Bananas are a miracle weapon against belly fat

Banana against belly fat

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You are very happy with your figure, but the small ring around the body center stubbornly persists? Then bananas could be the solution! These arguments speak for bananas as a miracle weapon against belly fat.

Well, what was on your diet today? Maybe you should put a banana or two on your plate in the future.

If you've been working out for a long time but the belly fat just won't go away, then you've come to the right place. What's supposed to help is not a shake, a pill or cottage cheese - but bananas, of all things.

The sweet fruit is said to melt belly fat.

And this is not only about the optics. If you have a lot of belly fat, you also run the risk of getting seriously ill. Too many rolls of fat in the middle of the body produce hormones that can trigger inflammatory processes in the body.

In addition, belly fat is made responsible for the fact that the blood fat values (cholesterol) become bad and that the blood pressure is high. At the latest then it means for you: exercise, change the diet and attention: eat bananas!

But what do bananas have to do with belly fat? There are three reasons that speak for it.

1. bananas stop cravings

Are you one of those people who eat healthy in the morning and then, out of nowhere, get a food craving in the morning? You could almost call it a snack addiction, and one that usually ends up with chocolate or something else sweet?

Then try reaching for the fruit bowl instead of the candy drawer.

Bananas contain a lot of magnesium. Often cravings for chocolate are said to be related to the fact that we have a magnesium deficiency. Cocoa is one of those foods that contain a particularly high amount of magnesium. The fact that we then reach for chocolate is something we have trained ourselves to do.

But bananas provide at least as much magnesium. So it's better to put the chocolate away. One reason is the calories:

  • 100 grams of whole milk chocolate contain 540 calories.
  • 100 grams of banana contain 95 calories.

2. bananas for a boost during workout

The fact is, you can't do it without exercise. But you can give your workout an extra boost.

You can only lose weight on your stomach if you work out diligently and keep your metabolism active. But you can't lose weight only with sports and without a healthy diet. Your weight loss success is always a mix of both.

If you eat a banana before a workout, you quickly get energy for the workout. This is due to the fructose, which is easily absorbed by the body. The fruit is also not heavy in the stomach.

It's best to eat them 10 to 15 minutes before your workout. If your workout is more effective and you have more strength, your belly fat will disappear faster.

3. bananas for good digestion

Without a healthy and balanced intestinal flora, losing weight will not work. If you have eaten unhealthily for a long time, you first have to rebuild your intestinal flora. The bacteria in your intestine need healthy food to be able to multiply and thus displace the bad bacteria.

Bananas have exactly this superpower. They provide food for the good bacteria and boost the health of the intestinal flora.

The high proportion of potassium and magnesium pushes the metabolism. The many fibers contained saturate and provide energy. How about a smoothie, banana in cereal or just a plain banana?

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