro Yoga later.

5. learning handstand brings many advantages

Being able to do a handstand brings many benefits. It is an ideal workout for the arm, trunk and shoulder muscles.

At the same time, you will also improve your body tension, which is important to stabilize your balance. In general, you will get more strength, as well as improved coordination and balance.

This exercise also stretches the hips, thighs and your abdomen.

Besides the many positive physical effects, there are also benefits for your mental well-being.

You strengthen your stamina, your self-confidence and your self-esteem.

In addition, you can also optimally reduce any stress with this exercise. And when you can do the handstand perfectly, you will experience an enormous feeling of happiness.

Our conclusion

A handstand looks super cool without question. However, it requires a lot of patience, balance and practice. But it's definitely worth sticking with it. If you manage the handstand, not only your perspective changes.

It also trains your body tension, confidence and concentration. So learning handstand pays off in many ways. With this knowledge, nothing stands in your way. :)

Have fun and persevere while learning handstand!

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