Detoxifying foods you should eat today

detoxifying foods

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Time for a little detox cure! Here's how to use detox foods to leave all that holiday eating behind. Get new energy with these detox foods.

Detoxifying foods are all the rage right now. This is not surprising, because a detox cure can help you get back in shape after Christmas and New Year.

They cleanse the body, stimulate digestion and give you glowing skin. You don't have to take any special preparations for this; there are many detoxifying foods that taste delicious to boot.

Basically, all vegetables are detoxifying foods. But there are a few that are particularly good. And that's exactly what we're going to look at today.

We'll tell you what's important when detoxing at home and show you which foods work best.

How do foods detoxify the body?

Most of us think of detoxification as the process by which substances remove toxins from our bodies. Although these substances exist, food detoxifies in a completely different way:

You strengthen us

Detoxifying meals provide the body with nutrients essential to its function so that it can efficiently detoxify itself. A vitamin and mineral deficiency allows toxins to take root in the body and be deposited there.

Zinc and selenium are two examples of important minerals that are needed in large quantities for the formation of the body's detoxification enzymes.

Their bitter substances stimulate digestion

Detoxifying foods contain bitter substances. These stimulate the flow of bile. This leads to the fact that the harmful substances are quickly passed into the intestine and from here out of the body.

Detox foods are often diuretic, ensuring that toxins are eliminated through the kidneys.

For many reasons apply bitter foods considered very healthy. They can help lose weight because they suppress cravings and support detoxification of the body.

Their antioxidants protect the detoxification organs

Detoxifying foods provide the body with antioxidants. But what are antioxidants and why are they so healthy? Antioxidants protect the body and detoxification organs - especially the liver, kidney and intestines.

This allows the organs to better take care of the removal of toxins, which prevents cell damage. Antioxidants can help the liver, kidney and intestines to detoxify better.

When is the best time to purify the body?

There is no wrong time to detoxify the body. You can start every day. You will do best with detox cures if you dare to detox when you are at your best.

That is, when you feel good all around. Because then the metabolism is higher and the cure is easier to a success. At least that is the theory. In practice, most start the process when they feel uncomfortable in their body. Are bloated, have gained weight or have bad skin from our diet.

Spring is the ideal season to detoxify and revitalize your body. But don't worry! Detoxing doesn't always have to mean a long fast or a juice cleanse! You can also take a gentle approach to a detox regimen. You can do this by eating detoxifying foods.

In this video, you'll learn when it's time to start a detox regimen.

7 detoxifying foods you should eat regularly

Basically, all foods that are natural should end up on your plate. So you eat very classically according to the Clean Eating principle. Almost all natural foods from the plant kingdom have detoxifying properties.

But there are some that should be highlighted. What they are and why they are considered so healthy, you can read here:

The number 1: dandelion

Dandelion leaves detoxify the liver and gall bladder. The healthiest are considered to be the very fresh and tender leaves in the spring.

Dandelion is an ancient home remedy that can keep our body healthy. Thanks to its high-quality plant ingredients, dandelion has anti-cancer and anti-diabetic effects, strengthens the liver and kidneys, and can improve detoxification.

The root, leaves and flower of the plant can be eaten. Since the dandelion can be found almost all year round everywhere in the garden or in nature, it is an excellent alternative to expensive supplements.

Dandelion is delicious in salads or smoothies. But you can also just eat it as finger food or put it on a sandwich.

Dandelion leaves are also available in powdered or liquid form. You can buy dandelion leaf powder and dandelion root extract as a dietary supplement if needed. If you have plenty of dandelions in your garden, you can dry the leaves and make them into powder.

Ginger as a detoxifying food

It's important to use ginger too! Its health benefits as a detox spice will make you feel better immediately after a heavy meal. Ginger is a fantastic long-term detox aid and fits into many dishes.

Ginger is one of the greatest detoxifiers among foods. This is due to compounds such as gingerol and shogaol, which boost metabolism and stimulate natural detoxification.

Ginger tea is often used for detoxification. The relaxing drink is prepared in just a few minutes. Grate two teaspoons of fresh ginger and pour it with hot water, then let it steep for five to ten minutes.

Green tea

Green tea is a real miracle drug for detoxification. Antioxidants are its secret of success. Especially the catechins help to protect the body from free radicals. Free radicals can make you sick and damage healthy tissue.

Catechins are also beneficial for the natural detoxification function of the liver. Another advantage of green tea is its diuretic effect, which helps to remove fluid from the body.

One or two cups a day, either hot or cold, will support your body's natural detoxification process. As a side note, if you avoid coffee, fruit juice drinks, soda, and alcoholic beverages, as I do, you further support your body's natural detoxification efforts.

Lemons and oranges as detoxifying foods

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which gives it an invigorating effect. This is due to its high vitamin C content, which is essential for the synthesis of glutathione, which supports the liver.

Citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines and lemons contain not only vitamins and minerals but also flavonoids from secondary plant compounds. Citrus flavonoids have an antioxidant effect on the one hand and a positive influence on the liver and its detoxification enzymes on the other.

Freshly squeezed orange juice, which also enhances the flavor of smoothies, is a wonderful addition to smoothies, with celery, kale and spinach.

Lemons have a sour taste, but they have an alkaline effect on the body. This cleansing food improves digestion and helps speed up the elimination of harmful substances.

If you like it tart, cut a lemon in half and mix the juice with half a liter of lukewarm tap water.

Garlic is a detox food

Garlic is a food that has many uses. It has antioxidant and antimicrobial effects. Garlic activates detoxification enzymes in our body, which promotes blood circulation.

The sulfur in garlic cloves binds heavy metals and helps the body eliminate them.

Flaxseed as a detoxifying food

Flaxseed* are good for your digestion. They are rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, which stimulate the intestines to move. This increases intestinal activity. To promote the absorption of nutrients via the intestines, you should Flaxseed* can be crushed or ground. They also taste delicious sprinkled over a salad, in a smoothie or muesli.

If you bake bread yourself, you can Flaxseed* also work into the dough.

If you need to do it quickly: Add a teaspoon of ground Flaxseed* in a glass of lukewarm water. Allow the mixture to swell briefly and drink the mixture every day on an empty stomach for two weeks.

Green leafy vegetables of all kinds

Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is an important component of green leaves that helps break down toxins.

Overall apply green vegetables as very rich in vitamins and nutritious.

Spinach, kale, arugula, watercress, nettle, chard and other wild greens are all great detoxifying foods. They also have a mild diuretic effect and provide additional support for the kidneys and liver.

Since we are on the subject of "green". Here, of course, parsley may not be missing. Parsley is an excellent detox agent in every respect! It supports the detoxification process by speeding it up and also provides vitamin C, iron, potassium, calcium and zinc!

Many of these green vegetables and herbs can be turned into smoothies. By the way, there is a whole range of herbs that help with weight loss. They also have a detoxifying effect on the body.

Here's how you can improve the effect of detoxifying foods

Of course, detoxifying foods work better if you change your overall diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Try this in addition:

Avoid processed foods

You should eat as little processed food as possible if you want to detox healthily. Pesticides, pollutants and additives are a burden on the body in addition to the normal metabolic by-products that everyone produces.

This also includes sugar, white flour, alcohol and cigarettes.

We can avoid the need to detoxify the body by eating as few of these substances as possible. The idea of Clean Eating is based on these principles.

A glass of water in the morning

You should drink a glass of water right after getting up to stimulate your metabolism and thus your detoxification organs. The water restores the fluid reserves that were lost during the night. This primarily benefits the kidneys and blood circulation.

Detoxifying foods such as lemon, apple cider vinegar or a piece of ginger can enhance this effect.

During the day you should drink plenty of water and unsweetened herbal teas.

Oil pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic technique for removing harmful substances and disease-causing germs. Recently, oil pulling has been making a comeback, and for good reason: anyone can do it at home.

To do this, rinse a tablespoon of vegetable oil in your mouth for up to 20 minutes. Pull the oil through your teeth, rinse it from side to side or chew on it.

I prefer cold-pressed coconut oil for this, because it has a wonderful taste. In any case, it should be a virgin, cold-pressed oil (e.g. olive oil, sesame oil, linseed oil, etc.). You don't have to keep up the twenty minutes from the beginning either.

Then spit out the oil completely.


Exercise, especially in the fresh air, stimulates all detoxification organs. Faster breathing increases the elimination of harmful substances through sweat and improves the metabolism of various organs, including the liver, kidneys and intestines.

It's recommended that you exercise for at least half an hour every day, but it's even better if you can manage a full hour. Jogging, biking, walking or swimming are all good light endurance activities. It's important that you work up a sweat.

Our conclusion

Detoxifying foods are a great way to do your body some good after all the holidays. By eating these foods, you'll rev up your metabolism and feel better all around.

However, do not forget about exercise, water and healthy food. If you want, you can also try oil pulling.

Have fun trying it out!

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