Attention: Too much sport makes you sick!

Too much sport dangerous

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Is it possible to exercise too much and is it unhealthy? Especially now that it's time to get rid of the winter flab, this is an interesting question. I've done some research for you!

If your pants are pinching and your favorite sweater doesn't fit anymore, it's time to get in some workouts. A new bikini can also be a great incentive to lose kilos.

Now it's sweat every day to get rid of body fat quickly.

But can you actually do too much exercise or is it impossible?

People who exercise regularly live healthier lives and get sick less often. Sport helps us define the body and get a big step closer to our desired weight.

Typical civilization diseases such as heart attacks and obesity also occur less frequently.

But beware: You can also do too much sport. And that has fatal effects on the body. If you slip into your workout gear every day, you're not doing yourself any favors. Training breaks are enormously important and should not be underestimated under any circumstances.

What happens when we exercise too much

You think you need a lot of exercise to stay healthy, and suddenly it turns out that too much exercise can actually be dangerous.

You hurt muscles and tendons

If you work out, your muscles will get sore. This is quite normal and not a big deal. But it is very important that you give your body a break. There should be at least 24 hours between sessions.

During this time, the body begins to repair small fibrous tears in tendons and muscles.

You don't have sore muscles after a workout? Give yourself a break anyway. Especially after an intense muscle-building program or cardio sessions like long runs, muscles and tendons sustain mini-injuries that sometimes don't show up for 2 days.

If you just go back to intense training now, you'll start your workout in a worse position. The likelihood that you will injure yourself is much greater if you exercise too much.

By the way, a whole range of nutrients can support you during regeneration. L-glutamine and BCAAs are the best example. They help your body to get fit again faster.

For faster recovery after a workout, Foodspring has developed Recovery Amino Drinks. You simply mix the powder with water and drink it after the workout.

The drink contains everything that the muscles need now. There are also only natural ingredients in the Recovery Aminos from Foodspring.

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Too much sport breaks down muscles

Yes, you read that right. You notice this especially when you train a lot and intensively, but can no longer see any progress. This phenomenon is not that rare. It's called overtraining - and it's most common in weight training.

Hormones play a crucial role in muscle building. When you train too much, the body releases the stress hormone cortisol. This causes you to lose muscle mass instead of gaining it.

Too intense and frequent training is pure stress for a body. If you train over and over again to the point of absolute exhaustion, your body assumes that you are in an emergency situation and releases additional stress hormones.

To get out of this situation, he now needs a lot of energy quickly. He gets this directly from the muscles - and already the extra trained muscles are gone.

too much sport harmful to health

Constant cravings with too much exercise

It is very important that you adapt your diet to your sports workload. If you train a lot, you also need more energy. If you exercise and only eat salad to lose weight, then you are not taking in enough calories.

If your body doesn't find calories it can use, you'll get cravings and binge eating.

As quickly as you reach for burgers, chocolate and the like, you can't see yourself. And the scales already show more body fat than before the workout.

As someone who exercises, you need to eat healthy carbohydrates in the form of whole grains and legumes, protein and healthy fats.

You sleep restlessly

If you have too much workout on your To Do list, you will have trouble sleeping. The reason for this is hormones. If you don't take a break from working out, you'll drive your cortisol levels up.

Pure stress!

As a result, you can't sleep. Either you can't fall asleep at all or you wake up constantly and are restless.

And that, in turn, makes you feel unfit. You are tired, feel listless and listless. The risk of injuries also increases and there is no question of concentration at work.

Scars on the heart

I recently read in Apotheken Umschau that too much sport can even lead to scars in the heart muscle. This can lead to cardiac arrhythmias and promote heart attacks. Also calcified blood vessels can be possible. However, extreme athletes are mostly affected by this.

When too much sport becomes an addiction

Yes, you can actually become addicted to sports. When you've finally managed to overcome your inner bastard and you're in top form, it feels so indescribably good.

Another day done with a badass workout. The muscles are growing, the endurance is already almost infinite and you can watch the fat melt away. What a great feeling.

It only gets silly when you can't stop and feel the urge to work out every day or even around the clock.

Experts believe that about 3 percent of amateur athletes are addicted to sports. They need sport like an alcoholic needs his vodka.

But there are also those who do too much sports to be able to constantly control or change their figure or weight. Often an eating disorder is not long in coming. Men tend to constantly build more muscle, women to have no more grams of body fat.

Too much sport is not healthy

Reasons why people exercise too much

Often, this is to compensate for challenges of everyday life.

Self-esteem. Sport helps us to increase self-confidence. It can be used to dodge a problem that has just arisen at work or in one's love life. Too much sport can even lead here to the point of complete physical exhaustion - this is then chalked up as a success.

Hide reality. There we have the everyday problems again. If you're a pathological athlete, then you have no other way to devote yourself completely to the moment. You can really block out everything and just push the problems away. Many sufferers neglect friends and family in order to be able to train even more.

Warning Signs of Sports Addiction

There are a few signals that indicate you're addicted to working out and exercising too much. The more of these that apply to you, the more likely you are at risk and should monitor your behavior closely.

  • You get headaches, get nervous and restless when you can't exercise.
  • If you're injured, you just keep training.
  • You put up with social conflict when your brother's birthday or a wedding clashes with your workout.
  • You withdraw from friends and family and turn down invitations because training comes first.
  • Inside you have the urge to constantly get better.
  • You love to get recognition for your achievements and constantly need to share your successes in real life as well as online.

Our conclusion

Exercise and movement are healthy. But too much exercise can have very negative effects on the body. But if you take regular breaks and don't overdo it, there's nothing standing in the way of a healthy workout. Have fun working out! :)

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