How the stars train: 3 exercises against cellulite on the buttocks

Exercises against cellulite

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Can you fight cellulite on the buttocks and thighs? Yes, says the trainer to the stars, who has already helped Cindy Crawford, Jessica Biel and Rachel Nichols. I'll tell you what the stars do against orange peel skin and dimples.

You can ask any woman, at least they all agree on one thing: if anything is worse than excess body fat, it's dimples on the butt and thighs - that is, orange peel skin. Cellulite mainly affects women.

Yes, some men are also affected by unsightly dimples, but this is rather the exception.

A Cornell University study found that up to 98 % of adult women suffer from some form of cellulite. Not all equally severe and in the same places.

But the size of this number is really scary - don't you think? The good thing about this number is that you now see that you are not alone.

It doesn't matter if you're carrying around a few excess kilos or if you have a figure like a model. Orange peel skin can be a problem for everyone - especially cellulite on the buttocks.

But the good thing is that you can get rid of dents butt.

How that works, I'll tell you today!

Orange peel skin on the buttocks also affects slim women

I recently read an article that gives hope to all affected. I would like to share this report with you.

The actress Rachel Nichols also fought against cellulite. Her trainer has jumped a few tips :)

At 23, Rachel was a model and says of herself that she didn't work out or eat healthy.

The consequence: Cellulite on the buttocks. Her first strategy was not to look at her butt. But that can't be the solution! At first, she really thought she would have to live with the dents on her rear end.

Then, when she got a big role in a show, she had enough of her problem area. She hired trainer Valerie Waters, who has worked with many celebrities. "When we first met, Valerie said, You are a little soft," Rachel says in the interview.

And she was right. Rachel says she was slim and still from Cellulite concerned. After a few weeks of hard training, she realized that she could get rid of the cellulite on her butt.

After a few months, the orange peel skin was very well under control and a few months later even completely disappeared. And how did she do it? Effective exercises for the buttocks 3 to 4 times a week!

She shares all her secrets to fighting cellulite on the butt in her book Red Carpet Ready. Three of these exercises I reveal to you today :)

What is the cause of cellulite on the buttocks?

There is no one decisive reason. Usually it is a combination of hormones, body fat percentage, stress, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, alcohol and smoking. Each one of these points can promote orange peel skin.

In most cases, 2, 3 or even more factors come together and dimples start to appear on the buttocks and thighs.

The more fat our cells store, the more the fat cells push through the lattice-like connective tissue. Outwardly, this becomes visible in the form of dents and bumps.

Alarmingly, coffee, nicotine and alcohol are particularly hard on connective tissue. They wear it out because they hinder the metabolism. Cellulite is therefore nothing other than pure fatty tissue, which is a poor conductor of energy. Sluggishness is the result.

However, I would like to get something off my chest before I introduce you to exercises against cellulite on the buttocks. Jogging does not cause cellulite. Even if this misconception is still widespread, it is simply not true.

How to finally get rid of cellulite on the buttocks

The real anti-cellulite success, however, is due to training. Cindy Crawford and Jessica Biel also swear by it.

The trainer relies on circuit training, which makes fat deposits fall, cardio training and strengthening every muscle in the body.

Here's a little insight into her anti-cellulite workout: the workout consists of three different rounds, each of which is made up of 3 to 5 exercises.

Valerie has a Rule of thumb for all those who want to fight cellulite: Make two lower body exercises (legs and buttocks) for any upper body exercise.

A study has confirmed its effectiveness. In the Syracuse University study, scientists found that you burn more calories the day after a lower-body workout than the day after an upper-body workout.

This is because the muscles in your legs have more muscle mass than those on your arms or chest.

Your anti-cellulite plan always consists of two elements:

  1. Sports, fitness and exercise to lose body fat and build muscle
  2. Healthy and balanced diet with many nutrients and reduced calories

Tip: Keep an eye on the calories

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Top 3 exercises against cellulite on the buttocks

These are the exercises that star trainers use! So you train like the Hollywood stars and starlets. Grab a workout mat and you're ready to go.

Exercise 1: Leg lift

Exercises against cellulite

Attention exhausting :)

  • Lie on your back, bend both your legs.
  • Now stretch your left foot straight up. Tense your leg muscles.
  • Place your arms relaxed next to your body.
  • Your gaze turns to the ceiling.
  • Now lift your pelvis. Hold this position.
  • Remember: Tighten your butt.
  • The pelvis remains in the air throughout the exercise.
  • Lower the leg - but keep it extended. And now back up with the leg :)
  • And now: Change legs!

Do this exercise 12 times per leg before switching sides. In total you need to do three rounds.

Exercise 2: Lunge with dumbbell

The classic among the butt exercises is also used by the stars again and again. The lunge is and remains one of the most effective exercises for butt and thighs.

Exercises against cellulite on the buttocks

  • To do this, get into the starting position: feet are hip-width apart, gaze is directed forward.
  • To make the exercise more difficult, take two dumbbells.
  • The abdomen is tense, the chest open, the shoulders tight.
  • Now take a big step forward. At the same time, lower the back knee toward the floor. But do not put it down!
  • Let float nicely 3-4 cm above the mat. :) Pay attention to the front knee! Breathe calmly to keep the balance.
  • The buttocks and legs are tense. And with the muscle strength from the heel you push yourself back to the starting position.
  • Do the same with the other leg.

Do 12 repetitions of this exercise per leg and 3 passes.

Exercise 3: Lunge with tapboard

Tapboard exercises lunge

  • Stand on a tapboard, bench or grab a stool. The important thing is that the elevation is at about knee height. Tip: A park bench is great for this :)
  • Now place your left foot on the tapboard.
  • With your left foot, go back a little further.
  • Let the knee sink towards the floor.
  • Repeat this exercise 12 times with the left foot.
  • Only then do the same with the right foot.
  • A total of 3 passes again.

How cellulite develop

There are so many theories about what orange peel skin is and how cellulite develops. There is one thing that everyone agrees on: Too much fat on the legs and buttocks. When women put on body fat, it is always first on the buttocks and the back of the thighs.

But that's only part of the problem. The other? The region where the fat is stored under the skin has a different structure than the rest of the body.

When the fat cells grow larger, it becomes immediately visible on the surface of the skin. The consequence: Dents on the thighs and buttocks: this is cellulite.

The more these fat cells inflate, the worse your cellulite will become. The solution: get rid of this fat, it's the only way to get rid of cellulite on your butt.

The only thing that really helps is perseverance and discipline. "In my experience it can take up to a year for cellulite to go away," says Valerie.

At the same time, however, she emphasizes that you can see the first changes after just a few weeks. That is of course very motivating and helps to persevere.

So what is the secret of Valerie? First of all she proposes a Diet before. Of course, success always depends on yourself. Depending on how disciplined you are. There are different options for every lifestyle and for every goal.

For those who want to get rid of cellulite very quickly, Valerie suggests staying away from convenience foods and artificial foods.

By this she also means foods that contain sugar. A few examples: Baked goods, sweets, white bread, pasta made from white flour, French fries and more.

You should also cross alcohol off your list. In short, a diet where you cook a lot yourself with lots of fruits and vegetables, little meat.

That doesn't mean grilled chicken and broccoli for the rest of your life. But you should stick it out for at least six weeks.

Our conclusion

Fancy some more exercises against cellulite and want to fight your orange peel skin? I have another second blog post on this topic :)

Hang in there and eat healthy if you want to get rid of cellulite on your butt. A balanced and low-calorie diet is very important. This way, the body can't put on more fat and gets to work on existing fat reserves.

All the best for you!

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