You should definitely know these Rough Nights rituals!

Rough nights rituals

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Let go of the old, find clarity and be ready for a new beginning. These Rough Nights rituals will help you to harness the power of this mystical time!

The Rauhnächte mark a mystical time between the years, in which the boundaries between the worlds become blurred and the Energies especially powerful are.

It is a time of Transformation, of the New beginning and the Self-discovery - Perfect for letting go of the old and setting and manifesting new goals for yourself.💫

In this exciting article, you will discover powerful Rough nights ritualsthat support you in finding clarity, strengthening your intuition and consolidating your wishes.

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and new beginnings? Then let yourself be guided by the magical power of the Rough Nights and discover how you can use this mystical time to find your Changing lives for the better.

What are the Rauhnächte?

The Rauhnächte, also known as the Twelve Nights, are a special time of year that is deeply rooted in the European, especially in the Germanic and alpine folk culture is rooted.

This mystical phase, which between Christmas and Epiphany is considered a time when the boundaries between the real world and the spiritual dimension are particularly permeable.🔮

It is a time when people Rituals for centuries to bid farewell to the old year and welcome in the new.

Historically, the Rauhnächte are closely linked to the Julian calendar which was used in many parts of Europe before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in 1582.

The Julian calendar was not quite exactly in his Time calculation, which meant that the astronomical year ran faster than the calendar year. To avoid this difference and to bring the calendar year into line with the solar year, additional nights were introduced - the Twelve nights.

They were originally a kind of calendar correction, but over time they have acquired a deeper, spiritual meaning.

Traditionally, the Rauhnächte include twelve nights. They begin on the night of December 24-25, the so-called Thomas Night, and end on the night of January 5-6, the night before Epiphany.

Each of these nights has a special meaning and is often seen as a mirror for the individual months of the coming year. In many cultures, it is believed that what happens on these nights can provide clues to the developments and events of the new year.☝🏼

The nights are considered a "time out of time", when the usual social duties and work are suspended and instead the Interior sweeping, the Reflection and space is given to spiritual practice.

The Rauhnächte inspire you to connect with the deeper Connecting layers of being and to start the coming year consciously and with good intentions.💫

The significance of the Twelve Nights in modern esotericism

In modern esotericism, the Rauhnächte have acquired a special significance. They are regarded as a time of deep transformationwhere you can connect with your inner strength and spiritual abilities.

During these days, the veils between the worlds are believed to be thinner, allowing you to gain deeper insights into your subconscious and higher spiritual levels.

Many people use the Twelve Nights to letting go of old patterns and blockagesto set new goals and advance their personal development. The mystical atmosphere and powerful energies of this time provide an ideal setting for this.

There are Various optionsto shape the Twelve Nights. I will go into the most popular Rauhnächte rituals in more detail in a moment.

The Rauhnächte therefore offer a rare opportunity to withdraw from everyday distractions and take a break. deeper connection with the own spiritual path to tie the knot.

The most important Rauhnächte rituals

The Rauhnächte offer a unique opportunityto embark on a journey of self-discovery and new beginnings.

By engaging with the powerful energies of this magical time and Rituals you can let go of the old, gain clarity for your life and manifest your goals for the coming year.💫

These are the 8 most important Twelfth Night rituals:

  1. Smoking
  2. Manifesting and affirmations
  3. Oracle and card reading
  4. Meditation and dream interpretation
  5. Light candles
  6. Collect natural gifts
  7. Gratitude and appreciation
  8. 13 Wishes


Burning incense during the Holy Nights is an ancient ritual that is deeply rooted in European tradition. Its aim is to House from old energies to clean and prepare it for the new year.

Local herbs such as mugwort, juniper, sage and spruce resin are used for this purpose. They are not only known for their strong cleaning properties are known, but symbolize a deep connection to nature.😊🍃

When fumigating, start at the front door and move clockwise through each room. Pay particular attention to Corners and thresholds, as here Collect energies can.

The smoke carries away the old energies and charges the rooms with fresh, clear energy.

This ritual helps to create a sacred atmosphere that Clarity, protection and Renewal and supports you in starting the new year with positive intentions and a purified environment.🫶🏼

Manifesting and affirmations

Manifesting and using affirmations during the Rauhnächte is a powerful way to improve your Wishes and Targets for the coming year.

Affirmations are positive, self-affirming sentences, that you say out loud or repeat to yourself to form your beliefs and actively shape your reality 💫.

By clearly formulating your wishes and making them regularly, you begin to attract the energy of these desires and bring about change in your life.

One example: "I am successful and happy in my job."

It's helpful to use your affirmations daily to see and to reaffirm. How to strengthen them.

The Faith to your goals and the positive energy that you release through the affirmations are the key to Success. The Twelve Nights with their special energy also support you in manifesting your wishes 💛.

Oracle and card reading

The oracle and card reading during the Rauhnächte is a deeply rooted ritual in order to Insights and Predictions for the coming year.

This practice is particularly popular at this time. The spiritual veil is thinner and the connection to the intuitive and mystical world stronger.

By laying tarot cards or drawing runes, many people search for Leadership, clarity and Answers to their life questions. 💫🔮

The cards can give you clues about your current situation, possible challenges or opportunities. They can also inspire you and New perspectives open.

It offers an opportunity to delve deep into your inner wisdom and illuminate hidden aspects of yourself or your circumstances.

Many people see card reading as a way to Self-development and for spiritual growth.😊

You can consult an expert for card reading or interpret the cards intuitively yourself.

Choose a set of cards that speaks to you and place them in a quiet place. Formulate a question that is close to your heart. Now draw one or more cards and interpret them according to your Intuition.

Meditation and dream interpretation

Meditation and dream interpretation offer powerful tools to Messages from our Subconscious to decode.

Find one quiet placewhere you are undisturbed. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Concentrate on your breath and let go of all thoughts.

Immerse yourself in a state of deep relaxation and listen to the voice of your inner self. Meditation allows you to connect with your higher self and find clarity.

During the Rauhnächte our Dreams especially intensive and significant. Pay attention to your dreams and write them down in detail when you wake up.

Many believe that the dreams during the Rauhnächte Messages may contain. They give hints for the coming year or show Solutions for problems.☝🏼

Dream interpretation helps you to hidden messages of your dreams. Symbols and emotions can give you clues about your current situation, your wishes and fears.

Light candles

In the mystical time between the years, the Twelve Nights, the Element fire a special role. Candlelight symbolizes light, warmth and purity and is an integral part of many rituals.🕯️

This Rauhnächte ritual not only stands for physical light in the darkest time of the year, but also for spiritual and spiritual enlightenment.

Choose candles in colors that match your intentions. White candles stand for Clarity and purity. Red candles for love and Passion. Green candles for Growth and prosperity.

Light the candles on a quiet place and concentrate on the flame. The warm light and gentle flickering create an atmosphere of peace and security.

You can also use the candles in conjunction with other rituals, such as meditation, oracles or incense. The Light of the candles amplified the Energy of these rituals and supports you in manifesting your goals.😊

During the Rauhnächte, when the days are short and dark, candles symbolize the light of the Hope and the A new beginning. They give us warmth and security and help to dispel the darkness.

Collect natural gifts

On these holy nights, many people go out into nature to collect twigs, stones, cones or herbs.

These objects symbolize the Direct connection to the earth and their seasons and serve as a physical reminder that everything in life follows a natural rhythm.🍂

Collecting these gifts can be seen as a Act of gratitude towards nature which at the same time raises awareness of our own dependence on and responsibility for the natural world.

These objects are often used at home on Altars placed or used in rituals to energize the living spaces. clean and to bless.

But there are also other options. Tie fir branches in your wreath, place mistletoe over your door or put Gemstones on your bedside table.

Also Incense made from natural materials such as herbs and resins plays an important role in the Rauhnächte. The scent of nature purifies the atmosphere and promotes the connection to the spiritual world.💫

They serve as Protection symbols and Energy sources, that remind us of the power and beauty of nature throughout the year, promoting a deeper spiritual connection and grounding.

Gratitude and appreciation

Take time each day of the Rauhnächte to be grateful for the large and small gifts of life.

On these nights when the old year ends and the new one begins, many take the opportunity, to look back and gratitude for the experiences and lessons of the past year.

Introduce Gratitude diary, in which you write down what you are grateful for. It can be material things, such as a cozy home or delicious food. But also intangible values such as love, friendship or health.😊🫶🏼

Speak your gratitude out loud or write them in letters to the people who are important to you. Say thank you to your loved ones, to nature or to yourself.

By focusing on gratitude and appreciation, you open your heart to New opportunities and attract more abundance and happiness into your life.

13 Wishes

With this tradition you connect with your inner strength and lay the foundation for a happy and fulfilling year.😊

Take time on each of the Twelve Nights to write a wish on a small piece of paper.

Formulate your wishes clear and positive and choose words that reflect your emotions.

Fold the note and keep it in a safe place. Every evening of a Raunacht you intuitively choose a piece of paper and burn it in a fireproof container.🔥

While watching the flame, visualize your Wish and feel the energy that is connected to it. Send your intentions into the universe full of trust.

At the end of the Rauhnächte a single wish list left over. Keep this until the end of the year.

This last wish is not incinerated - but you can open and read the note. To make this wish come true, you have to do it yourself.💫

Superstitions surrounding the Rauhnächte

Traditionally, these nights are regarded as a time when the normal laws of nature and society are suspended and supernatural powers are at work.

It is said that on these nights the Spirits of the deceased visit the earth and that the future can be revealed.

Many rituals, such as burning incense in the house with sacred herbs, serve the purpose of driving away evil spirits and blessing the home for the coming year.

It is also customary during the Rauhnächte no laundry to hang upas it is believed that this could annoy the spirits or they could get caught in the laundry.

Windows and doors should remain closed to to keep evil spirits away. Sweeping and cleaning are also taboo, as this could sweep away the blessings of the past year.

Another superstition says that during the Twelve Nights do not sew or knit so as not to "intertwine" fate.

My conclusion

The Twelve Nights are a Deeply rooted spiritual timethat you can use to find yourself and make a fresh start.

For centuries Rough nights rituals practiced. This is to ensure that the following year will also be a good one.

I have given you the most common rituals shown. Now it's up to you to take your luck into your own hands.

All the best!💫🔮

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