In 3 steps to the best version of you and more satisfaction in everyday life

satisfaction in life

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We all long for more satisfaction. Constantly striving for higher goals. And in the process, we forget to arrive. Now is the time to pause. To be grateful. And to learn self-love.

What we have not wanted to become. Slimmer and more athletic. More active and smarter. More empathetic and happy morning people. We want the perfect relationship. The most beautiful apartment. The tightest butt. The most exciting job.

The superlative of the goals

Yes, it always has to be faster, further and higher. There's always room for a little more. In theory, that makes sense. Because goals motivate us. They ensure that we don't come to a standstill. And they help us to get the best out of ourselves and our lives.

A continuous loop of dissatisfaction

But then, what is actually the problem? Here's a little excursion in the direction of body optimization: Five kilos still have to go down! Then you'll be the happiest person. And brimming with satisfaction. With hard work, you can achieve your dream weight.

more satisfaction

However, your butt could be tighter. And if you stretch soooooo much... Oh God, are those angle arms? Once a goal is within reach, we raise the bar. We may have lost 5 pounds, but what does it matter now? I mean, with angle arms??

Congenital masochism

The truth is that we are always finding something new. And always compare ourselves with others. Perhaps there is also an innate masochism. We women love to dislike ourselves. Are your feet terrible too? And the calves - completely shapeless!

Satisfaction in everyday life

We just can't get there. We have to go on and on. It feels a bit like a vicious circle. Because what we have is not good enough. Never will be enough. Someone always has that little bit more. And we want to have that too. Because we tie our satisfaction to it.

Oh you beautiful Instagram make-believe world

Social media are doing the rest. They show us what life can look like. What clothes we should wear. What hairstyles are in. And damn it, how big our butt has to be! But in truth they cheat. The perfect pose and 4-5 filters fix that already.

And even if quite eager publish 2-3 photos a day. Travel sickness and pimples they also know. Just like the fear of big dogs. And the pain of failed relationships. But you can't tell that by looking at the surface. Which is why we like to suppress it.

In 3 steps to more satisfaction

To escape the permanent loop of dissatisfaction, we should put on the handbrake. And get off the treadmill of eternal self-optimization. Take a deep breath. And look at what we're actually doing from a distance.

1. stop comparing yourself

Role models are great. They give us a direction. Motivate us to achieve goals. But if you have a blonde mane, you can adore Beyonce all you want. You'll never have her afro curl. Or the laugh of Hella von Sinnen. Or the humor of Enissa Amani.

how do i become more satisfied

It may sound trite, but it's so true: a copy is never better than the original. Remainin everything you do, true to yourself. Be inspired by strong women. Learn to be courageous from them. See how self-confidence works. Adopt their determination. But always stay yourself!

2. change your perspective

Before you tackle new goals, reflect for a moment. Celebration you for the Reach old goals. How cool that you really lost 5 kilos! You know you can do anything! It's important to recognize your own successes once in a while. appreciate. This puts you in a good mood, makes you happy and promotes satisfaction.

I'm sure your wishlist is really long. You still need that trip, that couch and that guy by your side. Don't pay attention to what you are still "missing". Instead, look at what you already have.

Tips for more satisfaction

You're healthy, you have a great family, a full fridge, a comfortable bed. Are you healthy? Be grateful for everything you have. This is important so that you don't lose your grip on the ground. And always be aware that you are much better off than most of humanity.

3. with self-love to more satisfaction

Strictly speaking, it doesn't matter whether you weigh 10 kilos too much or too little. If you don't like yourself, it won't change your dream figure. Because true Satisfaction comes from inside. And those who love themselves also radiate this.

So, be good to yourself. Emphasize your strengths. And embrace your weaknesses. Learn to accept what you can't change. Give yourself compliments. Stick post-its on your mirror to remind yourself of your beauty every morning. And just shine :)

Our conclusion:

We can learn to love ourselves. To appreciate our flaws and emphasize our strengths. All we need is a brief moment of silence. A brief moment to look around us. And to become aware of how great everything already is.

And what we have already achieved. So we can erase our doubts. And become a little more the best version of ourselves every day.

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