Bad balance? Try this balance training!

Balance Training

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You want to improve your balance with balance training? Then you've come to the right place! These exercises for home are suitable for beginners and advanced.

Has your sense of balance ever been better? Then you should regularly do a balance training.

But even if you can stand on one leg for minutes and not wobble, the exercises are worth it.

Because you'll improve your deep-seated muscles and coordination with a balance workout.

Or in other words: It is worthwhile for everyone to train their balance. Be it for everyday life or for training.

Balance training for beginners

Why you should do balance training

In a nutshell, balance training not only improves your sense of balance, it also strengthens your deep muscles.

This will improve your posture, make you more flexible and help you avoid many injuries. Since you have to concentrate constantly during the workout, you also work on your mental strength.

The deep muscles are important because they give us more stability. This makes your posture more upright, which leads to you counteracting a hollow back. And that in turn leads to you preventing back pain before it can even occur.

If you stand and walk in a more stable manner overall, then the risk of you injuring yourself in other sports is many times lower.

But also in old age you do something good for yourself. Because with age it is determined from day to day worse around our balance. The reason for this is that nerve signals travel more slowly from the brain to the muscles. Thus, many older people find it difficult to stand stably, lift a leg off the floor or do similar exercises.

But you can already start with balance training today and counteract this process.

What distinguishes balance exercises

In balance training, we work against instability with targeted exercises. This is why balance training is often called stability training or stability workout. Very often uneven surfaces are used.

Many other exercises are simply done with one leg or one arm. So the body has to compensate, which improves balance.

If the exercise seems very shaky and you still manage to keep your balance, then you are on the right track. For balance training you need good coordination - but if you don't have it, don't worry. Because in addition to balance, these exercises will also improve your coordination.

But what you should bring with you is good concentration. Because without concentrating on the exercise, it will be difficult to stay on one leg.

For whom balance training is really worthwhile

That is quickly answered: for absolutely everyone! There are no restrictions in age or fitness level. With Balance Training, everyone can work on their weak points. And that you have some, that's almost certain.

In everyday life, our sense of balance is hardly in demand, which is why it also atrophies. If you want to get better at any sport, whether it's running, skiing, strength training or yoga, you should include balance training in your training plan.

Balance training is also optimal for those who are already very athletic, because there is always room for improvement in the deep muscles.

If you're a complete beginner, you should start by spending a few hours with a personal trainer. He will show you where you still need to catch up and show you the exercises.

What equipment is the best for balance training

To make your balance training really effective, you should consider getting a few small training aids. In addition to a training mat, this equipment is also worthwhile, which you can order at Amazon

  • Balance board
  • Balance Pad
  • Exercise ball
  • A thick and soft training mat

All of this ensures that you become unstable during the exercises and your body has to work hard not to get out of balance.

The balance board

It is also called balance board, wobble board or training spinning top. It is a circular board with a hemisphere on the bottom. When you stand on the board, it always tilts to one side. You have to compensate for this with your balance.

This is anything but easy at first. A lot of muscles are at work at the same time. The deep muscles in particular have a lot to do. Even very simple exercises are very difficult.

Balance board
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The balance pad

It looks like an overly thick and small training mat. The pad I have in use is 5 cm high and made of foam.

When you stand on the pad, you will quickly notice that especially the feet and legs have a lot to do when you want to stand still on it.

You can do exercises like push-ups, planks, lunges, squats and much more. The soft base makes you mega unstable. It is equally suitable for beginners and advanced. And in my opinion, especially for beginners better than the balance board, because the risk of injury is lower.

This particular pad has nubs on the top to give your circulation an extra boost.

Balance Pad with acupressure nubs
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The exercise ball

Admittedly, I hated it at first because it can drive you up the wall. Performing an exercise while trying not to fall off the ball is not that easy.

But the dear old exercise ball is just wonderful when it comes to strengthening the deep muscles. That's why I couldn't help but include a few balance training exercises in the workout, for which you need a ball.

Exercise ball
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A thick and soft training mat

There are very big differences in training mats. Some are thin and non-slip, others are soft and thick. If you want to improve your balance, then a soft and thick mat is optimal. It is more or less the precursor to the balance pad.

Just try it out. Stand on one leg on the regular floor and then do the same on the exercise mat. Big difference, isn't it?

How to test your sense of balance

Before we go straight to the balance training, you can test how your balance is.

This test consists of three parts. The further you get, the better your balance is. For the test, take off your shoes and do the exercises without a training mat or carpet.

Step 1: Stand on one leg for 20 seconds. Just look forward. Notice how your feet, joints and muscles are working? If you have a weak ankle, this exercise will already make you wobble. Do this exercise with both legs.

Step 2: Stand on one leg for 20 seconds. Keep your head neutral and look forward. Now start looking with your eyes to the right, left, up and down. However, the head remains in the same place.

Step 3: Stand on one leg for 20 seconds. Now look to the right for 10 seconds and then tilt your head to the left for 10 seconds. Remain standing on one leg throughout. Switch legs and repeat the exercise.

If you want, you can also try to close your eyes, but that's really mega exhausting.

What exercises are the best for balance

Let's start with simple exercises for which you don't need any equipment. They are very suitable especially for beginners.

The important thing is to listen to your body and not overwork yourself. If you can only do some exercises by holding on to the wall, it doesn't matter. Just keep at it and you will soon realize that you can do it without the wall.

For balance training you need to strengthen your abdomen, legs and back. Here comes a mix of exercises that will help you do that.

Unless otherwise specified, the following applies to each exercise

Make 12 repetitions per leg/arm and total 3 passes.

Improve balance with knee up

The perfect beginner exercise!

Improve balance

Stand up straight. Tighten the abdomen and stretch the arms slightly from the body.

  • Fix a point on the wall to better maintain balance.
  • Slowly lift the right leg off the floor.
  • Once the knee is level with the hip, lower the leg again.
  • Important: Lift and lower slowly and in a controlled manner.

Get better balance by lifting legs sideways

Also quite wonderful for beginners is this exercise.

Balance exercise lateral leg lift

  • Stand with both legs upright on the exercise mat.
  • Stretch your arms out to the sides.
  • Slowly and controlled lift the right leg sideways as far as you can.
  • Tighten the abdomen while doing this.
  • Return the leg to the starting position without putting it down.

Drawing circles with the knee

Now it becomes a bit more difficult. But here, too, it helps if you fix a point on the wall.

Balance training without equipment

  • Stand on one leg. Lift the second leg at an angle.
  • Now draw large circles in the air with your knee
  • Be careful not to lose your balance and work slowly.
  • Open the hips as far as you can. The further to the side the knee points, the more difficult it is.

Stand on tiptoe for more balance

You can do this exercise on a balance cushion or simply roll up the exercise mat. This ensures that the supporting leg becomes more unstable.

Train balance

  • Roll up the mat. Roll over at least 2x!
  • Stand on the mat with your right leg.
  • Lift the left leg backwards.
  • Stretch your arms in the air.
  • Stand with your right leg on your toes and slowly lower your heel back down.

Improve balance with leg pendulum

This exercise for balance training you can do more dynamically and a little faster than the previous ones.

Improve balance exercise

  • Lift one leg off the floor. Stretch the arms out to the sides.
  • Now guide the leg like a pendulum right and left in front of the body.
  • Pay attention to body tension and controlled execution.

The standing scale for more balance

This exercise for balance training will be very difficult for beginners! But it's worth a try, because you can see progress quite quickly.

Fascia massage exercises

  • You start in an upright stance.
  • Bend your knees slightly and lift your left leg.
  • Lower the upper body, keeping the back straight.
  • The right arm points to the back and the left to the front.
  • Try to get into balance and stay short here.

And if that's not enough, you can also try these exercises for balance training. You will need a balance cushion.

The standing scale with balance pad

As you can see, I still have to work on this exercise. But if you practice diligently, you'll get much better at it very soon. The arms are stretched to the side this time, because it's easy. Professionals can stretch them forward and backward as in the previous exercise.

Balance Training with Balance Pad

  • Step onto the balance cushion with your left leg.
  • Slowly bend the upper body forward while lifting the right leg.
  • Try to stretch the leg as far as possible.
  • The back remains straight.
  • The arms are stretched out to the right and left. The gaze is directed downward.
  • Hold the position for 5 seconds before returning to the starting position and repeating the exercise.

12 repetitions per leg and 3 passes.

One leg stand on the balance cushion

This is the perfect exercise for those who are using the balance cushion for the first time.

Balance training single leg stand

  • Stand with both legs on the cushion.
  • Lift the left leg from the floor.
  • Make sure that the right leg is slightly bent.
  • The arms are stretched to the side and help you keep your balance.
  • Return the left leg and do 12 reps before switching sides. 3 reps per side.

Important: The leg is guided very slowly to the side and to the center!

More balance thanks to a strong center

With this balance exercise you train your balance indirectly. You will ensure strong lateral abdominal muscles, which are required for other exercises.

Balance training lateral plank

  • Place the left forearm on the balance cushion.
  • Stretch the legs, tighten the abdomen and lift the body off the mat.
  • Attention: Do not let hips sag!
  • Hold this position for about 30 seconds before switching sides. 3 passes per side.

And now it gets even harder. You need an exercise ball for the next exercises. Not suitable for beginners! The more air there is in the ball, the harder the exercises will be.

Lunge on the exercise ball

Balance exercise with exercise ball

Lots of leg strength and sense of balance are required in this balance exercise. Focus on a point in front of you to avoid tipping over.

  • Stand hip-width apart and rest your left leg on the ball.
  • You can put your hands together in front of your body or place them at your waist.
  • Bend the right knee until the thigh is parallel to the floor. The left knee points to the floor.
  • Press back from this position into an upright stance.

Planks with leg raises

Balance exercises for advanced

For this exercise you need abdominal muscles. You should not be a beginner and have already done stability exercises regularly.

  • Place both legs on the ball.
  • The arms are stretched through. The body forms a line.
  • Tighten the abdomen.
  • Now lift alternately the right and left leg from the leg.

Balance exercise with exercise ball

Balance exercises with ball

  • Lie down on the center of the ball.
  • Open the legs slightly so as not to lose balance.
  • Raise the arms from the floor. Tighten the abdomen!
  • Now alternately lift your legs off the floor.
  • Don't worry if it doesn't work: this is a very hard exercise!

How often you should do balance training

That is difficult to answer. It depends on your starting position on the one hand and on your goals on the other. Twice a week, however, you can dare to do one or the other exercise. Do especially those exercises that are difficult for you.

To loosen up and motivate yourself, you can of course do exercises that you like and that are easy to do. Start with the difficult exercises, because they need the most concentration and strength.

If you work on your deep muscles for 20-30 minutes 2x per week, you will soon be able to notice progress.

Our conclusion

Balance training helps you to become better at sports and to cope better with many situations in everyday life. You strengthen body and mind and especially a whole range of deep-seated muscles. If you want, you can use equipment to make the workout more difficult.

Good luck and have fun with balance training!

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