Fit for the ski season: Ready for the slopes with 6 exercises

Ski Season Workout

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Before you strap on the boards, you should prepare your body for skiing. These are the 6 best exercises to start the ski season without injuries.

The fact that skiing involves some Leg power is required is almost self-evident.  Endurance, trunk stability, Balance and coordination are also needed to cut a good figure on the boards.

If you include all these factors in your workout to prepare for the ski season, you will have more fun skiing or snowboarding. But what is at least as important is that this workout reduces the likelihood of injury.

Ski Season Workout

In addition, your general fitness will improve. Your metabolism and cardiovascular system will also be positively influenced.

Warm up for the ski season: 5 minutes warm up

The first thing is to get ready for the workout and raise your core body temperature. 5 minutes should be enough for the warm up.

The best way to start is to walk for one to two minutes while standing and circling your arms. Followed by a few swing gymnastic exercises.

Swing gymnastics:

Stand upright with a ski pole in each hand: (Of course, you can also do the exercises without poles.) You stand on one leg, support yourself with the poles and swing your right leg forward and back 10 times, a little further each time. Then do the same with the left leg.

Next, do almost the same exercise, only this time swing your leg to the left and to the right in front of your body. Do 10 times on each side.

Then you do 10 squats, the poles support you so you can keep your balance better. Then you go into the downhill squat for 20 seconds and at the end you do 10 squats again.

Now your body should be well prepared for the workout.

The 6 best exercises to prepare for the ski season: 15-20 minutes

These exercises will prepare you for the upcoming ski season. You can do them without much equipment at home or outdoors in the bright weather.

  1. Lunge with twist - Lunges with twist (Optional with medicine ball)

    10 repetitions per side, 3 series, 30 seconds rest in between.

  2. Forearm support - Plank

    Hold for 30 seconds, 3 series, 30 seconds rest in between.

  3. Pelvis lift single leg - One leg Bridge

    5 reps per leg alternating - 4 times, 3 series, 30 seconds rest in between.

  4. Downhill squat on balance board or rolled up yoga mat

    10 repetitions, 3 series, 30 seconds rest in between

  5. Arm extensor and shoulder girdle - Dips

    10 repetitions, 3 series, 30 seconds rest in between

  6. Jumping rope or frond jumping/fidget jumping in alternation

    Either 5 minutes as a final exercise or for 1 minute between each exercise

This is how you do the exercises correctly:

    1. Lunge with twist - Lunges with twist (Optional with medicine ball)

      Lunges simultaneously strengthen almost the entire leg musculature and gluteal muscles. It also promotes coordination. Furthermore, it stabilizes the knee and ankle, which is important when skiing.
      Ski season workout arms medicine ball

      Start with a big step forward. Keep your back straight and make sure that the front knee is too low. 90 degree is bent and stands behind the toe. The back knee is lowered to just before the floor. Keep the upper body straight throughout the exercise.

      If you do the exercise with a Medicine ball hold it stretched in front of your chest. (It is also possible to do it with bent arms, but this way you additionally challenge your shoulder muscles a bit more).

      Once you have done the lunge, turn your upper body 90 degrees to the side of the bent leg, then back again. Then stand up again.
      However, you can also do the exercise without a medicine ball at the beginning.

      Do 10 repetitions on each side. Perform the exercise 3 times. So 10 repetitions on the left, 10 repetitions on the right and the whole time three.

    2. Forearm support - Plank

      This exercise strengthens the deep abdominal and back muscles.

      Ski Season Workout Plank
      Lie on your stomach and support yourself with your forearms on the floor. Now push away from the floor so that your body is completely straight. Tighten your abdomen, buttocks and back and pull your shoulders back. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds at a time.

      As an increase you can use the feet in alternation slightly off the floor, or if you like it even more difficult, lift your arms off the floor.

      Experts can lift one arm and one leg off the floor and stretch them in opposite directions. Make sure that your body does not tilt to the side.

      Perform 2 to 3 times, taking breaks in between.

    3. Pelvis lift single leg - One leg Bridge

      In this exercise, in addition to the supporting muscles of the trunk, the back of the thighs and the gluteal muscle are also trained.

      Ski Season Workout One Leg Bridge

      Lie on your back and put your feet on. Put them about shoulder width bend your knees 90 degrees. Start by lifting the pelvis off the floor with both legs.

      Make sure your back is straight and hold your pelvis at the highest point for three seconds. Then lower it slightly for a moment and return to extension before your buttocks touch the floor.

      Repeat this sequence 10-15 times. Pause 15 seconds in between and do a total of three passes

      If you want to make it more challenging, always extend one leg and switch to the other leg after five repetitions. Perform the exercise twice on each side. Then pause for 15 seconds and do three repetitions.

    4.  Downhill squat on balance board or rolled up yoga mat

      This exercise will help you train your balance and strengthen your legs and buttocks.
      Ski Season Workout Balance Board Exercise
      You start with both feet on the balance board. Then you try to bend your legs and move them into the Downhill squat to reach. Knee angle 90 degrees or lower. You can cross your arms in front of your chest or extend them forward or slightly to the side for better balance. The Upper body you bend with straight back forward.

      Once you have assumed the downhill squat, try to hold the position for 30 seconds. Then stretch your legs again for 30 seconds or you can also step off the balance board to relax.

    5. Dips in the long seat: arm extensor and shoulder girdle

      With this exercise you strengthen the upper arm extensors and the shoulder girdle. In addition, the trunk must also be stabilized for a clean execution.

      It helps you ski especially for a strong Push off with the Sticks, in case you ever need to cover a few meters on your skis on flat terrain. When you Ski tourers or Cross-country skier are, then these muscle groups are even more important.

      The exercise can be done either with your hands on a park bench, an armchair or a stool. If these objects are not available to you, you can also do it on a yoga mat. But then you have to make sure that your body is fully stretched.

      Ski season workout arms

      Stretch your legs, put your heels on the floor and move your body exclusively with the Arms power up and down. Bend your arms until your buttocks are just before the floor. Then stretch them again. Tense your torso while keeping your legs straight. If you bend your legs slightly it is easier.

      Perform eight to ten repetitions and do the exercise for two to three rounds. Always pause for 30 seconds in between.

    6. Jumping rope or spiral jumping/fidget jumping in alternation

      If you are already practiced and have mastered the technique of jumping rope to some extent, you can jump rope for three to five minutes at a time at the end of the main part. This way you train your cardiovascular system and your Endurance in an efficient manner.

      Ski Season Workout

      Alternatively, do 20 jumping jacks and 20 wedel hips (double-legged jumps to the left and to the right over a ski pole lying on the ground pointing forward) alternately for three minutes.

I also have an additional exercise for you: Balance training on the slackline

If you ever have the opportunity to train on it use it. Slacklining is the ideal Balance training for skiers. But not only for this sport. It stabilizes the jump and knee joint and in addition you have to activate your trunk muscles quite a bit to be able to stand or walk on it. The same is necessary when you have to compensate for bumps at higher speeds while skiing.

Ski Season Workout Slackline

In the beginning, however, it's best to try slacklining with a partner who can give you a supportive hand. If you are alone, you can also support yourself with a stick or, even better, one on the left and one on the right. Because when you stand on a slackline for the first time, it will probably be very difficult for you and your body will certainly shake and shake quite a bit.

My conclusion:

With exercises that train your legs, endurance, balance and core, you can prepare yourself optimally for the ski season. If you are trained, you reduce the risk of injury and the muscle soreness after the first time on the slopes is not so bad.

Guest commentary by Philipp Troschl

Philipp is a sports scientist and self-employed personal trainer. He gives his customers helpful tips not only in courses, but also on his homepage:

Photos: Philipp Troschl

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