The 5 biggest emotional phases in losing weight

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Losing weight is always an emotional roller coaster. Sometimes it's a steep uphill ride (at the beginning), then there are phases when your mood just races downhill. No matter how much you want to lose weight. These are the 5 emotional phases of losing weight.

Getting rid of bad habits is not easy. Giving up your ice cream when life isn't going so well is crazy difficult.

All the emotions you will feel while losing weight can be roughly divided into 5 emotional weight loss phases divide. Some last longer, others are over right away. But probably all of them look familiar to you.

The five major phases in losing weight

When you look at it all, losing weight most of the time is not a Sugarcoated (in the true sense of the word :D ). But who keeps in mind the problematic phases of losing weight, is better to fight against it. Because only those who know the hurdles, can avoid them properly.

Therefore we warn you already now with our emotional phases of losing weight before.

The first phase in losing weight: The honeymoon

5 emotional phases in losing weight

This emotional phase of losing weight is the main gain. In the beginning, you are really motivated and fully committed.

Healthy living is quite simple, you think to yourself. The goal is clear in front of your eyes and the way there seems feasible and not so difficult.

Just like a real honeymoon, this phase is supposed to last forever. Unfortunately, it doesn't.

The second phase in losing weight: The frustration

5 emotional phases in losing weight

At first, everything works like clockwork. And then the successes suddenly fail to materialize. Losing weight over a longer period of time is not as easy as you imagine. Now you slowly realize that lose weight much Time and nerves needed. The rose-colored glasses are gone and frustration sets in.

In the phase it is especially important to keep your goals in mind. Or you adjust your goal, maybe it was just not realistic enough. Over a long period of time, slow weight loss is much more successful. Even if it does not immediately trigger feelings of happiness. Making your entire lifestyle healthier is a huge change.

The third phase in losing weight: The acceptance

5 emotional phases in losing weight

After ups and downs, you start to realize: It's not going to work as fast as you thought.

You realize that you have to take your time. And losing weight in a healthy and sustainable way requires a lot of patience and work. It's boring and not at all as fulfilling as the initial phase, but you have to get through it. Nice and slow you come to the emotional phases of losing weight in the dichotomy.

The fourth phase in losing weight: The dichotomy

5 emotional phases in losing weight

Once the initial highs and lows of losing weight are over, motivation really starts to drop.

Watching your weight takes forever, you think to yourself. Now small, realistic daily or weekly goals are extremely important. Every goal achieved brings a sense of achievement and more motivation and stamina.

Not the decreasing numbers on the scale, but a long-term and healthy lifestyle should be the goal that motivates you. When you realize how much more strength, stamina and energy this brings, you will never want to go back to your old lifestyle.

The fifth phase in losing weight: The fears of the future

5 emotional phases in losing weight

This weight loss phase does not necessarily apply to everyone. But those who have really lost a lot of weight and have turned their whole life around, this last phase could happen to them.

Basically, everything you wanted to achieve has been accomplished. But then you realize that outwardly you have almost become a new person.

You may be asking yourself, "Am I still me?" How will friends, relatives or strangers react to me now? It can be quite intimidating.

But losing weight doesn't mean losing your personality. But you will probably appear more energetic and confident. Remember, you can be proud of everything that makes your life healthier and happier.

Our conclusion:

As you can see, losing weight is really an emotional roller coaster. Very quickly, you've slipped from initial optimism into the next phase. And then one more. Now that you know the emotional phases of losing weight, you may find it easier to come up with a plan in advance. Good luck!

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