Can you get rid of hip dips?

Get rid of hip dips

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Want to get rid of your hip dips? Here's what you need to know about hip dips and why you shouldn't be ashamed of them!

We would all like to have a beautiful silhouette - a narrow waist that blends into shapely hips, towards a perky butt. The perfect hourglass shape, in fact.

But that's not the reality for very few people.

If you want to get rid of hip dips, you probably know the problem too. The dents on the hips are a pain in the ass. I felt the same way at the beginning.

But let's start from the beginning and look at the issue calmly.

What are Hip Dips

If you're looking to get rid of hip dips, the first thing you should know is what they are. Hip Dips are side dents in the hips. You find them between the pelvic bone and the thigh.

The upper end of the femur and the pelvic bone protrude quite far. Right between them is a pronounced indentation. These are the Hip Dips.

You are not alone in this, by the way: Most women have a dent on their hips. For some it is more pronounced, for others less.

But there's nothing wrong with getting rid of your hip dips either. Everyone has some place on their body that they would like to change. But why do some of us have the side dips on our hips in the first place and others don't?

What factors cause hip dimples

There are three factors that are responsible for whether you are prone to the dimples or not. For the first factor, genes are responsible, there is little we can do. But let's look at it in detail.

Your bone structure

You surely know this from your circle of friends: one has stronger hips, the other has hardly any hips. Even very slim women can have pronounced hips. This has little to do with body fat, but simply with the structure of our pelvis.

If you have a strongly defined pelvis, you are more inclined to do hip dips. There's very little that can be done about that. If your sister, cousin, aunt or mom has this dent in their pelvis, there's a good chance it'll get you too.

The main factor responsible for the development of hip dimples is genetics. To be precise: the size of the pelvic or hip bone.

Men also have hip dips, but they don't stand out as much because the hips of us women are usually wider.

But that doesn't mean you're at the mercy of the condition. You can get rid of hip dips - not as a whole, but you can reduce them, making them less noticeable.

Exercises against hip dips

Your body fat percentage

Want to get rid of hip dips and tend to have body fat on your hips and thighs? Then you already know what to do. For a great many women, fat deposits accumulate on the thighs and above the pelvic bone. This makes the dimples even more visible.

The body fat percentage is definitely a factor that you have in your own hands. With a healthy diet and the right workout you can reduce fat and tone the body.

Your muscles

Since we were just talking about body fat - better than fat is, of course, muscle. If your butt muscles are well and evenly trained, you can get rid of hip dips. Not perfectly, but you can balance it so well that you see much less of it.

Our rear end is made up of three muscles, all of which want to be exercised regularly.

How to get rid of hip dips

There are three ways to fight hip dips. We can do little about the bone structure, but the remaining factors are well in our own hands. I'll also tell you a secret tip :)

  1. Training
  2. Reduce body fat
  3. choose the right clothes

#1 Hip Dips Training

If you want to get rid of hip dips - or at least conceal them, then you should regularly slip into workout clothes. Optimally trained butt muscles will help you hide the dent in your hips a little.

It is important that you train regularly, i.e. 2-3 times a week. Make sure that you perform the exercises cleanly to get the desired effect. Here I present my three favorite exercises for the buttocks and tell you what you need to pay attention to.

But what you also need to know right away is that there is not a single muscle in the human body that lies directly over the pelvic or hip bone and smoothes the silhouette. What I want to say: Forget all the YouTube videos that promise you that - it's simply not possible.

But you can still do something for a trained butt. The muscles of our buttocks are the basis for a plump, crisp and round butt. There are some exercises that are particularly suitable for this.


Legs and buttocks will thank you for this exercise.

Lunge hip dips get rid of

  • You start in an upright position.
  • Take a big step forward with your right leg.
  • Lower the buttocks until the front leg forms a right angle.
  • The back leg is bent - squat down until your back knee almost touches the floor.
  • Return to the upright position. Place the right leg to the left until you are in the starting position and start again.
  • Do 3 rounds of 12 repetitions per leg.


This exercise is very effective for legs and buttocks and at the same time strengthens your lower back.

Bridge against hip dips

  • Lie on your back.
  • Angle the legs and place the arms parallel to the body.
  • Push your pelvis off the mat. You need to push it through as far as you can.
  • To do this, press your heels firmly into the mat to build up tension.
  • Hold this position for at least 30 seconds and make 3 passes.

Fire hydrants kicks

I love this exercise! It makes for a really tight butt.

Fire hydrant - get rid of hip dips

  • You start in the quadruped position.
  • The knees are under the hips, the arms under the shoulders.
  • Tighten the abdomen so that it does not sag.
  • Now lift the left leg bent to the side. As high as you can and bring it back to the mat.
  • And lift again immediately. Do a total of 12 repetitions before switching sides. 3 repetitions.

But that's not all, of course. If you want to get rid of your hip dips, then you should alternate between exercises and always set new stimuli. This is the fastest way for the muscles to grow.

The point now is to build volume and make the rounds pop. Most of the time you don't need more than your body weight. But if you want to get a little helper, I can recommend a theraband. It makes many exercises much harder and creates resistance when you perform them. When you work against this resistance, the butt muscles are especially in demand.

#2 Reduce body fat

If you have too much fat on your hips, you make sure that the dimples come out very well. If this is the case with you, you need to reduce your fat deposits if you want to get rid of hip dips. The only problem with this is that you can't melt body fat in one particular place.

Your body fat must be reduced overall, then it will also be less on hips and thighs. This means for you: Eat fewer calories than you consume. The best way to do this is to cut out white flour, sugar and other unhealthy foods. Replace it with vegetables, fruits, whole grains and drink a lot of water.

This also revs up your fat metabolism and boosts digestion. By the way, sports also help you to reduce body fat. A mixture of endurance sports and muscle building is the right thing for you.

When we talk about muscle building, you don't have to be afraid of becoming a big muscle mountain. This requires tremendously hard training over a long period of time. It's more about fine and defined muscles. They help you burn more calories. You can think of them as little power plants that need lots of power - in the form of calories.

To build muscle, you need to make sure you eat enough protein. It is considered a building block of our muscles and also ensures that you feel full longer.

Sports scientists recommend

1.5 g protein per kg body weight

So if you weigh 65 kg, you need at least 97.5 grams of protein per day (65 x 1.5). This simple rule will help you understand your body fat and work on it.

#3 Choose the right clothes

I myself also have dents in the hips and I stand by it. But I can understand if you want to hide them. Especially with tight dresses or skirts it sometimes looks strange.

What I can say from my experience: Solid colored leggings, on the other hand, accentuate the dips. If you do go for solid colored models, they should be a dark color. White, light gray, pink and Co emphasize the hips.

On the other hand, you can get rid of hip dips if you wear patterned leggings. Or for intense workouts, wear short shorts that aren't so tight. There are skirts and dresses that flatter our figure better and those that draw all the attention to the hip area.

All dresses and skirts that get wide from the waist will ensure that you can conceal hip dips.

Get rid of hip dips

Why you don't have to get rid of hip dips

Yes, admittedly I also choose dresses and skirts that do not emphasize my hips so blatantly. But if we are honest, it doesn't matter at all. You are perfect the way you are. And there is little we can do about your bone structure. It doesn't help to work out every day or to drink only water - which I strongly advise you not to do!

Hip dips are a part of you and a feature that sets you apart from others. Everyone has some part of their body that they don't like. When we start to accept these body parts, we feel much more comfortable in our skin and have more joy in life.

Especially if it's something like hip dips, which no one has talked about until recently. Don't misunderstand: I think it's important to challenge your body athletically, to fuel it with healthy foods. But it's at least as important to accept yourself. Especially things that you can not change.

And that's what pronounced hips are all about.

Exactly from this has developed the bodypositive trend #HipDips. Here women show that you do not have to be ashamed of the shape of the hips. You can find a lot of pictures on Instagram about this topic and you will see that you are not alone.

The point is to give self-confidence to people who feel insecure about a few of their hip shapes. The supposed flaw is something quite normal. So feel free to check out this hashtag and maybe even post a picture yourself to help other women who want to get rid of their hip dips.

Remember: You are perfect just the way you are!

Our conclusion

If you want to get rid of hip dips, you can work against it a little with training. Also a reduced body fat percentage helps not to emphasize the dents on the hips too much. But it is much better to choose the right clothes and stand with self-confidence.

Because honestly: Just stand up for it. Your body is perfect the way it is!

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