This is how high your calorie consumption really is when hiking!

Hiking calorie consumption

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Is your goal while hiking to boost calorie consumption and lose a few kilos? Then you've come to the right place! We tell you how many calories you burn while hiking.

Hiking is the best sport in the world. It's not monotonous, you can set your own route and easily avoid crowds.

You don't need any previous experience and can start right away. Besides lots of sunshine, you'll get fresh air and new energy. By the way, you reduce stress.

And the most beautiful thing: Nature is the focus. Adventure, summit crosses and beautiful views into the valley are waiting to be conquered by you.

The fitness tracker also shows that calorie consumption is not neglected when hiking.

Because walking in the mountains you can lose weight quickly. However, how high the calorie consumption is when hiking depends on many factors. Today you will find out what these are.

What the calorie consumption depends on when hiking

Whether your fitness tracker shows 200 calories or even 1000 calories per hiking tour depends on many factors. You can consciously influence some of them to burn more calories while hiking.

1. the luggage

You've tracked calories burned, distance and elevation gain while hiking the last few times and wonder why the results are so different?

This may be due to the luggage.

Because, of course, it makes a big difference whether you're carrying a bottle of water in your hand or lugging around a giant stuffed backpack.

The heavier you carry, the more calories you burn. No wonder, your body needs much more energy to cover the same distance.

2. the slope

Uphill? Downhill? 1000 vertical meters or only 200 vertical meters? This factor plays the biggest role when you want to drive up calorie consumption and effort while hiking.

There is a rough rule of thumb: For an ascent, you calculate approximately 100 calories per 100 meters of altitude. However, this is of course very difficult to say, because the degree of incline can of course vary greatly.

3. the route

How far did you go? 3 km up a steep hill has a different effect than 3 km on a rather flat surface with few inclines.

Beginners should stay away from steep routes for the start and instead prefer to cover long distances with moderate gradients. Gradually you can adjust the slope.

Hiking calorie consumption

4. the tempo

Whether you need 6 hours for the distance or cover it in 2 hours, of course, also affects how high the calorie consumption turns out while hiking.

If you stroll along at a leisurely pace, you'll get about 3 to 4 km/h. If you walk quickly, you get 5 to 6 km/h.

And if you move as quickly as you do when you're walking, you can do up to 8 km/h. However, this again depends on the incline.

5. your requirements

Your personal conditions also affect the calories burned while hiking. Age, height, fitness level, weight all have an influence.

If you want to keep track of your calorie consumption, you should get a fitness tracker. A good tracker with a very good price-performance ratio can be found at Garmin.

I myself am familiar with the Garmin 245 Forerunner* in the mountains. It tracks calorie consumption, altitude, distance and many other data that can help you keep an eye on your performance.

Garmin Forerunner 245
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Examples of hiking calorie consumption

To give you an idea, I've come up with a few examples. This makes it a little easier.

Jana is 35 years old, weighs 65 kg and hikes along a flat to slightly hilly route. In total, she covers 300 meters in altitude and 3 km in 3 hours. This is how she consumes 491 calories.

Lisa is 25 years old, weighs 55 kg and hikes a moderately steep route. In total, she covers 450 meters in altitude and 4 km in 2 hours. She comes to about 490 calories.

My last tour: Very steep route, 3 km in length, 1000 meters in altitude. I come only for the outward journey to 744 calories and a total of just under 1100 calories.

In all three examples, the women carry a lightweight backpack weighing 3 kg.

Overall, when hiking, the calorie consumption is as high as a rapid walking pace of 6.5 km/h. The higher you hike, the thinner the air becomes, which further increases the calorie consumption while hiking.

Those who wish can increase their calorie consumption while hiking in the mountains with the Schöner Wandern computer Calculate

The great advantage of hiking - compared to running - is that it is less strenuous for the body. I can only speak of myself now.

But on the 1000 meters of altitude and 3 km my heartbeat averaged 103 beats per minute. It never got above 127 beats. On the last fast run I was briefly at 186 beats per minute.

A big advantage of hiking is that it doesn't cost anything. Once you have purchased good equipment, you can use it for many years.

I stock up for my hiking tours in the Bergzeit Shop. Here you'll find great deals and plenty of clothing made for adventures in the mountains.

From shirts, pants, jackets to shoes and also via ferrata sets, bouldering accessories and equipment for alpine tours. Just is also again a huge sale in Bergzeit Shop.

Calorie consumption during hiking

In mountain walking, calorie consumption depends greatly on your level of fitness and stamina. The more you have, the further and steeper your routes can become.

If you want to lose weight with hiking, then you should find a pace that you can keep steady for several hours.

Short stretches that put you tremendously out of breath are not recommended for beginners.

What you train while hiking

Lace up your hiking boots and hit the trail is a prime example of aerobic exercise. In other words, moderate endurance training. This has a very positive effect on your body.

Hardly any other sport has such a positive effect on your health as hiking.

The Basic Endurance becomes better. As a result, you will be fitter during running and intensive sports sessions. Your body can recover faster after stress.

The fact that when hiking the Calorie consumption improves overall, you make sure of that with every step uphill. While hiking, your body learns to use fat as an energy source. If you also ensure a negative calorie balance, you burn more calories than you consume. The kilos tumble.

You strongest a whole range Muscles: your torso and legs and arms if you use poles. But also your butt muscles are challenged. Besides, you improve coordination, balance and surefootedness.

Your Heart muscle becomes stronger. It manages to pump more blood per minute into the body. This happens after just a few hikes. Your pulse rate will be lower during exertion and at rest.

Also better and faster regeneration are a consequence of hiking. Your cells react more sensitively to insulin after hiking. This makes it easier for nutrients to reach the cells, which drives regeneration and muscle growth.

Bones, joints, vision and ligaments are also strengthened during hiking and adapt to the challenges.

And what is also mega important: Your body releases serotonin during but especially after the tour. The Happy hormone not only makes you happy, but also helps you reduce stress hormones.

Burn calories hiking

What to watch out for when it comes to calorie consumption while hiking

You really worked hard and gave it your best. Now you've really earned a hearty snack. On to the next hut.

Attention: Here lurks the danger to eat up the calories again or even more than you have consumed.

If you quench your thirst with a pint of Coke, 200 calories are quickly replenished. The same goes for a large beer.

A mineral water with lemon or a syrup with water, if you need sugar, are better choices.

Anyone who treats themselves to a dessert or roast pork with Coke and co. might as well have stayed at home.

If you really want to lose weight with hiking, then you should take something to eat yourself and rather reach for soup at a hut. Or to healthy hiking bags like nuts, apples or similar.

In any case, pack enough water and find out beforehand if there is a spring along the way. Hardly anyone has ever gone hungry while hiking, but you are guaranteed to get thirsty very quickly.

Hiking calorie consumption

Our conclusion

When you calculate calories burned, distance and time while hiking, you'll be amazed at how much is possible. When walking in the mountains you strengthen your entire body from the cardiovascular system to a lot of muscles. Even if it's a bit tiring at first, your body will quickly get used to it. And then you'll really enjoy it. That's a promise! :)

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