Organize Christmas: With this checklist it will definitely work out

Organize Christmas

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There are many reasons why you might feel a little queasy around Christmas. Often it is due to poor preparation. Organizing Christmas saves a lot of nerves. These are the best tips for a stress-free Christmas Day.

The stress of work is now joined in December by gift-buying stress. And even worse: family stress. Sometimes even travel stress. Every year the same routine, the same date, but still the time before Christmas just goes by way too fast.

How about organizing Christmas? Yes, you heard right! Because Christmas Eve is at the same time every year. So surprises are usually out of the question.

You can already start with a lot of preparations. A checklist saves time, nerves and often money. Because there are no quick-fix actions with sufficient planning.

So that you don't sink into stress right now and can sleep peacefully, we have collected the best tips for your organized Christmas party.

With these preparations you can already start today

  1. The place of celebration

    With you? Your friends? With your in-laws? Or with your parents? At a cabin? Or just the two of you?

  2. The invited guests

    How many guests do you want to invite? Who will be invited? Who will bring friend, husband, wife, girlfriend, children?

  3. Putting the apartment in order

    Is there anything else you want to clean? What do you still have to put away? Is there anything in the way? Do you need more chairs? Do you have enough plates?

  4. The invitations

    When do you make the invitations? How do you invite? Do you do a Facebook event (be careful not to make it public) :). Is a Whatsapp group enough? Until when do you have to get back to me?

  5. For the full belly

    Who will take care of the dessert? Who will bring salads? Are there vegetarians among the guests? Where do you get the ingredients? When do you buy? And who is the main person responsible for the food?

  6. Corona tests

    Yes, no one likes to talk about Corona. But you should take the virus seriously, especially if you plan to invite many people. A quick test doesn't hurt anyone and provides clarity. That way, you can all relax and enjoy Christmas.

  7. For the quiet process

    Be sure to do some rough planning! When will the guests arrive? What time is the gift-giving? Is there a walk planned? Who is sleeping over? Who is leaving when?

  8. Think up topics of conversation

    Did you invite talkative guests? What could you tell them? Do you have some vacation photos with you? Do you want the others to take vacation photos, too? Does anyone feel like coming up with a Christmas story?

  9. The most important thing: the tree

    Who will get the tree? Do you have a Christmas tree stand? When will the tree be purchased? Do you have enough ornaments? Who will decorate the tree? And when will it be decorated?

  10. Plan the gifts

    Do you give each other gifts? How much do you spend? What do the recipients like? It's best to give this some thought throughout the year. It's often the little things that go down particularly well.

  11. The deco planner

    Where do you get the materials? What do you like? Have you browsed Pinterest yet? What do you still have from last year? What do you need to get new? Do you have enough napkins?

  12. Your outfit

    What are you wearing? Do you need anything else? Do you still go to the hairdresser?

  13. The drinks

    Are you making mulled wine? Who brings wine? Where can you chill the wine? What anti-alcoholic drinks do you have? Who is a driver and who is allowed to drink at all?

  14. Your daily schedule

    Also plan your day for less stress at Christmas. What time do you get up? What can you prepare the day before? What needs to be done by when, where and with whom? Plan an extra half hour per task on this day. And don't forget the most important thing: putting your feet up at 3 pm. Or whenever it suits you.

  15. Your personal anti-stress plan

    For some it's a big cup of hot tea, for others a foot bath, and for some a bite of chocolate works wonders. Find your personal anti-stress path.
    Get some inspiration here: "The 75 best tips against stress that are guaranteed to work

Our conclusion

Organizing Christmas requires a lot. But please don't let yourself get stressed. Always slowly work through one point after the next - that works best.

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