The 33 best running tips in the world that every runner should know

interval training beginner

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With these running tips you will become a strong runner. New studies and findings from running labs make us even more efficient. You need to know these 33 tips.

Did you know that the time from first step to exhaustion is 20 % higher in the evening than in the morning? Or that we consume more oxygen and energy by 6 % during a run between 5 and 8 pm?

Or, that you should run in the evening if you want to train at a higher performance level?

No? Then you've come to the right place. We have compiled the latest figures and studies from the running lab for you. These 33 running tips should know every runner who wants to improve and do something for her figure.

On your mark, get set, go! These are very good running tips and facts you don't know yet:

Whether you're an amateur runner, a beginner or a professional runner, there's something for everyone in these running tips.

  1. Arm your body

    autumn running
    Run regularly - even in autumn and winter. This toughens your body and your immune system.

  2. Nose or mouth?

    The question of all questions: Do I breathe with my nose or with my mouth while running? Our tip: Just don't think about it. Let your brain make that decision.

  3. Breathe correctly

    One of the most important running tips: Exhale deeply - that's how you make room in the alveoli for fresh oxygen.

  4. Listen to your heart

    If you want to get the most out of your workout, you measure your heart rate. By the way, the maximum heart rate is genetically predetermined.

  5. Eat in slots

    If you're really serious about running, you pay attention to your diet and divide your day into time slots. Five hours should lie between the half-hourly slots in which you eat.

  6. Change the substrate

    Run faster
    Asphalt or forest? When we step on the ground, our feet have to absorb 3.5 times our weight. This is the reason why many do not dare to run on asphalt. Others are afraid of stumbling over roots on the forest floor.
    It's all in the mix! This is the most effective way to build muscle

  7. Stay hydrated

    During physical activity, scientists recommend drinking 100 to 200 milliliters of fluid about every 20 minutes. Whether diluted fruit juice, water or tea is up to you.

  8. Treat blisters correctly

    Especially with new running shoes, you know it all too well: blisters on the heels. Among the running tips there is a rule of thumb: If the blister is larger than your thumbnail, it is punctured with a sterile needle. Once the fluid is out of the blister, let it heal in peace.

  9. New stimuli make you fast

    The more variety your body gets during exercise, the more calories it burns. Incorporate small sprints or stairs into your run. For example, at the red light you can pull up your knees or touch your toes with your fingers.

  10. Women run differently

    Did you know that female runners are more prone to the knock-kneed position than male runners? This can lead to knee osteoarthritis.

  11. Plan a day of rest

    Take a break from training
    If you've really got a taste for it, don't forget to take a rest day. Even if you don't feel it strongly after a certain routine: Your body is working hard on regeneration - especially tendons and joints have a lot to do. In addition, your body needs time to break down the lactic acid that is produced during running.

  12. Pay attention to foot care

    Our feet are particularly challenged when we run. Therefore, they need a large portion of attention and care. Foot baths, regular removal of calluses and creams make them more resistant.

  13. Eat right

    The optimal diet for runners consists of 50-60 percent carbohydrates, a maximum of 30 percent fat and 15-20 percent protein.
    Here you come to the contribution: Plant-based protein sources: Vegan to more protein

  14. Set to intervals

    Constantly alternate between stressful and restful paces. Your body adapts to the different demands. You get out of breath and that stresses your body. However, this causes your metabolism to optimize in all areas.

  15. Watch the heart rate

    For the average person, the heart rate is between 60-100 bpm. For athletes, it can also fall below 40 bpm.

  16. Fight cramps

    In most cases, cramps are a sign of mineral deficiency. Those who often suffer from them should have a blood count done. Bananas are supposed to work quite well against cramps.

  17. Run in time

    A study found that songs with 140-160 bpm are the ideal running partner. With the right songs you quickly get into the running rhythm and stay there :)
    We have compiled a running list for you here: Music for running: With this playlist you're sure to succeed
    Do you know the running function of Spotify? Here, the pace is recorded and then you get tracks that match your running pace. :)

  18. Find the right clothes

    Functional clothing regulates moisture. The sweat is quickly transported away from the skin. This keeps you dry and healthy. If you like to run in the evening, pay attention to reflectors.

  19. Sweat yourself fit

    Did you know that good and trained runners sweat more than beginners?

  20.  Build in strength training

    Many female runners fear strength training. She doesn't want to become mountains of muscle. Your training should be a mix. Because functional training can actually improve your performance on the running track. And muscles protect you from injury.

  21.  Drink isotonic before the competition

    You have registered for a run? Great! Before the start you can take a few sips of isotonic. Due to its easy absorption, it provides quick energy.

  22.  Try new things

    Do you know trail running? That's running off the beaten track. By running over hill and dale, over, next to and in creek beds, your muscles are put under extra strain.

  23.  Wear compression clothes

    Compression socks support blood flow. This benefits your muscles because they get more oxygen.

  24.  Set on caffeine

    Coffee, black tea and the like have a stimulating effect on the fat metabolism and a relaxing effect on the respiratory muscles.

  25.  Develop yourself further

    If you want to get further, you train 1x per week 90-100 % of the maximum heart rate. Interval training is well suited for this.

  26. Do not forget to stretch

    Workout in the morning slimming
    Whether it's before your workout, after, or during: Build stretching into your run. But stretch in a way that feels good to a body, if you feel pain, stop immediately and take it down a notch.

  27. Find alternatives

    If you take your training really seriously, sooner or later you will suffer one injury or another. If you're out for a long time, you should find an alternative to running until you're 100 % fit again. How about aqua jogging?
    Here you come to the contribution: 7 common running injuries and how to avoid them

  28. Start slowly

    Don't start from 0 to 100, mobilize your muscles and joints before running with yoga exercises like the sun salutation or leg swings.

  29. Do not follow every trend

    More and more often you read about barefoot running. But you don't have to follow every trend! Running without shoes should be left to professionals. If your muscles are not properly trained for it, you can injure yourself badly.

  30. Celebrate a pasta party

    If you've entered a competition, you need to fill up your carbohydrate stores. That's when you'll be able to get your fill. Most triathletes turn to pasta. But be careful: don't eat it right before the race, but at least 1.5 hours before.

  31. Reach the Runner's High

    Have you ever been really happy after running? Then you have reached the Runner's High :) This happiness formula releases the optimal number of endorphins.
    Here's how it works: trot for 5 minutes, then run fast for 10 times for one minute each. But do not sprint! Then trot again for one minute. Already you are in the rush :)

  32. Do not give up

    You have just started and already want to give up again? Don't do that! Just take it down a notch. Not every day we are at our best. For example, the time from start to exhaustion is 20 % higher in the evening than in the morning. Try doing it at a different time of day.

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