Scorpio and Scorpio - this is what the partner horoscope says about you!

Scorpio and Scorpio Partner Horoscope

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Scorpio and Scorpio - do two of this zodiac sign fit together? We tell you what makes the relationship between two like-minded Scorpios and how it harmonizes between the two water signs in bed. Find out everything about this special connection here!

It can be the most beautiful thing in the world, or in a Chaos end: A relationship between two of the same zodiac sign.

Sometimes it means pure harmony and sometimes it is anything but simple. The doubling of certain zodiac sign character traits can lead to Unrest and Difficulties lead.

Nevertheless, the connection of two like-minded people at the same time can Beautiful bring with it! Because two scorpions can be particularly good in the other and his character feel into it. They know the weaknesses of each zodiac sign like no other ♏.

So like and like actually like each other! If both partners pay attention to one or the other thing, then something great can start between two Scorpios.

All about the connection between Scorpio and scorpion you can find out here! Plus: what makes watermarks tick in bed!

Scorpio and Scorpio - do they fit together?

From an astrological point of view, with two Scorpios Correct the Sparks spray! Or there could be a huge clash between the two. An exciting connection!

Scorpions are mega passionate! Their emotions just bubble out of them - so when two Scorpios meet, it's pure passion and sensuality!

But also Jealousy plays a major role in a Scorpio relationship! Because Scorpios want their partner all to themselves and won't tolerate it if their sweetheart wants to spend time alone.

Since in a relationship between two Scorpios they both tick the same way, this often results in a Power struggle. Every part wants to wear the pants and call the shots. It's not uncommon for Scorpios to take Leverage in the hand.

Scorpios simply do everything they can to keep their partner close to them. Which in other relationships would directly mean the end, invigorates here the Connection and even heats up your love life.

Even though, or perhaps precisely because, Scorpios are so alike, there are always clashes between the two. fierce arguments. In the same way passionate how the conflict is carried out will then be decided again. reconciled!🔥

What Scorpios can always rely on in a relationship with a like-minded partner is that the partnership is for both a high priority has. Despite all the difficulties and problems that the two have to overcome, the relationship is never called into question.

Because although Scorpios are very emotional and also act out of affect - but a hasty end of a relationship is not an issue.

The biggest challenge that arises in a relationship between two Scorpios is that both have to learn, Consideration towards the other take. They are used to always getting their way, but this doesn't work in an equal relationship.

The Reduce your ego, giving way to others and treating each other with consideration - if Scorpios follow this, they will have a wonderful, exciting relationship with each other.

What characterizes the relationship?

Especially in a relationship between two Scorpios is that they are ready, to give everything for each other and to fight for the partnership - come what may.

You have a Strong sense of togetherness and trust each other. Not everything is always perfect with these two very passionate people, but they always try to work things out.💕

Give up? There's no such thing. When they realize that they are meant for each other, then fight them with all their might for these Partnership.

This relationship is also characterized by the fact that both open cards play. They tell their partner straight to their face what they don't like - regardless of the consequences.

But since both partners are similar in this respect, they don't hold it against each other. They appreciate the Honesty of the other and do not take the criticism personally.

Scorpio and scorpion in bed

The Passion of the two water signs is also clearly evident between the sheets. In their love life, they like to put their total energy.

As critical and intellectual as Scorpios can be in everyday life, their nature changes 180 degrees in bed. They are wild, uninhibited and euphoric.🤩

No two nights are the same. Scorpions love the Variety in bed and are always specifically looking for it. They don't want to get bored, because that wouldn't bode well for their entire relationship.

Sex is often an outlet for both of them. When it comes to everyday relationships Difficulties comes, solve they are happy to receive them at the Love play. They can let off steam, play their power games and call the shots.

The big challenge here is also that they take each other into consideration and don't just see their own satisfaction as the goal. The Wishes of the partner also to respect - that's what Scorpios should aim for. Because then the passion will stay strong and love will stay hot!

It's also worth taking a look at this post: "Which zodiac signs really suit Scorpio?

3 love secrets for a Scorpio relationship

To make things work out especially well between two like-minded Scorpios, they should take these three love secrets to heart.

  1. Relationship at eye level! Power games about who wears the pants are the order of the day for Scorpios. Meeting your partner at eye level - that's the number one secret to an equal relationship!
  2. Consideration! Giving the other person the benefit of the doubt and treating each other with consideration is the be-all and end-all in a Scorpio relationship. This strengthens the partnership!
  3. Leave space! Not every second must and should be spent together. It can also be nice to spend time alone from time to time, then the joy for each other is even greater.

Which zodiac signs suit Scorpio?

You may be wondering which Other signs of the zodiac suits you. As a Scorpio, you should still be able to live out your passion with another zodiac sign.

In fact, there are 3 zodiac signswith which Scorpio harmonizes incredibly well.


Cancer and Scorpio have a unique connection, based on emotional understanding and deep feelings.♋

Both zodiac signs are water signs and share a common sensibility, which enables them to adapt to each other intuitively.

The cancer is loving, caring and extremely compassionate, which strongly appeals to Scorpio.

These two signs can establish a deep emotional connection of understanding and caring.

The sexual attraction between the Cancer and the Scorpio is also remarkable. Both signs have a strong passion and a deep connection on a physical level.

You can use your most intimate needs and desires with each other and satisfy each other on a deep, sensual level.

Their intensity and dedication in the bedroom department make their relationship exciting and passionate.

In addition, Cancer appreciates Scorpio's need for protection and is prepared to help him. emotional support to give.🫂

Cancer is ready to take a back seat and give Scorpio the space it needs to act out its strength and power.

This mutual understanding and the willingness to support each other form a solid basis for a long-term and loving relationship between Cancer and Scorpio.


The fish are loving, romantic and extremely empathetic, which appeals to Scorpio on a deeper level.

They understand each other without many words and can Needs of the other intuitive capture.

In love, the connection between Pisces and Scorpio is strong and passionate. They share a deep connection on a physical and spiritual level.♓

Your Sexuality is intensive and fulfilling, because they understand each other on a deep, emotional level and can fulfill each other's needs.

Their connection can lead to a passionate and intimate relationship in which they can profound and love unconditionally.

Pisces can also offer Scorpio a calming energy. Pisces are known for their Caring and their ability, Harmony and Peace to create.

Scorpio is attracted to the loving and compassionate nature of Pisces and finds emotional support in them.


Scorpio and Capricorn have a fascinating connection that is characterized by mutual trust. Respect, common Targets and deeper Passion is characterized.

Both signs are extremely ambitious and goal-oriented, which enables them to understand each other on an intellectual and professional level.💪🏼

The Capricorn admires the Determination and strength of the scorpion, while the scorpion is the down-to-earth and stable character of the Capricorn.

In a romantic relationship, the Scorpio and the Capricorn can build a solid and stable base.

Capricorn is ready to take the lead and give the Scorpio Security at offer, while Scorpio brings a certain excitement to Capricorn with its deep passion and intense emotions.

Both signs also share a strong sexual attraction and can make their connection intense and fulfilling on a physical level.

Likewise, Scorpio and Capricorn have similar values and are willing to work together to achieve their common goals.💕

You can use a strong team that supports each other and grows in all aspects of life.

Their relationship is of Loyalty, trust and a strong foundation, which helps them to overcome challenges together and build a long-term relationship.

Which zodiac signs fit not to Scorpio?

As a Scorpio, you might want to distance yourself from some zodiac signs. keep away, because the connection between them and you not so harmonious could be.❌

But that does not mean that this relationship is not on the right track. You just need to work harder to make your relationship bear fruit.

Here are three zodiac signs you may have trouble with:


Aquarius and Scorpio - two zodiac signs that look like Water and Fire seem to be. They couldn't be more different!

Aquarius is free-spirited, unconventional and has a rebellious streak, while Scorpio is deep, intense and mysterious.

Their different personalities and outlooks on life often lead to Conflicts and Misunderstandings.😦

The Aquarius is a Free spirit, who strives for independence and likes to make his own rules.

He is open to change and new ideas, while the Scorpio more like Stability and control.

The Scorpio is a strong feeler and needs emotional depth in his relationships, while the Aquarius often distanced and aloof.

The Communication between Aquarius and Scorpio can also be problematic be

The Aquarius is rather rational and analytical, while the Scorpio from its deep Emotions and instincts.☝🏼

Their different approaches to life and interpersonal relationships can lead to Misunderstandings and increase the potential for conflict.

Despite the initial magnetic pull between them missing often lack the necessary Harmony


Taurus is that quiet, down-to-earth earth signs, while the Scorpio is the watermark that intensive and passionate.

Their different personalities and approaches can lead to a lack of understanding between them. not always harmonious approaches.❎

Taurus values stability and security, while Scorpio explores the unknown and seeks depth.

Bulls are more practical and realistic, during Scorpions a tendency to Drama and intensity.

Their differing needs and priorities may lead to conflict, as Taurus may not fully understand or fulfill Scorpio's need for emotional depth.

Another point of tension could be the Jealousy be. Scorpio is a very jealous sign by nature and can tend to monitor and control Taurus.

The stubborn Taurus however No restrictions and could feel constricted.♉

This Power games can lead to a constant struggle for dominance and freedom, which can affect the harmony in the relationship.


Gemini loves to express itself and communicate, while Scorpio tends to keep secrets and hold back.

The zodiac sign Twin like superficial conversations and small talk, while Scorpio strives for deeper and more meaningful connections.

These different communication styles can lead to the Scorpio not complete understood and the twins are overwhelmed by the intensity of Scorpio.

Another point of friction could be the variability of the Twins be. They are known for their capricious nature and their constant search for new and exciting things.♊

Scorpio, on the other hand, prefers stability and depth.

These differences can lead to Uncertainties and Mistrust because the Scorpio lacks the consistency and reliability that he seeks in a relationship.

Our conclusion

When it comes to the Relationship between two scorpions there really can be a bit of everything.

While there can be a real fireworks of passion between the two, there can also be a real power struggle.

Both partners want to Take control and this can lead to heated arguments.

But if both partners are prepared to show consideration for each other and treat each other with respect, a relationship can develop between two Scorpios. beautiful and exciting relationship arise.💕♏

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