This is how sport rejuvenates the body!

Sport in old age senior sport

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Fit into old age! Regular workouts act like a fountain of youth and prevent many diseases. That's why sports are so important in old age and these are the best sports for seniors.

Everyone has a loved one around them with whom they still want to experience many things. So that this person can still be chirpy until old age, sport in old age is important.

And this doesn't mean taking care of the flower bed or going for a weekly walk, but exercising properly. This strengthens the cardiovascular system and keeps us fit.

It's best to start when you're young. But it's never too late. No matter how old or young you are, it's best to get started today.

You will not regret it and soon you will be able to notice the rejuvenating effects on your body and mind.

We'll tell you what you need to do it and what you need to know if you want to be fit as you age.

What sports are best for seniors?

Jogging, walking, cycling, swimming and hiking are those sports that are optimal for people over 60. Of course, adapted to the respective fitness level.

The German Heart Foundation recommends that you get at least half an hour of intense, sustained exercise 4-5 times a week. And the World Health Organization (WHO) also recommends that we all get 150 minutes of activity per week.

This also includes walks, gardening, climbing stairs and the like. But not exclusively.

A mixture of endurance sports such as swimming, running, cycling or walking and strength training for strong muscles is optimal.

But because not everyone can become a runner overnight - also because the joints often do not allow it - small helpers for home are worthwhile.

Fit in old age with cycling

Cycling is a great way to build fitness and strengthen muscles. At the same time, it's easy on the joints. If you feel confident enough, you can get yourself a bicycle or e-bike. But much more flexible is an ergometer that you can set up in your living room.

The fitness bike

First and foremost are exercise bikes, which on the one hand require little space and on the other hand are ready for use at any time. It doesn't matter whether you're overcome by the desire to train at midnight or it's wet and cold outside. You can train with it at any time and impose routines on yourself. How about 15 minutes after getting up or lunch every day?

With an exercise bike you improve your endurance and get more strength in your legs. The training is also easy on the joints. You can adjust the difficulty level individually.

Sport in old age

Swimming as a sport in old age

Also interesting if you're just starting out with sports: Swimming or aqua jogging. With swimming you can build muscles and improve your endurance at the same time. Please take a buoy with you when swimming!

The risk of injury is very low when swimming. But beware of heart disease - then the water temperature should not be below 27 ° Celsius.

However, swimming does not mean sitting in the whirlpool, but doing real swimming strokes and that also gladly for several lanes and minutes.

Jogging and walking

Fresh air and sunshine are important. Take every opportunity for a walk or for walking. If you are fit, you can also start jogging. Running is a good one for all sports beginners - no matter how old or young you are. With it you can strengthen the cardiovascular system.

As a general rule, you should still be able to talk while running, but it can be strenuous.

Important: If you start running, you should not have pain in your joints, knees or hips. If in doubt, check with your doctor first.

Walking is gentler on the joints and the entire body. If you are brisk and start a walk with full vigor, you train up to 90 percent of the entire muscles of the body. Important: Keep your arms swinging!

Yoga and stretching

Stretching helps to stay and become mobile. If we don't stretch regularly, we become more and more immobile, which can significantly affect the quality of life.

Start stretching yourself on a regular basis. There are also a number of yoga classes specifically designed for beginners or seniors.

Why is sport so important in old age?

Sport leads to a long life in good health. Who does not wish for that? Numerous studies show: People who exercise and do sports regularly age healthier and can greatly reduce the risk of many diseases.

But even those who have never exercised all their lives can start at any time at ü60. The misconception that you should only exercise when you're young is unfortunately still widespread. Even at the age of 70 or 80, you can reap many benefits from regular exercise.

The German Society for Sports Medicine recommends training in old age that leads to

  • 70 percent from endurance,
  • 20 percent from muscle building
  • and 10 percent mobility.

You strengthen your heart

Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death. The probability of developing coronary heart disease is almost 50 percent in men and just under 30 percent in women.

Studies show that you can reduce the risk by up to 90 percent with a healthy lifestyle. Both a healthy diet and exercise in old age play a very decisive role.

Our heart is nothing more than a muscle. If we don't train it, it becomes weak and vulnerable.

If you exercise regularly, you can counteract a sick heart. Classic diseases that occur in old age if you don't exercise include high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, obesity and diabetes.

If you constantly pump your blood through your heart and blood vessels with too much pressure, you have to expect that they will quickly become damaged. They can become clogged or burst.

You can lower this risk with physical activity, says the Journal of General Medicine. Effects similar to those of drug treatments were also observed.

If blood pressure is slightly elevated, it should even be possible for sufferers to return to the normal range.

When you exercise regularly, your heart gets stronger. Instead of being able to pump 20 liters per minute, an athlete's heart can manage up to 35 liters.

You prevent diseases of old age

Regular training helps prevent other typical diseases of old age. These include osteoporosis, arthritis and also dementia.

Osteoporosis in particular, i.e. bones becoming more fragile, is a serious problem. Our bones, muscles and joints need regular exercise to be challenged. By challenging them, they become stronger and you can prevent bone loss.

Targeted strength, balance and coordination training is said to help best.

Sport in old age senior sport

You stay independent and mentally fit

Carrying grocery bags by yourself, pursuing hobbies and discovering new things is only possible if you are mentally as well as physically fit.

Some studies have shown that strength training is particularly worthwhile for seniors. Non-athletic and athletic seniors were examined. The results are astounding: older people who start strength training were able to increase their muscle strength by up to 200 percent.

Strength training strengthens the body because it improves muscle strength. This supports the joints, which helps prevent falls. If you do sports as you get older, or ideally start earlier, you'll be ready for all of this.

Can sport prevent the loss of cognitive functions in old age? That was the question asked by a Research team from Germany 2010 has asked. The answer comes as little surprise: Yes, exercise in advanced age and even before brings countless benefits for the brain.

What you should consider when you start with sports in old age

So your mind is made up. You want to start doing sports. But what steps do you need to take now?

A medical check

When you start fitness as a senior, it brings with it a whole range of benefits. We have already briefly touched on this topic.

Let's take another quick look.

Sport and exercise in old age can help you

  • To get rid of or avoid excess weight,
  • improve the elasticity of the vessels,
  • reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks,
  • lower blood pressure,
  • reduce the risk of osteoporosis,
  • improve your cholesterol and blood sugar levels,
  • strengthen the heart and muscles,
  • to stay mentally fit.

So there is really a lot to be said for it. But if you haven't done much before and want to get started now, you should first have a checkup by a doctor. This examination should include a resting ECG and a stress ECG. The doctor will then work with you to find the right type of sport.

Prevent injury risks

With any sport, there is always a risk of injury. This is especially true for running. That's why you should always stick to this credo: "Challenge, don't overchallenge.

It is not healthy if you suddenly take off at full speed as a completely unathletic person. Too high loads are not healthy for untrained bodies. That's why we recommend buying an exercise bike, so you can slowly increase the intensity and always keep an eye on your pulse.

Sport in old age must be fun

Many seniors are afraid of injuries or overexertion and therefore do not do sports. Sometimes it is also physical limitations that deter them.

Surveys show that with increasing age, fewer and fewer people are active, although purely physically capable of doing so during. Only 18 % of men and 13 % of women over 65 do sports.

But you're never too old for sports. Especially if you find what you like. And that is also the most important point. Of course, you don't feel like going for a spin on the ergometer every day. I don't either. But when you think about the goal and the benefits, it's quite a motivational boost.

Our conclusion

Many injuries and diseases can be prevented if you focus on sports in old age. It is important to challenge the body on a regular basis. Exercising and moving outdoors is a simple and effective way to stay fit.

You can increase your quality of life enormously with sports and exercise!

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