My first 15 kilometer trail run competition

My first trail run

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Here I tell you how I made it from 5 kilometers to 15 kilometers in a short time. And how I mastered my first trail run.

Quite carelessly I let myself be persuaded. Learn a little trail running and complete a small final run. I can do that easily. Full Confidence I bring spiroergometry and a running seminar behind me.

Then I'm starting to get a little worried. 15 kilometers are quite a lot.

Soon my biggest sporting challenge will start - my first trail run! As excited as I am, I am also desperate - can I do it? I've only run a maximum of 5 kilomter and that only on the flat.

I get restless, nervous and really out of sorts. But my personal trainer, Werner, assures me that I can do it easily. Haha well, let's see. :)

8 weeks of hard training lie ahead of me. Here I tell you about my experiences.

Spiroergoemetry as a basis for training

So that Werner can draw up a training plan for me, I first have to do a spiroergometry. In a nutshell, this is a test that measures how fit you are based on the air you breathe. During the test, you wear a mask and have to run at different speeds on a treadmill.

My results are amazingly good, even though I rarely went running before I started running:

  1. My lung volume is very good - from 0 - 100 points I have 98! That surprised me a lot, because as a smoker I thought I could hardly breathe.
  2. My heart rate ranges for fat burning, aerobic, anaerobic, and max were quite different than I thought. I had my range calculated in my running app that connects to the heart rate monitor (by age, height, weight, etc.). And was always depressed because I was getting over max heart rate so quickly. But after spiroergometry, I got my actual ranges - and they were extremely different from the standard app calculation - by about 20 beats per minute!

So I set about preparing - adjusting the running app to my heart rate, finding running routes and working through the training plan.

Werner prepared a training plan tailored to me. It included three running sessions and two strength sessions per week.

Strength training consists of exercises for my weak points like the outer side of my thighs.

The three running sessions are always divided into:

  • easy endurance run
  • Interval training
  • Trail running

The casual endurance run

At the same time, my pulse should remain quite low and the route should be straight. Gravel or trails are ideal.

Loose route without slope

The first run is 7 kilometers long. I beg your pardon? 7 kilometers at once? Believing that I won't get further than 5 kilometers anyway, I start my first attempt. The first 3 kilometers I have to really torture myself.

I thought to myself, if I manage 5 km it's good anyway. But I managed the 5 km - not lcoker, but I was also not close to death.

So I put another 2 kilometers up. And they went better than I thought! Proudly I was already looking forward to the next unit.

The interval training

Or as I call it, torture with gasping breath!

Ha, that sounds great. First 2 kilometers to run in, then the running ABC, and then the interval training with walking breaks. Nice and easy. 10x 400 m sprint and 250 m easy walking. Perfect.

Thought not. I didn't know how much 400 m can drag on. I sprint off right away, my pulse should finally come to a stop. When I can't go any further, my stupid app says, "You've done 1/4 of the interval." By then I was close to despair - how am I supposed to keep this up for another 300m? And the whole 10 times?

Here you can see the intervals nicely based on the speed and heart rate

Somehow it goes on then nevertheless. The last 3 intervals are pure agony - my friend laughs and says that he can already hear me gasping meters away. That was my near-death gasp. But I made it. And know now: Interval training is pure horror.

Trail running

Yes, I was particularly looking forward to it! I have started hiking for some time and thus know a variety of routes in the area that are suitable for it.

As a trail running premiere I choose a hiking route at 1800 hm. I should regret that later, but at this point I was highly motivated.

The trail run should last 70 minutes and include 220 hm.

The run is beautiful. Uphill I should go, which I did thankfully and run the rest of the way loosely.

What I have not calculated: The day before it had rained heavily. The first part of the way is ok.

But then it goes steeply uphill over meadows and narrow path.

Wouldn't be so bad if the former path wasn't now a traveling stream. I hop from stone to root and back again so as not to get my feet wet.

At some point, however, that no longer helps and I'm soaking wet. Up to the knee.

At the latest now I don't care about anything. I run through the mud. After all, I can't get any wetter.

Here it was a bit wet - just across, who needs dry feet?

When I arrive at the finish line, I'm exhausted but happy.

What I totally underestimated was the altitude - already during the run I noticed that I was gasping for air more than usual. And at home I got the fat bill: headache alarm!

It gets better every week

Each week so far is divided the same with strength training, endurance running, intervals and trail running. What changes are the distance and the length of the unit.

To my shame, I have to admit that I often fall a bit behind the training schedule. There's so much to do at work that I can't always train as planned. And unfortunately it rains quite often during my entire preparation time.

But I'm doing my best :) In week 5, I even complete an interval run of 11 kilometers. I didn't think I could do that at the beginning. I am already a little proud of myself!

I noticed that I only get into a relaxed flow after 6 kilometers. And that even though I thought I didn't have anything like that. It feels like I could keep running like this forever.

I'm starting to feel optimistic: if I keep at it, I'll be able to do the trail in no time!

The last week before the competition

After 7 sweaty weeks it is here - the last week of training. Also the day of the competition is getting closer and closer.

The plan is a 13-kilometer run and two recovery runs. Just before the race itself, no more runs are planned - after all, I'm supposed to start the day refreshed.

The 13-kilometer run is the dress rehearsal for the actual competition. Quite a challenge!

But thanks to the training so far, I make it including 450 meters of altitude. But admittedly: It was hard, very hard. The next day my legs burn quite a bit. But it also shows me that I really can do the run.

So I'm really looking forward to the competition. However, I still have to make a few preparations. Shopping is on the plan! During a run over 75 minutes you have to supply your body with nutrients. Preferably with fast digestible carbohydrates and of course fluids. And you also have to transport all that stuff!

So I buy a trail running backpack. It is particularly light, small and ergonomic. After all, it should not slip back and forth while running and be comfortable. In addition, an isotonic drink, a power bar and an energy gel came in my shopping bag.

Well, then it can start. In the evening before the run, I relax with yoga and then go to bed early.

The day of the decision - the 15 km trail on Lake Wörthersee

The day starts very relaxed. I treated myself to a runner's breakfast with simple carbohydrates. Toast with cocoa cream and a banana - mhm, delicious. Then I slipped into my runner leggings and a sports shirt. To be on the safe side, I still take my shorts with me. You never know - it's fall, but it could still be warm.

And I was right - it was not only warm, but hot! So before the start I quickly change my pants and put on my cap.

And then I already have to get to the starting line. I'm pretty excited.

The starting signal is given! And everyone runs past me. Really all of them.

After a few kilometers it starts to get really exhausting. Because from then on the dreaded climbs begin - in total I have to cope with 800 meters of altitude!

Just before the halfway point of the run, I can no longer. The altitude, the heat, the pressure - it's a bit much. I'm panting, my head is red and my lungs are burning. I am desperate.

I think briefly of giving up. Then I see a few spectators standing on the side of the road. With a large tablet in their hands. How nice, I think to myself, someone must have particularly nice fans. Then I come closer and see what's written on it - something with "Lisa". Someone's name is Lisa, too! Only a few meters before the small crowd I realized that I was meant!

My colleagues had come especially to cheer me on! I'm so touched that I can't disappoint them, of course. After a short break, I go through with the run. Up to the last kilometer it goes quite well - but exactly this is extremely strenuous. There is no significant elevation gain, but it is on asphalt. And I keep thinking that the finish is just around the corner. But it's still not there.

But then the moment has come: I see the finish line. I gather my last strength and put in a short sprint. After 02:15:22 I have made it. And even with a - for me - quite good time.

Trail running competition
Me (second from left) with other participants at the finish line

I am incredibly happy, sweaty and at the end of my rope. But I am so happy that I really made it.

My conclusion

It was just pure madness. I am glad to have survived the day and swear to myself "Running, I'll never do it again!"

But somehow it got me. I was infected with the running fever. Just two days after that, I grabbed my running shoes and went trail running in the forest.

And I still do that today, more enthusiastically than ever. And I run 15km every now and then on the weekend. Just like that. Who would have thought that?

My first trail run

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