The Only True Survival Guide for the Single on Valentine's Day

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Being single on Valentine's Day is like running the gauntlet. The pink couples' craze has February firmly in its grip. Everything is full of candles, kitsch and commercialism. We'll show you a way out: in our survival guide for being single on Valentine's Day.

Until now you even liked the single life. It offered you Freedoms and stress-free evenings. But once a year, even the happy lone warriors are threatened by a low mood.

Lonely you stand at the front. Confronted with concentrated loads of cheesy calendar sayings, adult stuffed animals, and artificially upcycled roses. You are alone in the fight against Hearts and Angel.

We'll show you a way out. So that you don't end up in bed under the covers. Or even worse: question your path in life. Our Survival Guide shows you an escape from masochism and questioning your own life. And how you can also have a lot of fun on February 14.

6 things you should never do as a single person on Valentine's Day

  1. Wellness evening as a single

    Very bad idea! Very bad. We anticipate what awaits you: Fondling in the hot tub. Couples in the sauna, smooching each other. Cuddling in the relaxation room. You'd better give any spa temple in your city a wide berth!

  2. As a single on Valentine's Day at Blind Date

    Valentine's Day dates have always had a stale aftertaste. They're a bit pseudo-romantic and fuel a certain expectation. Specifically: marriage, children, townhouse. Better give it a rest. :)

  3. Be mean

    Yes, your fingers are tingling. Just walk into a restaurant on a strange couple. Scream at him, "I thought you only loved me!". And see the stunned faces. That would be a Satisfaction, of course.

    But this also borders on sadism. Sure, all the lovers are inconsiderate. Sure they go to you at The nerves. Still, you shouldn't be mean to others. You never know if it will totally ruin their evening.

  4. Crying after the ex

    Okay, everyone has a masochistic streak somehow. But that's no reason to dig out old photos, letters and messages from dusty corners. And get passionately involved in Self-pity to wind.

  5. Watch tearjerkers

    Romantic movies may be very heartwarming. But on Valentine's Day they probably leave you desperate and lonely back. Avoid movies with heartbreak or happy endings. Rather watch a really good thriller. :)

  1. Go out to eat Italian

    On Valentine's Day, you're guaranteed to find more smooching couples than pasta dishes at your favorite Italian restaurant. Mi amore, don't do this to yourself! Unless you show up there with your 5 best single girlfriends. ;)

What you should definitely do as a single person on Valentine's Day

  1. Send yourself a bouquet of flowers

    The office is full of smug lovers? Perfect. Send yourself a huge bouquet of flowers. Cry with emotion and sniff the blossoms lost in thought. It will upset any Valentine's Day fanatic!

  2. Buy a rubber doll

    For the completely painless among you! Buy a male rubber doll, dress him up and discover the terribly romantic places of your city together with him. With much Self-confidence and a rubber doll in your arms, you show all couples the imaginary middle finger.

    And I bet you'll be thought back to enviously? If the everyday quarrels and discussions the pink Cloud of commerce slowly cover up. Then someone will think: "What I would give to trade him for such a rubber thing." ;)

  3. Spend time with your pet

    Cats and dogs are also wonderful companions. They love you unconditionally. They are faithful to you. And they don't leave the toothpaste tube open in the sink. Enjoy the day with your four-legged friend. A little cuddle time is sooo nice.

  4. Finally back to the best snack in town!

    No catalog couple is likely to dine at the stained bar table for Valentine's Day. This is your chance. Treat yourself to the best currywurst or the best kebab in town. And weigh yourself safe from Valentine's Day madness.

  5. An extended girls day

    The best way to celebrate being single is with your girls. Makes an extended Shopping tour. Go to the manicure or communal hairdresser. It's balm for the soul. And as a single person on Valentine's Day, you won't feel so lonely anymore.

  6. Give away love

    Love does not exist only between a woman and a man. It comes in all forms. And giving lots of love makes you super happy. Make your sister a sincere Compliments. Hug your best friend. Call your grandma and tell her how much you love her. You will see how good it makes you feel.

  7. Take a long bath

    cream-after-workout, make bath balls yourself

    Candlelight is not only romantic. But in the first place uuuunendlich cozy. Take a hot bath in candlelight. Let the Soul dangle. Listen to great songs or read a good book. And always remember how terribly uncomfortable a bath for two. Viiiay too cramped! You always wanted Bath balls make it yourself? Here you can learn how it works: Very simple and with instructions: make bath balls yourself.

Our conclusion:

Valentine's Day is completely overrated and commercially hyped up. Everyone knows that. If you know the rules of the game, you can just maneuver your way through the day. Without you lonely To feel or think about your ex. Forget the whole Romanticism. Love yourself. And be glad that this day also has only 24 hours. :)

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