The Goblet Squat: The ultimate squat for the butt!

Goblet Squat

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Start your leg and butt workout with this special form of squat. This is how you do a Goblet Squat properly and that's what really matters!

Goblet squats are a great exercise for the living room. You hardly need any space and can still strengthen your butt and leg muscles very effectively.

The exercise can easily be adapted to your fitness level by increasing the weight or using a lighter kettlebell. You can also vary the number of reps - but more on that later.

This particular variation of squats is mega effective and a true all-rounder for the body.

We'll now tell you what to look out for and which mistakes you should avoid at all costs.

What is a Goblet Squat?

The Goblet Squat is a more intense version of the regular squat where you use a dumbbell or kettlebell as an additional weight. With this exercise you mimic the front squat - with all the benefits that come with it!

The term Goblet Squat comes from the way a person holds the weight during this exercise, because it almost looks like they are holding a goblet. The word goblet means nothing more than goblet.

  • Equipment needed: yes, kettlebell or dumbbell
  • Difficulty: medium
  • Suitable for beginners: less
  • Terms: Goblet Squat, Goblet Squat, Squat with Kettlebell
  • Muscle groups used: Thighs and buttocks, core muscles

The Goblet Squat was invented by Dan John. The American strength coach broke the US record in the weight pentathlon and is considered a professional in his field. He invented the exercise for his athletes. These squats help to better understand and learn the correct execution of overhead squats.

It's easier to do classic squats or overhead squats when you perform the Goblet Squat cleanly - Dan is convinced of that.

Nice and slowly, this effective fitness exercise managed to become part of many training plans. It can be performed by both advanced and professionals. This exercise is a true all-rounder that works many muscles at the same time - from the lower body to the core muscles.

How to do Goblet Squats correctly?

Before you think about squats with weights, you should first be quite sure that you can do the traditional squat well and execute it cleanly.

So be sure to practice conventional squats before this advanced variation. You can also use a mirror for this. Then you can immediately see if you are pushing your knee over your toes, if your back is straight and if you are going down low enough.

The Goblet Squat is perfect for those who are looking for a little variety and want to make the classic version a little more difficult.

Goblet Squats for Beginners

You want to do squats with dumbbells or weights for the first time? Then this variant is optimal for you.

Goblet Squat execution

  • Take a kettlebell or dumbbell with both hands.
  • Grasp the kettlebell on the left and right sides or grip the upper weight plate of the dumbbell.
  • Keep the weight close to your torso with bent elbows.
  • Position your feet parallel and slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • Turn the tops of your feet slightly outward.
  • Build body tension and assume a fully upright posture.
  • Push your chest out. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Keep your head in line with your spine.
  • Now tilt your upper body slightly forward and push your butt back.
  • Bend your knees as far as possible - slowly and in a controlled manner.
  • Remain in your Goblet Squat for a few seconds.
  • Press up forcefully over your heels.
  • Stretch your legs and actively push your hips forward.
  • Tighten your butt in the starting position and begin the next repetition.

As a beginner, do 8 repetitions and 3 sets. If the exercise is too easy for you, use a heavy weight.

Which muscles do squats with kettlebell train?

You already know that you work out your butt and legs. But let's take a closer look. Because, as with every exercise, there are also auxiliary muscles in use here in addition to obvious muscles. If you want to know exactly which muscle groups are being trained, you should read on now.

Muscles used in the Goblet Squat primary be addressed:

  • Thigh extensor (quadriceps, Musculus quadriceps femoris): The thigh extends the knees. If you straighten up from a squat, the thigh helps you to extend the knees through.
  • Gluteus maximus muscle: the large gluteus muscle stretches the hips when you go into the starting position. It also helps you turn your legs outward.
  • Hamstrings (ischiocrural muscles): Your hamstrings help you bend your legs. They "force" you to bend at the knees during goblet squats and assist me in extending the hips.

Secondary trained muscles:

But only with the help of the secondary muscles can the execution actually succeed. These include:

  • Back extensor (Musculus erector spinae): It keeps your back straight during the execution and stretches it through.
  • Shoulder, biceps, upper back: they are constantly under tension and help you hold the kettlebell.
  • Abdominal muscles: When you perform the exercise, the abdominal muscles provide balance. They stabilize you. Provided that you tense them firmly!

A goblet squat logically works the lower body. But you also strengthen your sense of balance.

If you like, you can use a dumbbell instead of the kettlebell, as shown here in the video.

What are the benefits of Goblet Squats?

If you want to get into weight training, this squat variation is ideal. Goblet squats can prepare you for squats with long holds. They help you to understand the movement pattern of your knees and to develop a feeling for it.

With the Goblet Squat you benefit from more depth and balance, on top of that you improve your mobility and all this without a gym. In short: high training effect with many benefits for everyday life.

If you want to get into weight training, this squat variation is ideal. Goblet squats can prepare you for squats with long holds. They help you to understand the movement pattern of your knees and to develop a feeling for it.

With the Goblet Squat, you'll benefit from increased depth and balance, on top of improving your mobility, all without going to the gym.

The weight during training helps to build muscle and increase strength. In addition, you can burn a lot of calories.

In short: high training effect with many benefits for everyday life.

More balance

I would especially like to point out that you can get more balance and depth from Goblet Squats. Because with these squats you hold the weight in front of your body. This makes the exercise much easier to perform than with a barbell.

The weight helps you to go deeper into the squat. You automatically keep your back straight - you can't help it.

You balance your equilibrium with your own body. Tipping forward or backward, therefore, is almost impossible.

Help with overhead squats

If you want to really get started in sports, you will soon discover weights for yourself. But before you do squats with arms stretched above your head and barbell, it's worth practicing goblet squats.

As soon as you reach for a barbell, the risk of injury increases. The pressure on the vertebrae and knees becomes significantly higher - if you do unclean executions now, you will soon regret it.

The movement pattern of each squat is very complex and should not be underestimated. The Goblet Squat helps you get more control over the body and listen to yourself.

Avoid knock knees

The most common mistake in a classic squat is "knock knees," where the knees give way and tilt inward during execution. This seems to happen more often when athletes increase their load for sets and repetitions.

In the Goblet Squat, your elbows are placed between or at your knees as you lower. This allows your knees to open outward naturally and automatically - if they don't, you'll notice it immediately.

You become more agile

When done correctly, your knee joints are higher than your hip joints and your heels stay on the floor. This requires great flexibility in the hips and ankles to perform correctly. This is why this exercise is included in many mobility workouts.

But before you start, you should manage a deep squat without extra weight.

Goblet Squat Exercise

The most common mistakes with weight squats

There are a few little things that both beginners and advanced exercisers need to keep in mind when doing the Goblet Squat. Only if you do the exercise correctly, it will be effective.

The point is not to get the exercise over with quickly, but to do it slowly and in a controlled manner.

Work with focus and muscle tension.

The kettlebell is too heavy

If the kettlebell is too heavy, you're not doing yourself any favors. On the contrary! You might get tension in your neck or shoulders or put too much pressure on your knees. You'll also be more likely to arch your back.

Therefore, be sure to start with a light kettlebell.

Basically, if you can repeat an exercise 8-10 times, then the weight is optimal. If it is very easy for you and you can easily perform 15 repetitions, then increase the weight. If you can't do 5 repetitions, the kettlebell is clearly too heavy for you.

You hold the weight too far away from the body

The kettlebell should always be as close to the upper body as possible. The best place for it to rest is on your sternum. Make sure your elbows are fully bent.

You shouldn't feel like you have to activate your biceps to hold the kettlebell in place.

If you hold the weight too far away from your body, your biceps, forearms and even the front of your shoulder will also have to work to keep you from tipping forward and getting off balance.

However, the incorrect position of the weight, not only makes it difficult to maintain proper execution, but also limits the weight you can use in the exercise.

A crooked back during the Goblet Squat

A rounded back during exercise is dangerous for your spine. If you do not keep your back straight, the intervertebral discs will be extremely stressed due to the lack of muscle tension. The cause is the leverage of your spine, which multiplies the load of the training weight.

Make sure that you always keep your back straight. Your lower back even falls into a slight hollow back.

The hip tilts forward

A common mistake is to tilt your hips forward during the Goblet Squat. This compromises neutral spinal alignment and, in the case of the squat, increases the likelihood that you will lose your balance and lift your toes off the ground. The kettlebell pulls you forward.

To prevent this, before you squat down, roll your shoulders back and pull your shoulder blades tightly together. Tense your entire upper body and make sure that your hips do not tilt forward as you go down.

You may not be able to squat as deeply then. But that's perfectly fine. It will get better over time.

The heels take off

A mistake that is also common with the Squat is that the heels come off the ground.

This happens on the one hand when the weight is too far away from the body and on the other hand when you shift your body weight too much onto your toes.

You will most likely lose your balance and put the wrong stress on your knees. Therefore, make sure that your upper body remains upright and that you distribute the weight further back or evenly on the foot.

The knees fall inward

Performing the Goblet Squat incorrectly can often cause knee problems. The reason for this is that the knees fall inwards when going down.

Make sure your kneecaps are essentially aligned with your toes throughout the exercise. Tighten your buttocks.

You do not perform the entire movement of the Goblet Squat

The lowest part of the movement is often the most challenging. That's why people often go back up too soon.

Concentrate on going low to the ground. Your elbows should touch the inside of your knees. Only when you are deep in the squat position can you begin to straighten up.

Our conclusion

This variation of squats is very effective because your legs have to work against the extra weight. Legs and buttocks are trained. However, make sure that the execution is clean.

Have fun with your workout! And always remember: Clean execution is more important than a lot of weight!

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