8 bad mistakes you should avoid after a workout

Start running error

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If you want to train effectively, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Want to get the workout over with quickly and then hit the couch? No way! After the workout you can make many mistakes. I'll tell you what you should absolutely NOT do after your workout!

The workout was exhausting and now you want to go to the couch and rest? That's a bad idea! I'll tell you what you should definitely not do.

1. you skip the cool down

At least as important as the training itself is a good cool down. When I go running, that consists of Cool Down from loose and slow walking to catch your breath. If you go from a full sprint to a complete standstill, it's very bad for your muscles. I walk the last 50 meters nice and slow, so my heart rate and breathing get back to normal. When I do butt exercises, I just tack on two good stretches. If you stretch regularly after exercise, you can increase mobility and flexibility.

Stretching exercises after the workout

I recommend Stretching exercises but also before the sport. Depending on which region you are training, the stretching exercises should also be aimed precisely at this.
You don't feel like Cool Down - then have fun with Muscle soreness :)

2. you do without the Black Roll or foam roller

At first, a cool down with the Black Roll feels really strange. It even hurt a little on my thighs. With the Black Roll, glued tissue (fascia) is made resilient and soft again. Apparently mine were particularly stuck together.

But after the third time it gets much better. I now use the Black Roll once a week. Especially after intensive training, you should use the roller for massaging the stressed parts of the body.
This way you can speed up the healing process and build up your muscles. If you are a beginner, rolling over the Black Roll helps against muscle soreness.

3. you treat yourself to a pizza

Your muscles are waiting for energy after a workout so they can start the repair process. After a workout, muscles like to be a little offended - you'll notice it the next day when your muscles are sore.

After the workout I recommend you easily digestible Meals. But when I do a power workout, I'm not hungry after the workout. It usually lasts up to an hour. Attention: Pizza after 20 minutes of butt exercises is not allowed :)

4. you want muscles fast but no protein

I'll say it right at the beginning: You can, but you don't have to. Muscles grow even without additional protein. If you rely on protein, then best whey protein (Whey). This protein can be processed by the body very quickly. It supplies the cells with the required amino acids. Especially if you have set yourself the goal of building muscle, this can go even faster with additional protein.

5. you grab a ready-made sports drink

Whatever sport you choose: You lose a lot of water during your workout. And that's a good thing! But to balance this out, it's best to drink still water after your workout. This is what your body can absorb best. I would avoid fruit juices and additional sugar. Otherwise the workout is completely pointless. And that would be really annoying. Many sports drinks and isotonic drinks are full of hidden sugar. Better: Hands off.

6. you shower only 1 hour after exercise

There is nothing better than a cool shower after a long and intense workout. That you should shower after sports is clear to everyone.

But why? The cool water helps your body recover faster from the exertions. The circulation can recover.

You should avoid hot water. It dries out your skin and you start sweating again. But after a workout, everyone looks forward to cool water. Bacteria that are formed during sweating give you a special scent. You certainly don't want to do that to anyone.

7. sauna after training

Sounds good, doesn't it? But you should definitely not do it! After sports, your immune system is weakened. You are more susceptible to immune diseases, especially after a hard training session. The heat increases this even more. So it is better to wait a day.

8. you have no time for rest

Once you have fully exhausted yourself, your body needs a rest. In this recovery phase, the muscles have time to grow. During sleep, the body repairs muscle injuries that occurred during training. The recovery ensures that your muscle grows and you become more enduring and powerful from workout to workout.

Our Tip:

Do not underestimate this advice. If you follow all of them, you will notice training successes much faster. You have more tips? Give them to me :)

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