Pull-up with band: The ultimate guide!

Pull-up with band

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You want to train your upper body? Then you should include pull-ups in your workout. The pull-up with band is the best preliminary exercise to learn pull-ups. We show you how to do the exercise correctly.

Learning pull-ups is a nice challenge. You pull your entire body weight up a bar using only the strength of your upper body. This requires a strong back and a lot of muscle in your upper arms.

But don't hang your head if you haven't managed a single pull-up yet. With a little training you will soon manage 5 or even 8 pull-ups.

How to do it? It's simple: the pull-up with band is the best exercise if you want to learn pull-ups.

How to properly perform the pull-up with band

Pull-ups are ideal for those who want to build muscle. The exercise is challenging and effective at the same time. You train 5 different muscle groups at the same time and complete a small full-body workout with this exercise alone.

However, a correctly executed pull-up is not so easy to achieve. You need both muscles and a good technique. This requires a lot of training.

But with our instructions, you can do it easily.

  • Equipment needed: yes, pull-up bar and resistance band
  • Difficulty: hard
  • Suitable for beginners: no
  • Designations: Pull-Up with Band, Pull-Up with Band, Banded Pull-Up, Supported Pull-Up
  • Muscle groups used: Back and arms

Squat with band execution for beginners

Pull-up with band

  • Attach the strap to the pull-up bar with a loop.
  • Position an elevation under the bar to make it a little easier for you to get started.
  • Step your foot into the band and push it down slowly and in a controlled manner.
  • Make sure you keep your foot straight.
  • The backs of your hands face your body and your grip is shoulder width.
  • Now pull yourself up to the pull-up bar.
  • Your chin is above the bar.
  • Hold briefly and slowly come back to the starting position.

As a beginner, do as many repetitions as you can manage. Optimal would be 5 repetitions and 3 passes.

Pull-up with band for advanced

Is that too little for you? No problem. You can of course adapt the exercise to your fitness level and make it more difficult.

The great advantage of the pull-up with band is that there are different resistances of the bands. A band with very strong resistance makes the exercise easier. The pull-up will be a little harder if you use a band with less resistance.

Good to know: You can even combine the bands. For example, if you take two with very low resistances, you have your own individual support.

Also, you can increase the number of repetitions to make the exercise more difficult.

If that's still too easy for you, you should try traditional pull-ups.


All beginnings are difficult, especially at the beginning it is important that you regularly load your body and get used to the exercise. It is better to do a few repetitions 5x a day than 1x a day so many that everything hurts you. Experts therefore recommend that it is best to get a pull-up bar for home.

This has the great advantage that you can do a pull up at any time and guaranteed not to forget about training. There are very great models that you can attach to any door frame.

I especially like the Pull-up bar for the door frame of Pullup & Dip, because it allows four different handles and is therefore very effective. The resistance band is also included, so you can immediately start with the workout.

Top product
Pull-up bar for the door frame
Must Have for Home Gym
This pull-up bar fits in any door frame. 4 different pull-up handles possible. Pull-up band included.
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What you need to pay attention to during execution

The pull-up with band is not an exercise for total beginners. You need a certain basic fitness. On the one hand, it's about the muscles in the upper body and on the other hand, it's about the right technique, which you clearly need for this exercise.

But let's look at it and in detail.

Use the right tape

To learn pull-ups, a resistance band is an excellent pull-up aid. The band takes some of the load off of you, making it easier to pull up on the bar.

Resistance bands come in different strengths. Use a band with high resistance at the beginning. Only when the exercise becomes too easy for you, you should reach for a lighter band.

The height of the pull-up bar

Especially in the beginning, the bar should not hang too high. If you then never get up, you will quickly become demotivated.

The best thing to do is to get a pull-up bar for your living room. You can easily attach it to the door frame and practice the pull-up with band at any time.

I initially had the rod 20 cm above my head. In the meantime, it hangs only 15 cm below the door frame.

In the park, of course, the bar hangs higher. That is quite strenuous. Fortunately, there's usually a small climbing aid on the side :)

The right handle

Simply pull up on the pull-up bar - if that's not enough for you, you can choose from a large number of grip variations.

Basically, a distinction is made between pull-ups with the palms facing the body or away from the body.

It's best to start with the variation where the palms are facing you and the grip is shoulder-width.

Later, you can also vary the width of the grip or position your hands so that your palms are facing away from you.

Pay attention to the head position

Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar. This makes the exercise really effective. In the starting position, you should face the bar. This determines the direction of the pull.

Tense your torso

Keep the entire upper body under tension throughout. This provides stability in the up and down movements and trains your abdomen as well.

Your legs

People like to perform pull-ups with their legs bent and crossed. However, this is not quite correct. Extend your legs and keep them closed. The ankles touch during the entire execution.

What muscles the pull-up with band trains

Many. Very many :) The main load in the pull-up with band is borne by the latissimus dorsi and trapezius.

But other muscles are also intensively trained. In total there are 5 main muscles:

  • Broad back muscle (latissimus dorsi)
  • Hood muscle (trapezius)
  • Rhombus muscle (Rhombiodeus)
  • Large round muscle (teres major)
  • Deltoids (Deltoid Muscles)

The arms are also always involved. First and foremost the forearms. Whether biceps or triceps are trained more depends on which grip variant you choose.

What speaks for pull-ups with tape

Not quite convinced yet? Well, let's take a look at all the reasons why you should do a pull-up with a band. And there are quite a few of them. But let's stick to the most important ones:

  • You can do pull-ups anywhere. On playgrounds, door edges or branches - the main thing is that you can hold on to something and pull yourself up.
  • Pull-ups tone your upper arms.
  • Perfect for building muscle.
  • The pull-up with band supports fat burning.
  • Pull-ups relieve pressure on the lower back and spine.

Our conclusion

Learning pull-ups is hard and requires a lot of patience. But the pull-up with band makes it a little easier for you to pull up on the bar and is perfect for beginners. But start slowly and do not overload your muscles.

Have fun with your workout!

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