Grow avocado trees in 6 easy steps

Plant avocado seed

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You love avocados and would like to have your own plant? Then you've come to the right place! We'll tell you how to plant an avocado pit and what to look out for.

Let's be honest: Who doesn't love avocados? As guacamole, on bread, baked with a fried egg or simply in a salad. By the way, you don't have to throw away the pit.

You can plant the avocado seed and watch a little tree grow on your windowsill.

You probably won't be able to harvest avocados. The climate just isn't right for that here. But planting an avocado seed is still worthwhile. You get a very decorative and not too difficult to care for tree.

Who can claim to have a DIY avocado tree in the apartment? :)

Avocado pull yourself from pit

What you need to do before planting an avocado seed

Just sticking the core in the ground and watering it regularly will work, of course. But it is much more effective if you prefer the core.

To plant an avocado pit and then watch it grow, you'll need toothpicks, a jar of water and a pit. And you're ready to go.

  1. Wash the avocado pit and then dry it. This is important so that it does not begin to mold.
  2. Grab three toothpicks.
  3. Look where the pointy and where the round side of the core is.
  4. Insert the toothpicks halfway down the side of the core, but no further than 1/2 centimeter
  5. Place the core with the round side down on the glass. The toothpicks are like a holder and prevent the core from sinking into the water.
  6. Pour the water into the jar until the core is covered with water about up to the toothpicks.

Plant avocado seed

How long it takes for the avocado seed to sprout

Before you plant your avocado seed, you need to have a lot of patience. It will only slowly start to form a root.

I stopped attempts 1 after 4 weeks. Now I know: It really takes a long time until something happens.

Until the avocado seed sprouts, it takes about 5-10 weeks. Sometimes even longer. It depends largely on the temperature and location.

I had to wait 8 weeks for a first long root to form. And then another 2 weeks until I could plant the avocado seed.

How you can speed up the germination period

  • Place the core with the water picks in a bright place. But not in the bright sun. A window with light at sunrise is perfect.
  • Change the water regularly. Even if you don't see anything happening. Change the water 1-2 times a week.
  • Don't forget to fill up with water.
  • If you want to plant an avocado pit, you need the perfect temperature. Avocados like it warm. They don't like drafts at all. Anything above 20° Celsius is perfect.
  • Start breeding in the summer. So the core has warm temperatures and enough sun.

Tip: It is easier with an avocado cultivation set. But you can also use it to grow pineapple, onion, lemongrass and herbs. I found a good breeding set on Amazon.

Plant avocado seed

How to plant the avocado seed

You see several roots? Congratulations! You have passed the first hurdle. Now comes the second :)

By the way, for planting the avocado seed you can use normal potting soil.

Tip: The flower pot should be at least 10 centimeters in diameter. Better even more! That way you won't have to move the plant again for another year.

  • Grab a flower pot and fill it with soil
  • Make the earth wet.
  • Carefully remove the toothpicks.
  • Put the pit into the soil. Do not cover the pointed part of the avocado with soil. It will stick out of the pot and the soil.
  • Pull a clear plastic bag over the pot. A glass lintel will also do. This is important so that you get enough humidity together.

And now it's time to wait again. Make sure that the soil remains moist and put the pot in a bright place. It should be more than 20 °.

Within a week you should notice that the plant begins to take root in the soil. Then you can remove the cap.

Your "planting an avocado seed" project is now complete. Place the tree in its final location.

Tip: If you grow plants regularly, it pays to get a small heated greenhouse for your home.

Grow avocado yourself

Avocado planting in soil

Don't feel like using water and toothpicks? Then you can also plant the avocado pit in soil. The disadvantage is that if you forget to water it, the seed will probably not forgive you.

  • Wash and dry the core
  • Put it into the moist soil. But in such a way that the pointed side again peeks out of the earth to about one third.
  • The core loves it warm and moist. So put the pot in a clear plastic bag and tie it airtight.
  • Keep the core moist by spraying it regularly. Also, do not let the soil dry out, otherwise the work was in vain.

How to properly care for the avocado tree

This is not a good plant for beginners. If you were able to plant the avocado seed and it has grown leaves, then it becomes really exciting.

For avocado seedlings you need a green thumb and flair.

Plant avocado seed

After about a year your tree will look like mine. If you do everything right, because avocados need

  1. High humidity
  2. much heat
  3. evenly moist soil

Wet feet they can not stand at all. If the soil is too moist, the core begins to mold. It becomes soft and rotten. All your effort was in vain.

That's why it's important that you water not too much and not too little. Your little tree will love you if you spray it with water regularly.

22 to 25°, a bright location and regular watering - your avocado plant will love you for it.

What you should know about growing avocado

Your little tree could theoretically grow up to 20 meters high. But do not worry, in the living room it does not have the very best conditions and will never become so huge. At a maximum of 1.5 meters is the end. But that is good. Perfect for the window sill and the winter garden.

In the wild, the fruits are formed on the leaf axils after the trees produce very small and inconspicuous flowers.

Plant avocado seed avocado flower

By the way, when planting avocado seed growers do not use the water and core method. Because the offspring, which are grown from the seeds, run wild. They lose their varietal properties. And therefore are more suitable for decoration.

In short, if you want to grow an avocado from a pit, it works great. However, you should not expect a harvest.

To keep your tree beautiful, it needs fertilizer every 14 days during the summer months. In winter you should not fertilize it and place it in a cool and light place at about 15°.

The avocado tree forms a long straight shoot. If you want side shoots to form, cut the main shoot at a height of about 30 centimeters. In this way you stimulate the sprouting of side buds.

Our conclusion

You want to plant an avocado seed? Then try the water method. This way you can always see if and what is happening. Keep the seed evenly moist and be patient. Then you're sure to get your own avocado tree on the fat board :)

Good luck!

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